Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy (Other Books) - The hunt is on.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  With the entire team now in the forest, the hunt for the kidnappers is in full swing.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Okay—I’m gonna gas up, then get something to eat with Holly.  When I see you pull in, I’ll order you a burger and fries to go.”

“Thanks a heap.  You wanna do something silly—like telling me where you’re gonna eat?”

Jim had already spotted the café where he and Holly would eat.  As he was telling Hector where they’d be, Bob had already ordered his meal.  When he finished, he paid his check on his way to start what he hoped would not be a long hunt.

Once into the forest, he drove to the first offshoot road.  He took that, looking carefully for any path or possible place where Biden and Clay might have pulled off to stop.  He stopped three different times to check side paths, for signs of recent vehicle traffic.  When he reached the end of it, there was a picnic area.  Three cars were stopped there, belonging to two couples with children, and one without. 

Using the story he was looking for friends—one driving a white panel truck, the other a pickup truck with a camper—he asked a few questions.  None of the people there had seen either.

When he got back to the main road he’d started out on, he called Jim to report which side road he was comfortable with eliminating from the search.  By then, Jim, Holly, and Hector were through Waterville, on their way to Entiat.  Both men agreed that Bob should just keep on, with the other three coming into the forest after gassing up again. 

The next road Bob took led to a scenic area, not too far from the main road.  He turned around to head back, on his way to the next road, reporting in to Jim to scratch another side road off the search pattern. 

The next turn Bob made was onto a path not much different from the one Biden and Clay had taken.  Soon, back at the main road, Bob again checked in with Jim.  “Got another one to eliminate, Jim.  It’s the first path, rather than road.  On the right side of the main road—going on to the next offshoot road—about half a mile down...on the left.”

“Okay, got it.  We’re just entering the forest now.  Do you think we should carry on with four vehicles, or team up?  I’m thinking teaming up—two in each car, or your SUV.”

“I think teaming up sounds good.  The first road I took I had to stop three times, to check out small paths for signs of tire tracks.  Another set of eyes would help.  But I’m thinking I park the SUV until we need it.  The map shows a parking area, about two miles up the road, that should do for leaving two of our vehicles.”

“Okay, go ahead and check your next road.  When I get to it, I’ll check in with you.”

While the other three were reaching the road in question, Bob drove down it.  It was similar to the first one he’d driven down, but not as long, with only one place where Bob had to stop to check out a path.  It too had a picnic area, but only one car was there.  Bob talked to the man and wife, while their children were romping around.  They had not seen the vehicles Bob was looking for, so he turned around for the drive back to the main road.

As Bob headed toward him, Hector was waiting, while Holly and Jim had gone on down the main road.  Holly had driven to the parking area where Bob suggested they leave the two vehicles to be left behind.  Jim was investigating a side road on the way there.

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