Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bear's War (Asps Series, Book #5) - Team picks up new member.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Asps add a new member to team.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Bruce sighed and almost groaned, “Tell me about this guy.”

“You know how it’s always nice to be in the presence of the best at something—best shoeshine guy, best dentist, best shot, best anything—well Pete Sokolowski is the best mechanic I’ve ever seen.  He came to the Seabees before my unit was assigned to them for a few operations…including yours.  Seems they were in Iraq and having all sorts of difficulty with their rigs.  They put out an emergency call for some help.  The guy nominated to help them was Pete.  He was on a tin can in the Gulf and was flown in to give them a hand.  Well, he liked them and they loved him, so he wound up becoming a Seabee.  Bet the skipper of the tin can was pissed he never got his man back.  Anyhow, the last I heard he was still with the same outfit, and they were out in the desert digging up Saddam’s planes, the ones he buried before we started the war.”

“You sure he could handle this?”

“Oh, hell, yes…in his sleep.  You notice that hairpin turn on the downgrade from the villa?  And notice the reflector on a pole right in the middle of the turn on that rock retaining wall that runs down the outside of the drive?”

“Yeah.  So?”

“So, you want their truck to lose it, so it plows through said wall right there—Saint Peter is your man.”

“You sure?”

“Don’t ask me again, Bruce.  Yes, I’m sure.”

Bruce looked around at his group and asked, “Anybody got any other ideas on the subject?  Any other way to make it seem the whole thing we’re gonna do is an accident?”

When no one spoke, Bruce got his phone out and called Glenn.  When he had him on the phone, he got right to the point.  “Glenn, we need a Navy guy…pronto.  Second Class Machinist’s Mate…Seabee.  Name is Pete Sokoloski.  See if you can get him for us?”

“Do I get to know why?”

Bruce told him and Glenn muttered, “Crap—okay, I’ll try.”


Two hours later, Dusty and Kye were on their way to Iraq in the plane they had flown into Switzerland with.  As they flew, Kye joked, “Sure beats the hell outta sitting in a tree.”

A very confused First Class Machinist’s Mate was waiting for them at Baghdad International Airport.  They hustled him on board the plane, and while Kye flew it back toward Switzerland, Dusty explained what he was needed for.

When he finished, Pete Sokolowski shrugged.  “Should be no problem…other than…may I ask…er…never mind.”

“Go ahead.”

“Is it legal?”

“Depends on what your definition of ‘legal’ is.  If killing terrorists is legal in your mind, yes.  If not, no.  By the way, I see you made First Class.  Congratulations…we were told you were Second Class.”

“About six months ago…and thanks.  Killing terrorists is legal in my book…I’m in.”



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