Friday, June 24, 2016

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Actress kidnapped.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The kidnapping goes well for the bad guys…just about the last thing that does in their plan.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



As he drove off, a man and his wife exited the Suicide Prevention Center and discovered the two unconscious bodyguards.  In a matter of minutes, the police had arrived, an ambulance was summoned, and the owner of the nightclub came out.  He had a sick feeling he knew what had happened.  He quickly told one of the policemen on the scene that he was certain the two men were bodyguards for Billie Jo Lane.

On hearing that, the policeman got back into his cruiser and called in the alert that Billie Jo Lane may have been kidnapped.  Soon, all manner of attention was being paid to the situation.

Meanwhile, Oscar and Henry drove to the pier where their boat, the Freedom Express, was located and, on seeing no one about—except a few on boats in the marina—picked up the tarpaulin that covered Billie Jo Lane and, after rolling her up inside it, carried her to the Freedom Express.  They were at sea in less than ten minutes.  Once their sails filled with the brisk wind that was blowing and their course was set, Oscar called Dale’s newly acquired cell phone and reported, “We’re underway, no problems.”

Dale replied, “Thank you,” and pushed the end button on his phone.


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