Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - an al-Qaida terrorist captured.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew, Boris, Suzan, and Janet capture the al-Qaida terrorist they have been looking for.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Janet was wearing a nice blouse and loose-fitting slacks.  In the pocket of the slacks was her Asp.  When they reached the door, Drew nodded toward the door and stood off to the side.  Janet knocked on the door and the man inside asked, “Who is it?”

Janet answered, “I’ve a message for Rafael Sanchez.”

Sanchez opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see the beautiful redhead at his door.  He was less pleased when he suddenly had the Asp stuck in his midsection and was being pushed into the room, with Drew right behind those two.  When clear of the door, Drew closed it and hit Sanchez in the side of the head with the butt of his Asp, hard enough to stun him, but not knock him out totally.  He was soon on the man, had his hands secured behind his back, a piece of duct tape over his mouth, and a black bag on his head.  Drew looked at Janet.  “Well done, Jan.  Now go out, get your car, and drive around behind the building.  There’s an alley—pull on down to the rear door, get out, and open the trunk.  Give Suz a head nod to follow you.”

As soon as Janet left the room, Drew checked it out and found little.  There was a laptop—which he tossed on the bed—a few handwritten notes, and two passports.  He went through the pockets of Sanchez and found some money, a wallet, and a key chain, with what had to be the room key, and one he had no idea what it might be for.  He searched again, found a loose floorboard, and pulled it free, to disclose a strongbox.  He picked it up, put it on the bed with the other items he’d found, and waited, sure Janet would pass on to Boris and Suzan where he was and what he was doing, once they were all in the alley behind the building.

In a matter of minutes, Boris came into the room with Janet and asked, “Do you want me to put him in the trunk?”

“Yes.  I’ll get the rest of this stuff.”

Janet offered, “Here, let me help you.”

Soon, they were all headed to the rear of the building.   Boris had checked down the hall, before heading Sanchez to the rear, checked again before moving him into the alley, then into the trunk of the car Janet had driven.  As Janet and Drew loaded up the items from the room, Boris went back to the car driven by Suzan and got in.  Soon, Drew and Janet were in the car, with Sanchez in the trunk, and Janet drove off and headed back to Vladimir’s ranch.  When they got there, they went straight to the plane and put Sanchez aboard, with the items from his room.  With Suzan and Janet left behind and Suzan warming the plane’s engines, Drew and Boris drove the two cars back to the ranch house.  Vladimir had seen them arrive at the plane, and was standing in front of his house.  Boris rolled down the window of the car he was driving.  “Get in—you can drive this one back, after we get on the plane.”

Vladimir did as told, as Drew got in the rear of the car.  On the drive back to the place, Vladimir asked, “Were you successful?”

Boris said, “Oh, yes.  Rafael Sanchez is an old friend of ours…Yasir Taraki.”

Vladimir stiffened.  “Ah, yes.  I don’t suppose there is any way I could be the one to kill the bastard, is there?”

“No.  But I’ll be happy to send you his ear for a souvenir, if you’d like.”

“No, thank you…just make sure he’s dead this time.  I just wish we could kill him twice.  Many good men he cost us when he changed sides.”

“If he was ever on our side in the first place.”

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