Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Some humor as Dan updates situation.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  A bit of humor as Dan brings the FBI Director, and then his wife, up-to-date.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“I’ve got Mark Yomo with me, for a day or two, and Janet.  Oh, and our pilot, Marty Bradshaw, the guy who was with Janet in St. Louis on the LV Charters deal.  I plan on protecting both Buchanan and Knight until we get to the bottom of this.  Speaking of which, that bomber that got his brains beat out by Buchanan now has been identified, in case you didn’t know it.”

“No, I didn’t.  By who, and who is he?”

“By Mark, and his name is Harold Morris.  The part you aren’t gonna like is he has Chinese connections.  Triad for sure…maybe Mainland as well.”

“Oh, shit!”  Damnit, Dan, how are you always two steps in front of us on everything?  I appreciate it, but you’d think with the resources at my disposal, I’d beat you to it once in a while.”

Dan didn’t answer the rhetorical question and kept silent while John continued to vent.  “You know with what you just told me, I’ll have to bring in CIA, don’t you?  While we are getting along with them these days, I still don’t like it.” 

John paused.  “Okay, thanks for the info and listening to my outburst.  You’re in.  I’ll call Phoenix right now and tell them you get full access and to listen to you.  Tell Yomo I said thanks, too.  If you’re with him, try to avoid getting shot this time, will you?”

Dan busted out laughing before he answered.  “I’m glad someone besides me realizes I only get shot when he’s around.  And thanks for easing the way for me.  Uh, I think Janet is—or soon will be—with Miss Knight at Buchanan Industries.”

John chuckled.  “I said I’d get right on it.  See ya.”

“So long.”

As Dan started to call Janet, Mark glanced sideways at him.  “You’re really funny, Orf.”

Dan just chuckled as Janet answered the plane’s phone.  “Orf lesser.”

“Hi, honey.  It is I.”

“Hi, I.  How are you, and why this second call?  I understood what you wanted me to do when I called you.”

“Well, we ran into a bit of a turf problem in Cottonwood, and I wanted to call John Engle and make sure we had no more of it, and the FBI guy that at first gave me some static was in the room with me.”

“Oh.  How’s John?”

“Not a happy camper.  I don’t know what in the hell they’re making at Buchanan Industries, but whatever it is has all the Washington brass—including the White House—shitting bricks.  Anyhow, he’s gonna give us full access, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting in to see Miss Knight.”

“Good, thanks.  I woulda just used my charm, but I appreciate daddy taking care of me.”

“Watch that ‘daddy’ shit.”

Janet giggled.  “Sorry, lover.”

“That’s better.  Where are you?”

“On the way to a small airport north of Phoenix that Marty found out is only about five miles from Buchanan Industries.  We should be landing in a few minutes…it’s a short flight.”

“Yeah, I figured it would be.  Honey, take care.  This is a hot one, hotter than I even guessed at first.  We may have the Chinese—as in the Republic of China—involved.”

“Wow!  Okay, I hear your warning and will proceed with caution.”

“You sick?”


“No wise-cracks when I tell you to be careful?”

“You’re not funny, husband.  Well, actually you are, but hush.  I love you.”



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