Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer gets a new partner.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer gets a new partner and learns just a bit about her.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Reggie laughed, “Got a favor to ask.  Gordon and I talked.  We both like this idea of you working alone.  I know you seem to like it.  But I need to ask you to work with someone for a while.  Her…”

“Hold it.  Don’t start with the ‘her’ bit.  Remember, I’m married to a redhead.”

“This nice lady—coming over from drug enforcement—has been working undercover for three years, but nearly got banged.  Gordon wants her to get a chance here.  I want her on the evening shift.  But I want you to train her for a few weeks.  Can you do this for me?  Please…for old time’s sake?”

“Reggie, just how many times are you gonna use ‘for old time’s sake’ in the next several years?  Okay…but you owe me.  You’re also calling Ruth right now to tell her this is your idea.  Tell her I objected first.”

Elmer had been taking out his cell phone as he spoke.  Reggie sighed, held out his hand, then took the phone from Elmer, after he pressed the “one” on the speed dial.

When Ruth answered, “Hi, you sexy devil—I’m ready for a little action,” Reggie nearly choked.

“Hi, Ruth—this is Reggie…using Elmer’s phone.  How are you?”

Ruth laughed, “Hi, Reggie.  What’d he do now?”

Reggie laughed, also, then explained the situation with the new detective in Homicide.  When he finished, Ruth joked, “Sure—just tell him to sleep on Red’s downstairs couch tonight.  Goodbye.”

Reggie looked at the dead phone in his hand, as he smiled.  “She said ‘no problem’.”

“Come on, Reggie—what did she really say?”

Reggie told him.  Elmer smiled, “Okay, I’ll do it.  Got ten says I don’t sleep on any old couch tonight, either.  But please tell me this gal isn’t good-looking.”

“No bet…see for yourself,” Reggie said as he waved to the thin young lady standing outside the door with Alan.

Elmer turned and saw how attractive—if a bit small chested for Elmer’s taste—she was.  He turned back to Reggie and said, “You rat,” as the young lady came into the office.

Elmer stood up as Reggie introduced them.  “Elmer Bader, meet Maine Bobbitt.”

Elmer put out his hand.  It was taken and shaken by Detective Maine Bobbitt.  “Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Bader.  Like every detective on the force, I’ve heard of you.  It’s an honor.”

“Nice to meet you—and it’s ‘Elmer.’  Come on—you’re stuck with me for a while.  See you, Captain.”

Reggie laughed, watching them walking out of the office.  When they got to Elmer’s desk, he pointed to the desk back-to-back with his.  “That’s yours.”

Maine sat down.  Elmer smiled, “Pity you weren’t here a couple of hours ago.  I just got one of those once-a-year deals.  Closed a new case in less than two hours.  Got an easy confession.”

“I know…I saw from the observation room.  Alan and Bert took me in there…as Alan said, ‘to watch the great Elmer Bader in action’.”

“Did that idiot also tell you he’s my brother-in-law?  Did he also tell you the last person I tried to train only made it a day or six with me?”

“‘No,’ to the brother-in-law; ‘yes’ to Bert only being with you a short time.  He also told me why Bert was now with him.  Alan did mention you taught Bert everything you knew in that short period of time.”

“Nice of you to repeat that little tidbit.  Now then, I only have two rules for new partners.  One, you get the coffee in the morning.  If it’s not made, make it.  Learn how from Alan.  You see Reggie make coffee, dump it immediately.  Make a fresh pot.  I forget what two is.  Tell me about ‘Maine’?”

“My mother, God rest her soul, had a states thing.  I’ve got a sister named Georgia, and a brother named Missouri.  My brother is now called ‘Mo’ by his pals in the Corps.  Everyone thinks my sister is from the south, so she has practiced an awful southern accent.  End of story.”


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