Friday, May 27, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Wanna-be king get help from Asps...oops.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Namibia’s wanna-be king arranges the help he’ll need to take over the country…he thinks.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



The next day, many things happened.  Holly and Sarah had returned with Hector the previous night, and Holly, Jim, Dan, and Hector left for England in the morning.  Tony and Sergeant Major Squires had returned to England.  While Holly flew the new plane eastward, Bruce and Anson were contacted and asked to come with the man who had met them the previous day.  By then, Dusty and Ike were already at the villa of the “King of Namibia”-to-be.  His name was Peter Angula.  He was a high-ranking member of Namibia’s small military.  From him Dusty and Ike learned the insurgents had over a thousand men to be trained, and learned part of the plan.  The capital city of the nation, Windhoek, would be secured first, then any resistance would be put down.  The theory was that when Windhoek fell, many more would join the revolution.  The job of Dusty and Ike would be to train the existing force in special operations.  The King of Namibia-to-be admitted that while he was a ranking officer, he had no concept of the type of warfare that would be needed, and no real idea of how to train his men for such an event.  Dusty and Ike assured him they could handle it with no problem, but it would take a few days to carefully map out a training plan.

That was agreeable to Angula, and when Bruce and Anson arrived, they nodded to Dusty and Ike in recognition, and the plan was offered up to them.  When Bruce asked what was in it for him and Anson, Angula stuck out his chest.  “You will be at my right hand.  With your help, we can run this country, and you can have the first option of all contracts of the country…and have a part in natural resources.”

The broad brush Angola used was all fine and good, but Bruce pressed for specifics.  After they were given, he glanced at Anson, and nodded.  Anson also nodded.  “That is agreeable.  How much money will you need?”

Angula looked at Dusty and asked, “What armaments will you need?”

Dusty laid out what he thought it would take, then Angula asked about cost.  Dusty told him it would take at least ten million dollars to purchase everything they’d need.  Angula glanced at Anson.  “Ten million dollars.”

Bruce asked, “You have nothing in reserve?  You’re starting from scratch?”

“We have several thousand dollars, but the money we have will be needed for other things.”

Anson asked, “What about arms you already have, which could come off the list you just got?”

“Ah, not suitable for what these gentlemen have in mind, I’m sure.”

After Dusty asked where the troops would be trained, and Bruce agreed to the deal on money, the team members all departed in two cars, each being driven by one of Angula’s men.  Back at their suite, Bruce checked for bugs, then called Tony and filled him in.  Tony’s reaction was calm.  “Only a thousand?  Well, if Dusty can get them all in one place, maybe we can use dear friend Wendy to help us out again with her wonderful Gatlings.”

“Yeah.  All we have to do is get Dusty and Ike out of the way when she starts her gun runs.  I’m sure he can figure something out.”

In his hotel room with Ike, Dusty also checked for bugs, then he and Ike started discussing that very thing, knowing the C-130 would probably be used to help eliminate the hoard of men Angula had assembled.


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