Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Birth Of the Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - MI6 Agent Tony Henry joins the team and asks about the plan.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Tony joins the Asps who are on Marie-Galante.  After humorous introductions he asks what their plan is for taking out an al-Qaida group intent on taking over the island nation of Dominica.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Early the next day, Tony Henry finally managed to get a boat ride to Marie-Galante from Guadeloupe, having been unable to find a boat to take him late the previous night.

When he found Holly, Bruce and the others were already up, eating on the cruiser.  Harry saw Tony coming and went to greet him.  As the Englishman came aboard, Harry held out his hand. “Blimey, limey, good to see you.”

“You too, Yank.”

Harry led Tony to the others.  “Guys, I want you to meet an old friend, ‘two-first-names.’ Tony, meet our new guys…that fellow is Ike Hill, next to him is Bear Turner.  The one over there, getting more food, is Jack Littlefield.  Fellas old ‘two-first-names’ also goes by the moniker of Tony Henry…or is it Henry Tony?”

“Funny, Chipermunger.  Your last name is probably Henry.  That great-great-great-grandfather—or however many ‘greats’ are involved there…who lost his memory after he got shot in your Civil War and had the Chickamunga name hung on him—probably was the bastard child of one of my ancestors, who shipped him off to the colonies to get rid of him.”

Tony and Bruce exchanged greetings while everyone shook hands amid chuckles at two old friends ribbing each other.  Then Tony said to Harry, after glancing at Bruce, “Fine mess you’ve uncovered, old chap.”

Harry grinned, “Thanks.  We try our best.”

“What plans do you have to stop this insanity?”

“Go kill ‘em all,” answered Bruce.

“A bit more specific, please.”


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