Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Chinese spy plans to take out Arnold after one miss.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Chinese spy, with his two thugs along, making plans.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



As Dan and Mark drove to Sedona, and Marty and Janet lined up for landing, Chang Lin, in the rear of a minivan with very dark window tinting on the back windows, ordered, “Rick, when we reach the motel, you check us in.  Be sure to get connecting rooms.  Gus and I’ll wait in the van.”

“Yes, sir.”

Rick Traeger was a monster of a man, standing nearly 6’5” tall and weighing over two hundred fifty pounds.  He was little removed from being a common street thug, with a low IQ but a keen street sense.  He had no idea that Chang was an intelligence officer of the Republic of China, and probably wouldn’t have cared if he knew.  What he did know was he was paid better than he had ever been paid in his life, and he was scared to death of Chang.  His “Yes, sir” to Chang wasn’t a matter of respect so much as it was the norm between the two men.  It did, however, reflect the fear he felt for his “master.”

Gus Burnett was only slightly smaller than Rick, by two inches and twenty pounds.  He too was an ex-street thug, but was a good deal more intelligent than his counterpart.  He also had a healthy amount of fear for Chang.  But, like Rick, he appreciated the money he was making, and he also appreciated the opportunity to kill on occasion.  Chang secretly admired that about Gus, because he too enjoyed killing—anything.

There were probably other ways to get done what Chang wanted to accomplish, but killing Arnold and Nancy appealed to him just for the fact of killing.

When they reached the motel where Chang wanted to stay, those two very evil men sat in the van as the vicious, but slightly less evil, Rick went into the motel office to register them.  It was the norm for two rooms to be rented, one for Chang, one for Rick and Gus, almost always in adjoining rooms.

When Rick returned to the van with the keys, he asked, “Are we gonna go to the rooms now?”

Chang shook his bald head.  “No, we have a thing or two that must be attended to first.  The weapons we have with us may not be sufficient for the men I’m sure Harry Chu will have by now arranged for us.  There is a man here who will supply whatever we may need.  I would like to go see him and make arrangements for him to be available when we need him if it is after his normal hours.  Then there is matter of picking up what I hope is now available for me.  There also is one more matter I just thought of that we should perhaps attend to.”


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