Monday, December 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Rescue mission in Costa Rica.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone action/adventure book featuring new hero Clyde Feegle.  Clyde and team parachute down inside Costa Rica to rescue kidnapped DEA agent.  Enjoy and have a great day.



When the jet reached the coordinates of the GPS signal—which they were now picking up—Merrill had the plane overfly the site with a very expensive infrared system aboard, showing only six signatures.  Merrill told the pilot to start a long circle around, for the parachute drop.  In was full dark, with very little moonlight.  Even as he went back to the cabin, he knew the jump would be a bit dicey, but only reported, “Six signatures—so we’re only dealing with five guys, if she’s one of the six.”

Clyde nodded, “Let’s get ready to jump.  With only five—or at the worst, six—Mitch, you and Dick with rifles.  Merrill and I’ll go in without them.  George, we’ll see you when you arrive with our transportation.  Bring a stretcher, in case she’s in bad shape.  By the way, what’s her name?”

“Reyna Ballesteros.  Good luck, fellas—and thanks.”

Two minutes later, all four of the jumpers were on their way to the ground.  All were wearing night vision goggles, so managed to avoid getting hung up in any of the trees in the area.  Clyde had a good idea which way to go, but Mitch checked the direction of the GPS signal and led the way on point, while Dick took the rearguard position, with Merrill and Clyde in the middle.  As they neared the small building they sought, Mitch held up his hand.  The others closed on him. They could see one man standing outside, next to a ramshackle car, drinking from a bottle of liquor. 

Clyde muttered, “Oh, for God’s sake—would you look at that idiot?  Mitch, we’ll work our way around.  When I flick my comm set speaker, end his miserable life, please.”

Mitch chuckled.  “You got, it, Clyde.”

When Clyde, Dick, and Merrill were in place at the house—after having determined there was only one door—Clyde gave the signal to Mitch.  Less than three seconds later, the man in front of the building was dead.  Even as Mitch started moving closer to the house, the other three burst through the front door.  Their intent had been to take one man alive, and they managed to take all four.  On seeing three men with weapons pointed at them, all had put their hands in the air. 

One of the men glanced from one to the other two of his men and muttered, “Now.”

The other three died even as they started to reach for their guns.  Clyde was all over the obvious leader of the group in a flash, knocking his gun from his hand before smacking him in the side of the head with his own weapon.  Certain the man was no threat, Clyde growled, “Dick, watch this asshole.  Come on, Merril—let’s look for Miss Ballesteros.”

They found her in a bedroom, tied spread-eagled to a bed, hands and feet tied to the four corners.  Her clothing was mostly torn off.  Clyde noticed her left arm and right leg were both broken.  She had been beaten in several places on her body (including her face), and lastly he noticed semen seeping out of her.  He nearly turned around to go kill their captive, brutally, but kept himself together.  As he pulled his knife to cut her free, he growled, “Merrill, find some clean linen or something to make compresses, then soak them in cold water and come in and work on her cuts and bruises, while I start on her arm and leg.”

Merrill, who was about to throw up, was only too happy to go elsewhere.  After Clyde cut her free, one puffed eye slowly opened and she muttered, “Shoot me, please.  Just kill me.”

“No deal, Reyna.  You’re too good for that.  I’ll do my best to fix you up, then we’ll get you some proper attention.”


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