Friday, May 13, 2016

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Kidnapping works for bad guys, but the future won't go so well.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The kidnapping goes as planned without a hitch (the last part of the plan that would).  Enjoy and have a great day.



Dale nodded, and put a hand to his wig to make sure it was still in place.  “Okay, I’m heading for the far corner; you two cut across here as planned.  My contact told me Lane wouldn’t be coming in a limo.  Doesn’t want to attract attention.  So keep a sharp eye out.  With no more foot traffic out than there is now, let’s go ahead and try for her on the way in.  No sense in waiting around and getting a case of nerves.”

“Agreed,” replied Oscar, as he and Henry headed across the street.

As the car carrying Billie Jo Lane pulled to a stop in front of the nightclub in a taxi zone, Dale thought, “How lucky can we be…not a soul in sight.”

When one of the bodyguards got out of the car to open the rear door for Billie Jo, the other headed around the car.  Their plan was to get her safely inside, then one would come back and properly park the car.

 As Oscar and Henry walked toward the entrance of the nightclub on one side of Billie Jo and her bodyguards, Dale approached from the other direction.  All six people converged at the entrance at the same time.  With swift but seemingly unhurried motions, Dale produced his syringe, jabbed the bodyguard nearest him, pushed the plunger, and stood back, amazed at how fast the drug worked.  The man crumbled to the sidewalk in seconds.  Oscar did the same thing to the other bodyguard, with the same results.  After Henry gave a shot to the startled Billie Jo, he and Oscar caught her as she started to fall.

All three men saw the car Billie Jo had arrived in sitting there running and forgot all about the car they had planned to steal.  With Oscar’s help, Henry wrestled Billie Jo into the back of the car as Dale went around the front and got in the driver’s seat.  With Billie Jo in the rear with Henry, Oscar slid into the front next to Dale as he pulled out and drove away.

The entire process had taken less than a minute.  Buoyed by their easy success, Dale suggested, “I think we’ll just drive to your truck, then I’ll double back, park this thing, and leave in my car.”

Also pleased at the way things went, Oscar replied, “Sounds good.  Shit, how lucky can we get?  Not a person in sight.  That bought us who knows how much time.”

Henry gave Dale directions to where the truck was parked.  When they arrived, again there was nobody in sight as they lifted Billie Jo into the back of the truck and covered her with a tarpaulin they’d placed in the truck for just that purpose.

Then Oscar took out a bag with draw-stings and opened it.  While still at the kidnapping scene, all three men had put the syringes they used into their jacket pockets.  Now they all placed them into the bag.  As they got into their truck, Oscar and Henry also put their wigs, false mustaches, and flesh-colored surgical gloves into the bag.

As they drove off toward their boat, Dale headed for his rental car.  He parked half a block away, got out, and walked up the street and around the corner, since there was a couple walking down the opposite side of the road.  Once around the corner, he doubled back, crossed the street to the side where his rental was, and headed for it.  Once inside his car, he took off the wig, mustache, and gloves.  After driving several blocks, he stopped at a deserted street corner, got out of the car, and dropped those items down a sewer drain.  He then drove toward the hotel, humming with a large smile. 


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