Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Beckeer Trilogy - Dan and Janet get some grub for the troops.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Dan and Janet buy food to take to the others, who spent the night in the forest.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Janet nodded as she walked off.  She looked around for something to cook what she’d left on the counter.  She happened to look up at two things of interest hanging on the wall, but did nothing about her sighting as she found disposable salt and pepper shakers, as well as hot sauce.  After adding those items to those on the counter, she walked back to the wall where she had spied the two items of interest.  One was an old-fashioned iron skillet; the other was a cutting board.  Janet reached up, took the two items off the wall, and carried them back to the counter.

The old man looked at them and shook his head.  “Those ain’t for sale, young lady.”

Undeterred, Janet reached into the money belt she wore, took out five crisp new one hundred dollar bills, and laid them on the counter.  “How about five hundred for the two of ‘em?”

“I reckon I can do that.  But I gotta tell you—if the young fella who should be workin’ instead of callin’ in sick was here, I’d kick his ass if he sold ‘em to you.  Cost part of that five hundred bucks to repaint the wall.  In case you didn’t notice, they been there a while.  The paint underneath where they were is brighter than the rest of it.”

“Yeah—I noticed.  You own this place?”

“Yup.  But not for lack of trying to sell out, so I can retire proper.  I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but I’m nearin’ ninety.  The fella who works days for me wants to buy me out, but the bank won’t lend him the money.  We’re trying to figure somethin’ out, but haven’t yet.”

“Hmmm…I’ve got an idea, but will need to talk to my husband about it.  In the meantime, how much for the rest of this?  Hold on…I forgot to get more thermoses.  Add three of the large ones to this stuff, along with coffee to fill ‘em…and the one my husband will be bringing, if he ever gets here.”

Dan, walking up behind Janet—and knowing she saw him pull the car up in front of the store—just sighed.  “I’m here, twit…with the thermos, I might add.”

Janet grinned, then introduced herself and Dan before the owner introduced himself.  That taken care of, Janet pointed to where the thermoses were.  “Grab three of those, darling.  Might fill all four up, when you have nothing better to do.”

The owner looked at Dan.  “Not only is your lovely wife easy on the eyes, she’s a bit sassy, too.  Sorta like that in a woman—reminds me of mine.”

Dan just grunted as he went to grab three of the new thermoses.  As he did, the owner pointed at a sink near the large old-fashioned coffee urn.  “Might want to rinse those out before you fill ‘em up.”

Dan mumbled to himself as he took all four thermoses to the sink to wash them out.

While he was doing that, Janet paid for everything.  As Dan started taking things to the car, Janet asked for the name of the daytime clerk who wanted to buy the station and store, as well as the phone number of the owner. 

After giving her the information, the owner asked, “You got something up your sleeve besides your arm?”

“Maybe.  I’ll get in touch with you, if so.  By the way…you’re such a nice guy, hold up on the paint job.  When we’re finished with the skillet and cutting board, I’ll wash ‘em up and bring ‘em back to you.” 

“Now that’s a deal I like the sound of.  You pay me five hundred bucks for rental fee.  Hell of a deal.  Gonna have to tell my clerks how much I made extra by cunning salesmanship.  Though I gotta admit, you and your husband eat all those vittles, I might never see you again.  An awful lot for two people.”

“Well, Mr. Nosey, it isn’t for just us.  We’re meeting some friends in the forest.”

“Have a good time.  Don’t let Bigfoot get you.”

As Dan came in for more to take to the car, Janet was roaring with laughter.  She stopped as she looked at her husband.  “I’ll bring what you don’t get this trip.  I’ve just been warned to be careful Bigfoot doesn’t get us.”


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