Thursday, June 16, 2016

Back To China (Other Books) - Jim plans the rescue.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone Jim Scott book, featuring Jim, some old friends, and a newer one.  Jim decides the best way to get two kidnapped scientists back from China is to rescue them by first parachuting out of a B-2 at 30,000 feet.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While Tony and Hector were making their calls, the President had spoken to the Wing Commander at Whiteman Air Force Base.  He told him he was to take any requests from Jim Scott as having come from him directly.  He also informed the Wing Commander the phone he was using was on speakerphone.

After the Wing Commander reluctantly agreed, Jim got right to the point of the call.  “Sir, I’ve got a couple of questions for you.  Is it possible to bail out of one of your B-2s?  I mean, is it feasible for someone other than the pilots in an abandoning mode.”

“While the A/C wasn’t designed with that in mind, with some temporary modifications in the bomb bay, it can probably be done with reasonable risks—depending on numbers of people and amount of support equipment.  How many and how much do you have in mind?”

“There will be four of us.  Could you accommodate that many in the bomb bay, with the necessary support and survival equipment for a drop from 30K.”

“I suppose it could be done—and before you ask, we could probably keep you from freezing to death before dropping you.  We would also rig communication between you and the flight crew.  Do you mind if I ask why you would take this type of risk?”

Jim explained about the two kidnapped physicists and what they had been working on before being captured by the Chinese, then added, “Timing is of the essence.  It is our judgment that they must be rescued within twenty-four hours, to keep what they know from being bled from them.  What we plan is for the four of us doing the jump to rescue them, then be picked up by a C-130 already in route to the area.  We have GPS on the exact location of the facility where they are being held—it’s in Qinghai Province.”

“Whew.  We’ll make it work, Mr. Scott.  When do I expect you?”

“One member of the team is arriving via car.  His name is Bob Becker.  Please have him met at the front gate and brought to you.  The other three of us will be arriving on the fastest plane available at Andrews.  I hope to leave within the next half hour.  Have a couple more requests.  In addition to the thermal gear you’ll come up with to keep us from freezing to death, we will need black—or black and dark green—camos, with a yellow star on a red field on the left chest.  We’ll also need some sort of Chinese-looking hat with the same logo on the hat.  Can do?”

“We’ll get what you want together, somehow.  Anything else?”

“How are you at praying?”   


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