Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Clyde and friends nab guy who put weapons in a friend's car before a trip to Mexico.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone action/adventure book featuring Clyde Feegle and several old friends.  Clyde and friends catch man red-handed putting arms into Michelle’s rental car as he had done with a friend before she drove into Mexico.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



As they followed her, Ralph dryly muttered, “Well, two down, one to go.  Hope you guys are right about the guy at the service station.”

Clyde and Bob had told Ralph the previous Monday they had a feeling the weapons were probably added to the trunk of Sandy’s car during her stop for gas.  At Ralph’s words, Clyde grunted in reply, “Yeah—me, too.  This is gonna be one hell of a wasted bit of time and energy if we’re wrong.”

Bob mumbled, “I sure hope we don’t have this thing figured out all wrong.”

Ralph joked, “It sure would be the pits to find out Mitch’s sister is a gun runner who just got caught.”

Clyde growled, “Not funny, Mr. Mead.”

“That’s ‘Special Agent Mead’ to you, pal.  And, yes—it was funny…or at least I thought so.”

Those three were still joking around when Michelle pulled into the filling station.  She got out and started filling the car.  As she did, the man on duty at the station came out, looked at her, smiled, and nodded greetings.  She smiled back and continued filling her car as the man asked, “Haven’t seen you before—you from around here?”

“No, just a tourist.  Gonna go into Mexico and wanted to fill up on this side of the border, since I have no idea what the gas situation is on the other side.”

“Good move,” the man replied as he walked around the car, then suddenly squatted down as he spoke.

Ralph in the rear, and Bob in the front—both had binoculars trained on him.  As the man deftly loosened the tire stem to let air out, Bob growled, “Gotcha, you son-of-a-bitch.”

As he spoke, the attendant walked around to Michelle who was putting the gas nozzle back in place.  “Ma’am, you’ve got a low front tire…probably picked up a nail or something.  I better check it out for you.”

“Oh, alright.  Thanks for checking things over for me,” Michelle muttered as she put the gas cap back in place.  “Will it take long?”

“No more than half an hour or so.  Around the corner, first building is a nice café, if you’d like some good grub.  I eat there nearly every day.  Mostly Mexican, but they serve other things—and they’re all good, too.  I’ll come round you up when I’m finished, if you like.”

“Thanks—that’s a wonderful idea…much appreciated.  See you in a while.”

As she talked, Michelle tossed the keys to the car to the man, and headed in the direction he had pointed when telling her about the café.

When she walked off, the man got in and backed the car into the garage bay, onto the rack there. 

Ralph asked, “You see that?  Who in the hell backs a car onto a car lift?”

Bob growled, “No one I ever heard of.  Do have to admit he did a good job of it.”

Clyde joined in the conversation, “Yeah—probably has a lot of practice.”

The three in Clyde’s car watched as the attendant went to the front tire with a tire-plugging kit and jabbed it into the tire, pulled it back, and cut the patching material off at the tire, before he started airing the tire back up to full.

Bob shook his head.  “Hey, asshole—you forgot to take the nail out.”

Clyde and Ralph agreed with the man’s ‘oversight’, while waiting for what they expected Bob to see on his laptop. 

When the trunk came open, Bob reported, “Here we go—bet he loads it up soon.”

And so he did.  Bob watched and relayed to his two friends what he was seeing, as the attendant put a large armload of arms in the trunk.  They continued to wait until he returned with still more, before covering both loads with a blanket.

Bob suggested, “I’m thinking we may as well go bust the bastard, fellas.”

Clyde started their car, without responding verbally.  As he drove to the same pump Michelle had used, Ralph made a call to the men he had standing by a few blocks away.  “Okay, we’ve got him red-handed.  Just pull into the station and go about filling you car, until I give you the high sign.”

Bob growled, “You stay right here in the car, ‘Special Agent’ Mead.  Clyde and I will have a few words with him.  You got your comm set turned on?”

“Yes.  Go.”

Bob and Clyde hurried into the garage bay and charged the attendant.  Both had their weapons out and pointed at him.  Clyde grumbled, “You might want to stand very still if you like living.”

“What?  What?  Who are you?  Cops?”

Bob shook his head.  “Nope.  We’re your worst nightmare.  We’re citizens not attached to the government in any way.  Oh—and we have a nasty attitude.”


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