Thursday, May 5, 2016

Back To China (Other Books) - Team for rescue completed, time for action.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scotty and other old friends.  Finishing touches put on plan to rescue two scientists.  Enjoy and have a great day.



As those two were leaving, Jim called Bob Becker.  “Bob, Jim Scott.  You feel like risking your bottom side on something that’s come up, needing immediate attention?”

“Sure, what?”

“Hector, his son Billy, and I are heading to China to retrieve two captured top-flight physicists the Chinese took prisoner.  They were snatched earlier today in Las Vegas, while they were on R&R from Area 51.  They must be retrieved quickly.  Our plan is to jump out of a B-2 at thirty thousand to get the job done.  Have our way out on the way as we speak—a C-130.”

“Wow!  Yeah, I heard about the shootout in Vegas.  That the deal?”

“Yes.  You game?  Good chance you’ll get your ass shot off.”


“Head for Whiteman…they’ll be expecting you.  I’ll be there with Hector and Billy, as soon as we can get there.  I’m in D.C. right now…at the White House.”

“Holy crap.  Okay…on my way—right after I kiss Michelle and tell her I can’t tell her anything.”

“Good man.  But tell her what you want…on a ‘for her ears only deal’.”

Ken came back in.  “Billy Garcia is on his way…or will be when the chopper gets there to pick him up.  Hope we don’t run out of helicopters, gathering in folks for this deal.  Secret Service isn’t too happy about two pending landings on White House grounds.”

The President grumbled, “They’ll get over it.  Ken, call Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri and tell them, on my direct orders, a man by the name of Bob Becker is going to be at their front gate in…”

As he paused and looked at Jim, who thought a second.  “About two hours.”

“About two hours.  They are to bring him in and show him all courtesies.  Tell them we’ll get back to them with an explanation shortly.”

Jim looked at Tony.  “Are you planning on being with the reception party for my team and the two scientists?”

“Yes.  I take it you think I should be leaving shortly.  How, and to where?’

The Prime Minister shook his head.  “Tony, I really don’t think it’s advisable for the Chief of SIS to take this kind of risk.”

“Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister, but I can’t ask Jim to do what he’s going to do and not lend a hand.  As we have already discussed, Margaret Doyle Littlefield is well qualified to take over when I retire.  Should I happen to die before retirement, the same applies.  I’m going.  The only way you can stop me is to shoot me—and I know you don’t have a weapon on your person.”

The Prime Minister shook his head, and flipped both hands at Tony.

Jim chuckled, “Thank you for your blessing, Mr. Prime Minister.  Holly, honey, as soon as Hector gets back in here, you three head to our plane.  Tell Hec to pull out what we’ll need—clothing will be supplied by Whiteman.  We’ll talk further when I get in the air to Whiteman.”

“Tony and I are gonna meet the 130…if so, where?”

“Israel.  Tony, call Wendy and have her divert to there.  Tell her you’re bringing her a co-pilot.”


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