Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of Janitors Series - Jim on way to L.A.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series featuring Jim Scott and friends.  After accepting the job to eliminate Saddam Hussein, Jim heads to Los Angeles to verify the Iraqi drug operation there before heading to Iraq.  A reception committee will be waiting for him as the traitor makes his first mistake…thinking the death of Jim will be an easy matter.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Less than two hours later—after the other two members of the committee, the President, President-elect, and General Bradley were notified—another phone call was made…this one to Canada, to Thunder Bay, Ontario.  The person called was one Acmed Buribi, who was using the name and identity of a fictitious Mexican national by the name of Oscar Ramirez. 

Ramirez/Buribi was the head Iraqi in North America.  He saw to the off-loading of the Iraqi drug shipments at Thunder Bay and had them trucked to Medicine Hat, Saskatchewan.  From there they were flown, by clandestine flight, to points south into the United States.

Ramirez/Buribi answered the phone on the first ring.  Only one person had the number of that particular phone.  Therefore, no names were needed, “Yes.”

“We have a problem.  I am going to fax you the identity and current photos of two people, one man and one woman.  They are headed to Los Angeles to interface with our people there.  There is a note on the fax as to how they should be treated.”

“Very well.”        

Both men hung up and Ramirez/Buribi waited for the fax transmission.  When it came in it had the descriptions of both Jim and Holly, as well as a photo of each.  Under that information was a two-word message, “Kill them.”

Ramirez/Buribi read the text of the fax, placed a call to Los Angeles, and faxed the material to a fax machine there.  After he did so, Ramirez/Buribi re-read the material on Jim, taking particular note of the brief—but to Ramirez/Buribi, quite damning—information about Major Jim Scott’s activities behind enemy lines during the “Great War.”  When he had finished reading, Ramirez/Buribi thought, “It will be quite an honor to be responsible for the death of this Great Satan.”

The man called in Los Angeles and who received the fax on Jim and Holly was the third of the three men Holly had told Jim about, an Iraqi by the name of Aras Alwash.

Alwash at once set the wheels in motion to prepare a welcoming committee for them.  First, he had one of his men make up several copies of Jim and Holly’s pictures and descriptions.  Then he made sure that each and every one of his men committed these items to memory.  They were all told that both must die.

That done, Alwash, who while indeed Iraqi, was also al-Qaida, did some thinking.  He had been trained personally by Usama bin Laden, who had taken an interest in him.  Part of that training had been to be ruthless…and especially so in cutting trails back to himself.

With that thought in mind, he ordered the immediate death of the two Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriffs used in the elimination of the two traitors.

That task completed, he turned to another matter.  While he was part of the Iraqi operation, unknown to nearly anyone else in it, his first allegiance was to bin Laden and his al-Qaida terror network.  Thus his next step was to write a carefully prepared text to bin Laden and send it by courier to the master of terror.

In his letter to bin Laden, Alwash informed his chief that the President of the United States had authorized one Jim Scott to kill Saddam.  Since a good portion of the raw drugs Saddam was refining came from bin Laden and his Taliban thugs, the presumed rulers of Afghanistan, Alwash warned of potential damage to one of al-Qaida’s money sources.

In the letter he assured bin Laden that Jim Scott would be eliminated in Los Angeles.

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