Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series - Sarah Jane wants to be a Marine.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Sarah Jane decides she wants to become a Marine, and also gets even with a terrorist, now captured, for raping her.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When Jim reached the area where Holly, Jessica, and Janet were chatting with the rescued women, he hugged Holly.  Then, as he gently patted her behind, he grinned.  “I guess you’re about ready to go.  Suzan is staying, so if you were saving a seat for her, let someone else go.”

Holly nodded.  “Okay, gals, let’s go.”

Sarah Jane stepped forward.  “Uh, I’d like a minute with Suzan, and a minute or so to say goodbye to one of those jerks in the cages.”

Jim nodded.  “Okay.  Suzan, will you relieve Hector watching the prisoners and tell him he’s about to leave?”

Suzan nodded and headed for the barn-like structure holding the cells.

Sarah Jane fell in alongside her and, as they walked, she glanced at her new friend.  “Suzan, I graduate from college in June…3.7 grade average.  Do you think I could get into the Marines?”

Suzan looked at her and realized she was serious.  “Sure.  I think you could cut it, too.  What about your father?  Won’t he have a fit?”

“It’ll do him good.  Ha, I’d like to see him doing an anti-war thing while I’m in the Marines.”

“Good enough.  I’ll help make sure you get a commission.  With your grade-point average, that’ll be no problem.  Jim could assist in that area as well.  Have Holly give him a call once you’re on your way and she can ask him for details.  And if I had anything to do with this decision, I want you to know how proud you make me feel.”

“You had everything to do with it.  I want to be just like you, or at least try.”

“Thanks.  I mean, really, thanks.”

When they reached the cells, Suzan looked at Hector.  “Jim says to head for the plane.  You’re about to leave.  I’m to take over in here.”

Hector nodded and stood up, putting away the silenced Walther.  As he did, Sarah Jane asked, “Could I borrow that for a second?”

“What, my gun?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hector looked at Suzan, who shrugged, then shrugged himself and handed the gun to Sarah Jane.  She took it and walked to the cage holding Ibn Ahmad.  She pointed it at him and Hector coughed.  “Uh, if you’re planning on using that, you have to release the safety.”

Suzan took the gun from Sarah Jane, released the safety and handed it back.  “You sure you really want to do what I think you’re about to do?”

“Yes.  Will I get in trouble if they have one less prisoner?”

Hector, from behind the two women muttered, “Nah.”

Ahmad was standing, looking boldly at Sarah Jane, almost daring her to do her damnedest.

She aimed the gun at a point between his legs and fired.  Ahmad screamed in pain, and Sarah Jane demurely handed Hector his gun.  “Thank you.”

Suzan smiled broadly as she watched them walk off, then she turned to Ahmad.  “I hope you bleed to death.  It’ll be fun dragging your ball-less body out to rot.”


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