Friday, May 6, 2016

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Time to get out of Dodge.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring Clyde Feegle and some old friends.  Their raid finished, the team prepares to leave the area.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



The soldier reported his action and Harry acknowledged, just as Merrill muttered, “Voila,” as he swung the safe door open.

Outside, Clyde—who had gone out to help take pictures and get fingerprints from the bodies there—asked, “What means ‘voila’?”

“It means, Senior Chief Feegle, the safe is now open…despite you Doubting Thomases.”

Clyde grinned as he headed back inside.  On the way, he told Dick and Mitch, who had arrived from their task of picture-taking at the fallback site—only to start lending a hand to Clyde’s efforts in the compound—to keep up with the process.

By the time Clyde entered the office, Merrill had managed to get back in the chair behind the desk, where Harry was already placing the money found inside the safe into stacks, by currency.  Clyde started helping him, as well as setting other items in the safe on the desk near the money.

Merrill started looking over those items, including a ledger.  As he leafed through it, he whistled and muttered, “This is a gold mine, fellas.”

He handed it to Harry, who looked at it, nodded, and passed it to Clyde.  After Clyde looked it over, he passed it back to Merrill.  “Yeah—you got it, boss man.  The DEA boys will love this.”

The ledger contained amounts of drugs shipped, and where they were shipped to.  Most were shipped to either Costa Rica or Mexico.  The methods of the shipments were also noted, so there was a reasonable chance of following the trails to those countries, and to discover the method of trans-shipment on to the United States.

While Harry and Clyde continued emptying the safe, Harry’s sergeant came in with Dick.  Both men looked at the money, grinned, and Dick headed off.  As he left, he told Clyde he was going up to check on the two bodies on the veranda, while Mitch was going to the barn to check the one in the loft.  He added, “Then we’ll be done with all the bodies.”

Clyde nodded.  “Good job.  While in here, you might check for something to box up this stuff.”

The sergeant followed Dick out of the room.  On the way, he muttered, “I’ll lend a hand looking for boxes or something.”

When the safe was empty, Harry went through the pockets of the two bodies in the office.  He found a bit of money, which he tossed on the desk, a wallet from each man, and a set of keys on each.  He looked at the stacked money and asked, “Anyone have an idea of how much those stacks of Venezuelan bolivars are worth in real money?”

In answer, Merrill joked, “In theory, they are real money—just not our greatly diminished money.  But to answer your question, about twenty grand U.S.  Dare I ask why you asked?”

“I’m thinking about turning those two gals loose, and giving them the bolivars…any objections?”

“Nope” replied Merrill, as Clyde shook his head.

“Good.  Oh, by the way—when I questioned them—they did mention the Venezuelan Army does drop by from time to time, so I’m thinking a fast exit from the scene might not be a bad idea.”

Merrill grumbled, “Now you tell us this?  Great.  Okay, let’s wrap it up and hit the road.  Captain Londoff, since you’ve taken a fancy to the ladies, will you deal with them whilst the rest of us load up?”



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