Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy (Other Books) - Bob and Michelle convinced Bernard is not guilty of murder.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Bob, Michelle, and Lorri visit Lorri’s brother in prison.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After Bernard was seated, Lorri introduced Bob and Michelle, explaining that Michelle was their new attorney, and Bob was a private detective already working on the case.  At Bob’s request—made on the plane during the flight—Lorri did not mention the involvement of Jim and Holly, nor the assistance given by Gus.

Bob and Michelle had already agreed Bob would handle most of the interview, with Michelle asking anything she wanted along the way.  Bob looked Bernard directly in the eyes, as Bernard returned the look.  Bob nodded, “Bernard, the first question I want to ask you is, did you kill Hillary Snodgrass, or have anything to do with the murder?”

“No.  When I arrived at her home, she was already dead.  I made sure by checking her pulse.  When I did, I noticed she was already cooling down.  I mean her body temperature was down from normal.”

Bob was pretty sure he had not been lied to, so he continued, “What was the argument that you two got into hours before her death about?”

“We, the three of us…me, Hillary, and Wilfred Clinton…were working on—and had perfected—a new social media program.  Wilfred wanted to sell the concept as an improvement to one of the major players in the field.  I wanted to just start up our own.  Hillary was sorta sitting on the fence, but I’m sure she was going to go along with me.  The argument had really been about me not showing up at her place to spend the night the evening prior to her murder.  Just for spite, she threatened to side with Wilfred.  I knew she wasn’t gonna do it—or was at least sure she wouldn’t—but thought I better try to make peace, so off I went to her place…only to find her dead.”

“Tell me more about the thing you were working on—some particulars, please.”

Before the questioning had started, Michelle had started a recorder running, after getting Bernard’s approval.  Now, looking more at the recorder than at Bob, Bernard explained the system in as much detail as he could remember, while trying to make it understandable to non-experts in the field.  When he finished, he tilted his head as he looked back at Bob, then added, “Funny thing about our system.  A guy who knows computers pretty well just checked in here last week.  He was telling me one of the social media programs up and running had recently had a major upgrade.  He explained it as well as he could.  Sure sounded like our program.”

Bob sat upright as he asked, “Which one?  I mean which social media deal are you talking about?”

Bernard told him, then asked, “You think it might be our system?”

“I don’t know—but I’m damned sure gonna find out.”

Bob asked several more questions, before Michelle took a turn.  When she finished, Michelle told Lorri to chat with Bernard for awhile, but explained that since this was an attorney visit, she would have to stay in the room.  She also slid papers to Bernard to sign, appointing her as his new attorney. 

Lorri and Bernard then talked for several minutes, with Lorri telling Bernard about the happenings of the previous day—including the bungled appeal, the shooting, and the Beckers letting her stay with them for safekeeping.  When she told Bernard about how nice they had been about her money situation, he held up his hand for her to stop talking.

Bernard looked at Bob suspiciously.  “Why so nice to two people you don’t even know…or at least didn’t twenty-four hours ago?”

“Because we can, for starters.  Also, if you being in here is a miscarriage of justice, I’d like to see it corrected.  On top of that, if my wife was shot at because she was approached by Lorri, I’m plumb pissed.  If not, Lorri’s life is changed just because that might be the case.  In which case, I don’t want her to suffer because some nut took a shot at Michelle.  For what it’s worth, I’m inclined to think you are innocent.  If so, let’s get the right guy in here in your place.  Obviously Michelle agrees, or she wouldn’t have asked you to sign papers hiring her as your attorney.  We talked about this in bed last night, and Michelle is gonna do one of these pro-bono deals.  My time spent is also free of charge.  Okay with you?”

“Yeah, thanks.  Though I still don’t really understand, but I do appreciate it.”

When the three visitors were ready to go, Bob held out his hand.  “We may not be in touch for a few days.  I really do need to get to the bottom of who in the hell is targeting Michelle, and why.  But we’ll be working your case along the way.  Take care.”

Bernard shook Bob’s hand, then Michelle’s, before kissing his sister goodbye.  As they left, he again thanked Bob and Michelle.  Bob just waved over his shoulder with his free hand, as he held Michelle’s arm on the way out.


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