Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series - Drew and Boris on the hunt.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew and Boris getting ready to track down Zimo.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



It was three hours before Tony got word that Zimo’s plane had landed in Yemen.  By then, Holly and Kye were long since back at the safe house with Jim and Holly’s belongings, and Bruce was dining with his wife in the hotel restaurant, after an interlude in the hotel room vacated by Holly and Jim.

Drew and Boris were up and Boris looked at Jim.  “We’d appreciate a ride down to Yemen, if you’re in the mood.”

“I am.  Ike, pack up your things.  You can go with us, and Holly can teach you how to fly.  Harry, we may be gone a while…hope you don’t mind me stealing Ike.”

Harry smiled.  He knew Jim well, and could just about guess what he had in mind.  “Sure.  Have fun…in Iraq.”

Jim grinned, “You’re a better agent than I gave you credit for,” then looked at Tony.  “We can use a ride to the airport.”


On the way to Jim’s plane, Boris asked Tony to make a stop in a very seedy part of Islamabad.  He was only gone from the Land Rover about ten minutes, and handed Drew a set of authentic but totally forged papers.  Drew took out his passport and soon had his picture inside the new documents…a German passport in the name of a German businessman, with visas to Yemen already affixed.

Tony didn’t ask, but shook his head at the smoothness of Boris and Drew.  Here they were—both retired for at least ten years each—and still way ahead of anybody he’d ever seen.  He almost felt sorry for Zimo…almost.


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