Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Jim thinks he knows who may be behind assassination attempt.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim has zeroed in on likely suspect behind the attempt on Michelle’s life.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Michelle nodded and food was quickly being prepared.  As they all ate, Jim brought them up-to-speed on how his research was going.  “Okay, first off…on Clinton.  I’ve gotten nowhere.  He seems to have vanished into the nether.  On the shot at Michelle, I did further research on the top five guys on my list.  The top one—this Henry Hoyer fella—seems a very likely candidate.  Now the trick is to prove it if it was him.  I managed to get his financials, and there was a nice fat transfer of two hundred and fifty grand into a numbered account on the Caymans.  Took a bit of time to track down whose account it was, but found that it belongs to one Richard Newton. 

“Newton has a past.  Said past includes suspicion of several killings nobody has ever been able to prove up.  Interpol is quite interested in him on a number of those killings.  Nothing here in America that anybody knows about, or even real suspicions.  About all I could find out about him is he’s American, got booted out of the Army, and spent a good portion of his life afterwards in Europe.  No record of him being in the country, as we speak.  Does seem like a good match…him and Hoyer.  Michelle, you remember Hoyer?  Saw him on your list.”

“Yes, I remember him, and the case.  Without going into a lot of detail, the case cost him a ton, and he was plenty pissed.  Gave me a real hard look as he left court with his attorney.”

Jim nodded.  “Okay, let’s concentrate on him…without losing sight of the possibility of it having to do with Lorri approaching you.  Bob, I’m thinking a bit of shadowing him is in order.  I’ve got his address.  What say you and I make a early morning—sometime around two or three—visit to plant some listening and video feeds at his place?”

“Sounds good.  Holly going with us?”

“Only to watch our backs.  She can drive and dump us off, then make sure nobody climbs up said backs.  I’ve got the stuff we’ll need on the plane.  We’ll get it later.  Best alert Bill to what we’re gonna be up to, so he can be alert to watch your home while we’re all gone.”

Michelle grinned, “Bob’s got me trained to man the gun ports.  Between him and Holly, I’ve become a pretty good shot…haven’t I, Bob?”

“Very good, dear.  More thanks to Holly than to me.  So thanks, Holly.”

“You’re welcome.  Glad you’re over worrying about me carrying my own weight on tomorrow morning’s deal.”

Bob sighed, shook his head, but made no comment, as he continued to eat.  On a matter Jim, Bob, and Holly had worked together on (along with others), Bob at first had questioned if Holly should join the other—male—members of the team.  He no longer had any doubts about Holly’s capabilities.


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