Monday, June 6, 2016

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series - An al-Qadia in Bolivia drug operation gets a visit.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The team and friends take out a terrorist drug processing facility in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a great day.



While Drew was enjoying himself immensely, Bruce and his team had made their way to the al-Qaida camp.  They had it surrounded on three sides…though on the two sides other than the longest stretch, the person on the end of the attackers was less than a third of the way to the far side of the camp.  There would be no shooting each other.  Bear, Dusty, and Ike were up trees.  Their job was to keep any of the armed men from reaching the tree line surrounding the camp—with special emphasis on the far side of the compound and the two sides above where their comrades had moved. 

All members of the team wore Ghillie suits.  So, with the exception of the three in the trees, they were now well concealed in their various assigned places.  They could see over a hundred armed men in various places around the camp.  There were also over two hundred workers.  Everyone agreed this had to be the main al-Qaida processing center, as Maggie and Jack had reported this camp was half again as large as the one they chose not to try to attack alone.

Jim, a few feet from Bruce, looked over at him, as he sighed.  He said into his communication set, “This could be a pip.  Sure wish we had some grenades or something, but with all those peasants around, we’d kill innocents if we used something like that.”

Bruce just nodded.  “Anybody not ready?”

Holly grumbled, “You gotta be kidding, Bruce Edmonds.  This is gonna be a piece of cake.  We’re all ready—just waiting on the word.”

“Yeah, Wendy—fire at will.”

Even as the onslaught started, there were a few chuckles at Bruce calling Holly, Wendy.  But it only lasted a few seconds, when terrorists started dropping all over the camp. With all fourteen members of the team firing virtually silent sniper rifles, and most of them firing at close range, it was a turkey shoot for a few seconds.  In those first few seconds, over forty terrorists died.  When the remainder did react, they really had no idea where the shots were coming from, nor how many shooters there were.

Some of the terrorists fired wildly in all directions; those who were returning fire were picked out as immediate targets by the experienced shooters in the group, which was everyone but Edgar.  He had been given one of the spare sniper rifles the team always carried with them for various obvious reasons.  He was quite pleased with both the rifle and himself, as he was sure he had not missed a shot taken.  He noticed the recoil on these rifles was much less than any he had used in his training—which fact also pleased him.  Bear, Dusty, and Ike were making sure armed men who broke for the tree line were eliminated before they could reach the trees or other vegetation.

Bear, on the far right of the three tree snipers, was also watching a shack everyone assumed was the headquarters of the camp.  Just as he killed a man running for the fringe of the camp, something caught his attention, as one of the terrorists threw his own weapon out a window and soon followed it.  Bear had caught a glimpse of the weapon.  When the man came out of the window, Bear nailed him even before he picked it up. 

Dusty saw one of the armed men running in the middle of a group of workers.  He tracked him carefully and squeezed off his shot, before moving on to his next target as the man fell to earth.  While he had been intent on him, another one made the tree line, but not far enough in for Dusty to have any trouble ending his terrorist days.

Less than ten minutes after the assault started, over a hundred armed men lay dead on the compound. 


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