Monday, June 20, 2016

Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Another hit team bites the dust.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book, featuring some old friends, and a few new ones.  Drug kingpin “Z” loses another hit team.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When far enough from the scene, to avoid being heard, Clyde whispered, “I’m thinking the one in the tree is Maduro…with rifle.  The guy nearest the road has a rocket launcher; the other one an RPG.”

“Agreed.  My guess is they plan to let the two SUVs pass, then hit ‘em from both directions.  The ones down by Jim and Holly will aim for the first one, while these guys hit the one in the rear.  No problem setting up to take out those two, then making a try at getting Maduro alive.  We’ve got all kinds of questions we should ask him.  You want the one with the RPG, or the rocket launcher?”

“I’ll take the rocket man, Bob—you get the RPG.  Then you hit Maduro in the foot, and I’ll separate him from his rifle.”

“Done deal.  Let’s move on back in and let everyone know when it’s showtime.  No need to bother Lloyd and risk them getting shot up.”

“Just what I was thinking.  If you agree, Jim, give us a thump.”

After Jim thumped his comm set, Bob and Clyde selected good shooting positions.  When they got there, Bob looked at Clyde, who nodded.

Bob whispered, “Showtime, boys and girl,” then squeezed off his killing shot, taking out the man with the rocket launcher. 

All four on the team had silenced rifles.  Clyde shot at the same time as Bob, and Maduro didn’t even know he was now alone in the immediate area—but soon found out.

Before he knew, however, Jim and Holly had been busy, too.  By agreement, Jim took out the man with the rocket launcher in their area, while Holly did the same to the man with the RPG.  The man in the tree happened to be looking down at the man with the rocket launcher as he slumped down in death.  He whispered, “What in the…?”

The word “hell” never escaped his lips, as Jim’s second shot ended his life.  The other man didn’t even hear the few words the partners had whispered, because Holly had already shot and killed him.

Maduro did hear—but as he did, he received a shot in the bottom of one of his feet, while his sniper rifle was hit and knocked from his hands.  Clyde yelled, “Hey, asshole—you’re alone now.  Come on down the tree without nonsense, or you’ll come down dead.”

Maduro heard, but couldn’t see Clyde.  But since his foot hurt and his rifle was gone, he decided his sidearm would just stay where it was.  He yelled back, “Okay, I surrender.  I’m coming down.”

As he started down, he forgot about the wounded foot and put his weight on it on the second limb below him.  He screamed out in pain, lost his balance, and came tumbling down.

Jim growled into his comm set, “We’re done here.”

Bob muttered, “Aw, shit,” then added, “Not directed at you, Jim.  We’re pretty sure the guy in the tree was Maduro…and he just fell all the way down.  Heading toward him now.”

Jim replied, “That situation is worth an ‘aw, shit’, I’d say.  We’ll hang out here, waiting to hear from you.”

Bob hurried to Maduro while Clyde went to check on the other two, to make sure they were dead.  Jim and Holly were also checking on their four bodies when Bob swore, then added, “The bastard is dead—and it is Maduro.”

Jim muttered, “Scratch one potential good source of information.  Tough luck, fellas.  Someone besides me is gonna call Glenn with the news, though.”


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