Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series - Some humor as Boris gets a surprise.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Boris gets a surprise…and doesn’t handle it too well.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Just as they had finished rehashing the plan, Suzan, who’d abruptly left the group and just returned, looked at Boris, who’d just stood up.  “Well, you silly old fool, you got me pregnant.”

Boris looked dumbfounded.  “What.  What.  How?  Oh, I know how you get pregnant.  I meant how do you know?”

“I missed my last period and got one of the home test kits.  We’ve got a dead rabbit in our room.”

“Rabbit.  Rabbit!  I don’t care about any damn rabbits!”

That brought outright laughter around the room where there had been only smiles and a few snickers at Boris’ discomfort previously.

Trying to control her laughter, Holly muttered, “Boris, years ago when women thought they were pregnant, they’d go to their doctor.  The doctor would take a sample of some sort of fluid, blood I think, and inject it into a rabbit.  If the rabbit died, the woman was pregnant.  If it lived, she wasn’t.  Or maybe the other way around, I’m not sure.  Suz was just making a funny.”

Drew started to enlighten his daughter on the correct rabbit test but held his tongue when Boris nodded.  “Oh.”

Boris then looked at Suzan with a blank expression.  “Uh, I guess we have to get married then.”

Suzan looked crestfallen.  “You call that a proposal?”

Now Drew couldn’t keep quiet any longer.  “Nice job, old man.”

Boris gave Drew a dirty look, then looked back at Suzan.  “I’m at a loss, Suzan.  As you know I’m in my sixties—and I have never gotten anyone pregnant before.”

Holly covered her mouth to hide her smile.  Billy, who’d stood up when Boris had, looked at his shoes.  Janet looked at Dan and sucked her lips in to keep from smiling.

Drew, however, was enjoying his normally totally in control friend’s discomfort.  “What you mean is:  that you know about.  You’ve probably got little Borises running around all over Africa, the Middle East and Europe.”

Hector grinned.  “You forgot Asia, Drew.  He just told us he had a female operative in China.”


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