Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Wendy not a happy camper.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Wendy finds out the team expects her to make a Gatling run through a tight gorge.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Wendy, who had been standing off to one side without comment, asked, “If I understand this right, I drop you guys in, then go sit and wait in Afghanistan until you figure out where to pick you up, right?  If so, why did we disturb Jim and Holly in St. Louis for this trip?  I mean, they deserve some time off for good behavior.”

Sir Alistair, in an attempt to thwart possible strong reaction to the pending plan devised by himself, Tony, Cyrus, and Bruce, cleared his throat.  “If they would behave well, they would be entitled to some time off.”

As he started to continue, Wendy cut him off and groaned, “Here it comes.”

Sir Alistair started again to speak, but Jim cut him off.  “They want you to make a Gatling gun raid on these bozos once they get them headed up the canyon you flew through when we…er, last visited Iran.”

Wendy asked, “You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

Bruce shook his head.  “Alas, no.  We know it’s a tight fit, but…”

“Tight fit, my ass,” Wendy roared, in close to a rage, “if I fly high enough to avoid crashing my plane, we’ll have Iran’s air force all over us.  You guys got air cover planned?  If not, we’re in the shits.  I can’t take on fighter planes with a C-130 armed with no more than four Gatling guns.  The bunch of you are certified.”

Jim asked, “Holly, you think you can make the run for us, if Wendy doesn’t want to?”

Holly, knowing full well what Jim was up do, didn’t bite as she answered, “If Wendy can’t do it, it can’t be done.  Keep me out of this, husband.”

Wendy also knowing what Jim was up to growled, “Nice try, Mr. Scott.  Trying to challenge me using Holly is a rotten trick…even for you.  You’ve egged me into taking risks I should never have tried with that approach in the past.”

Jim smiled as he asked, “Have you ever let us down, or ever been unable to complete a mission you set out to handle?”

“Oh, now he comes with the flattery.  Nice try again, aging warrior.”

Cyrus asked, “Wendy, why don’t we lay out the entire plan, then you can decide if you can handle your end of it or not?”

Wendy crinkled up the corners of her lips and nodded.

Bruce, Tony, and Cyrus, taking turns speaking, went over the plan.  When they finished, Sir Alistair asked, “Well, Jim, what do you think?”

“If Wendy can handle her end of it, it might work.  But even then, I’d say the chance of us winding up with a lot of dead people on our side is great.”

Sir Alistair asked, “Wendy, how say you?”

“I’ll try…but I agree with Jim.  I can see us in a shit storm.  However, with my husband gone all the time, I’m not getting any sex, so what’s to live for.”

Sir Alistair smiled, cleared his throat, then asked, “Jim, do you have any refinements to the plan to offer?”

“Perhaps a few.  But, I have a question for you, Sir Alistair.  Just where did the intelligence for this matter come from?”

Bruce answered for Sir Alistair, “If you’d spend more time at home, instead of at ballgames, you’d know.”

Jim shot him a dirty look.  “Thank you, Sir Alistair.”


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