Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - Two bad guys in tow.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Two bad guys slickly captured at Jim’s ranch.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When Patty lined up for her landing, she notified her passengers she was coming in for landing to refuel.  Both men looked out windows of the plane and could see little, except for the light panels in the middle of the runway Jim had requested the construction company who put the landing strip in to place there.  They thought nothing of it, and settled back for the landing, never suspecting anything was amiss.  Patty’s landing was her typical smooth landing and she taxied over toward the fuel truck near the empty hanger, which had the main door shut, but had one side normal-sized door open, showing light from inside.

Phil drove the fuel truck up to the plane, where he and Wendy got out and started the refueling process.  Mohammad and Rolfe looked out the windows, saw them, and just sat back down as Patty came to the cabin area and opened the door.  Jim and Holly drove up in one of the dune buggies used to drive on paved paths between the various homes on the complex and other buildings.  Holly came up the steps.  “Hi, Patty.  Got the normal papers for you to sign for the fuel.”

As Holly handed the clipboard to Patty, Jim followed her into the plane, carrying his bucket.  “I’ll check the toilets for you, Patty.  Be done before the fuel’s all in.”

“Thanks.  Shouldn’t need much attention, but appreciate your usual thorough service.”

Jim just nodded as Patty turned her back, looked at the clipboard, and took the pen Holly offered her.  Jim walked back toward the rear of the plane, nodded to the two passengers and, when he got to a position next to them, dropped his bucket and quickly reached into his pocket with the hand he had been carrying the bucket with.  The other hand already had one of the small canisters in it.  As he sprayed the face of Mohammad with one hand, he pointed the other canister at a startled Rolfe and sprayed him, also.

The whole process had taken him less than two seconds.  Now, with both men unconsciousness, Jim shook his head in amazement.  “Wow, Patty, you’re weren’t kidding when I asked you if you had a bad guy on board, and you told me two.  Ibn Mohammad is about as bad as they come…nice work.  Who’s this other guy?”

“He’s been using the name of Randal Rolfe…right now, I have no idea who he is—other than a friend of Mohammad’s.  What’d you do to them?  I turned my back so I wouldn’t give anything away, and the next thing I know they’re out and you’re telling me I did a good job.”

Jim told her, opened the mouth of Mohammad, as he checked his teeth to make sure there was no cyanide capsule there, then did the same to Rolfe.  Satisfied, he grabbed Mohammad by the back of his jacket and shirt underneath it and pulled him to the steps of the plane, then right on down to the ground.  Phil looked down from the wing he was on.  “I see you got ‘em.  Want help?”

“Naw, finish fueling,” Jim replied as he headed back into the plane to get Rolfe, who shortly thereafter was lying in a heap next to Mohammad.


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