Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Stranded survivors of two boat sinkings don't hit it off too well.


Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, the Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Steve and Billie Jo get off to a rocky start, but Billie Jo decides to thaw the relationship.  Enjoy and have a great day.



When he returned with his toolbox, he said nothing as he sat at Billie Jo’s feet and carefully looked at the thin chain.  He decided that rather than try messing with the padlock, he’d just cut through one of the chain links.  That decision made, he looked up at Billy Jo.  “I’ve got a hacksaw here and I’m gonna cut through one of the links on your ankle.  You’ll have to hold still so I don’t cut you.  By the way, my name’s Steve Bettencourt.”

“I’m Billie Jo Lane,” she answered proudly.

Certain who Murgatroyd had stumbled onto, Steve nonetheless couldn’t pass up the temptation for a little “payback.”  “You even look a little like the actress of the same name.”

“I am the actress, Billie Jo Lane, you fool.”

Now Steve was angry, but he kept his peace as he started slowly sawing through the link he picked out as the easiest to get to.  In a matter of about a minute, he had cut through it.  Next he got out a pair of pliers and bent one end of it back enough to slide another link through the gap.  With Billie Jo freed, he stood up and looked at her.  “Okay, you’re no longer chained to the tree.  Now you’re on you own.  Goodbye.  Come on, Murgatroyd.”

With that he picked up his toolbox, turned, and started to walk off.  As he did, Billie Jo asked, “What!  You’re just gonna leave me here?”

Steve turned.  “Look, lady, I’ve got my own problems.  My boat sank in last night’s storm and I’m in the middle of the Pacific with nothing but a raft.  I don’t have time to mess around with an aging actress who has sagging tits and a nasty attitude.  If I make it back to civilization, I’ll tell the authorities where you are.”

As he walked off, Billie Jo stood mute in disbelief.  Since her last divorce, no one besides the vile kidnappers had spoken a cross word to her.  After Steve and Murgatroyd disappeared from sight, she reflected on the way she’d acted and decided she’d sounded like an ungrateful bitch.  The man had freed her from the tree and she hadn’t even thanked him.  Wow,” she thought, “I sure need some lessons in humility.”

She started walking toward the beach.  When she got there, Steve was busy putting dog food in a bowl, having already poured Murgatroyd some water in another bowl.

Billie Jo walked up.  “I’m sorry I acted so snotty.  I’ve been through an awful experience and guess I just needed to beat up on somebody.  Can we start over?”


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Monday, March 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Terrorist taken out in intentionally caused wreck.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, the Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Sergey, the new man on the team, eliminates the head of terrorist cell waiting on satchel nuke to arrive in Missouri.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When they turned onto the highway, Sergey was able to get behind Al-Sharif, with no cars in between them.  He followed at a normal distance and waited his chance.  A few cars passed from the other direction, but the traffic was light.  Suddenly, he saw a chance.  Up ahead he could see the beginning of a bend to the left, which had a guardrail for quite a distance.  Even better, there was a tractor-trailer just appearing around that bend in the road, heading toward them.

Sergey floored the accelerator and their car picked up speed rapidly as he pulled out to pass.  Ibrahim Al-Sharif barely noticed and, if he had, he would have thought the trailing car had plenty of time to pass.  However, Sergey eased off the gas as he drew up to Al-Sharif’s vehicle, so that his front bumper was even with the rear door of the other car.  His intent was to be in the blind area, where Al-Sharif wouldn’t be able to see him without the effort of turning his head.

With the approaching truck getting closer and closer, Sergey knew his timing would have to be perfect and hoped that human instinct would prevail.  He waited until the last possible moment, then swerved left, toward the far shoulder of the road.  When he did that, the truck driver instinctively swung to his left to avoid Sergey.  In so doing, he drove right into and over the car driven by Ibrahim Al-Sharif.  Even though the truck driver realized his mistake almost as soon as he made it, he was far too late to save Al-Sharif.  As one of the two first-arriving state troopers would say to the other, “Poor guy was smashed like a grape.”

Sergey, meanwhile, nearly lost control of his car on the shoulder, then had to deal with two oncoming cars.  He let the first one pass, and then swerved back up onto the highway and back into his original lane.  Next he slammed on his brakes, spun the wheel, and accelerated, so that he was soon behind the second of those two cars, driving in the same direction as they and the truck had been heading.  Without hesitation, he drove back onto the shoulder of the road and passed the two cars, which had both slowed and were stopping to avoid running into the back of the now-stopped truck.

As Sergey raced by on his right, before getting back on the driving surface and speeding away, the truck driver got on his CB radio and called for help.  He was able to think well enough to get a description of Sergey’s car, but unable to get a license plate number.  After calling for help, the driver started trembling, and realized as he got out of his truck that what he was going to find would make him sick to his stomach.

Tom was having sick feelings of his own.  When Sergey was speeding back down the shoulder on the roadway, Tom had looked over at the smashed wreck of Al-Sharif’s car.  While he was glad the event had gone well, the thought of what Ibrahim Al-Shrif must look like was unsettling—not to mention how close a call it had been for him and Sergey.


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Friday, March 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Holly bags her man.


Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, the Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Nothing like sex to start a mission with as Holly gets her man.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



An hour or so later, the doorbell sounded and Jim answered.  He was handed a package that contained the body dye, with instructions.  The instructions were rather simple.  In essence, they said to rub the dye over the entire body. The instructions said not to shower for one hour after putting on the dye. 

Jim handed Holly one bottle and headed for his room to start putting on the dye. 

A short time later there was a knock on his door and Holly entered.

Jim looked at her.  “Yes?”

“I need help.”

Holly was stark naked, and seemed a bit proud of the fact, the way she pranced across the floor.  To her surprise, Jim was also naked and made no effort to cover up, or even turn away.  He did, however, frown.  “You sure this is a good idea?


 Without a word, he took her into his arms, kissed her deeply, and eased them down on the bed.


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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Sir Anthony educates a couple of high-ranking U.S. officials.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, the last of the three Bob Becker books.  Sir Anthony Henry, Chief of England’s SIS (MI6) schools some high-ranking men leftover from the just departed administration while in conference with the new President.  Enjoy and have a great day.



With everyone seated, the President looked at Tony.  “Would you be kind enough to bring us up to date, please?”

Tony, who had his laptop open and on, glanced at the screen and answered, “Right now they are passing over the coast of China.  Little doubt in my mind where they will wind up.  They have been on a straight line to the secret facility in Qinghai Provence I’ve been expecting them to take our people to since early on.”

The CIA Director cleared his throat and looked at the President, who nodded.  The Director asked, “What secret facility are you speaking of?  I know of no such place.”

From his attaché case Sir Anthony took out a satellite photo showing an extra-wide two lane paved road.  Near the middle of it, he had placed a nearly transparent yellow circle.  He pointed to it after he slide the photo in front of the Director.  “The entrance to the facility is roughly in the middle of the circle I drew.”

“What makes you think there is some secret installation there?”

Sir Anthony sighed and took out some more satellite photos.  The first one he slid to the Director showed the heavy equipment leaving two days previously.  The next showed earth being scooped up and placed in truck to be hauled away.  Other pictures showed various stages of construction as material for same was driven to the entrance to the facility, and some showed the construction of the road itself.

After the Director looked at them all, the President held out his hand as Sir Anthony answered, “These photos seem to indicate this location to be is a new facility the Chinese are trying very hard to disguise what they’re about.”

After the photos had been passed around the table without further comment until Sir Anthony had them back, the Director asked, “Where did these come from, if you don’t mind me asking, Sir Anthony?”

The ex-President felt he knew what the answer was going to be…Jim knew what the answered would be and he nearly smiled as he thought, “You just stepped in it, big boy.”

Sir Anthony blew out a mouthful of air and answered, “Roughly fifteen years ago an agreement between the United States and Great Britain was reached whereby we would exchange real time satellite photos…this to assist the War on Terror.  Some of these photos, alas, those of lesser quality are from one of our satellites, the ones of better quality came from one of your satellites.”

The President was taken aback and growled at the CIA Director, “Our own satellites took most of these photos and you know nothing about it?”

The Director swallowed and shook his head.  “No, sir, nothing.  Evidently our people thought this to be just routine construction.”

The President held in check the growing anger he felt and softly muttered, “From what I can see here, there is little doubt Sir Anthony is correct in his assessment.”

Deciding to give the CIA Director some cover, or at least change the subject, the Homeland Security Secretary asked, “Sir Anthony, if I may.  How is it you are able to determine just where our missing scientists are at any given time?”

“Before Mr. Hogan traveled to America and Area 51, we implanted a GPS disc in him for just such an eventuality as we now face.”

The President quickly questioned all four of his people about if the same thing had been done with Mr. Walendy, and if not, why not.  The Secretary and two Directors remained silent, but the general, much to his pending regret, answered, “We didn’t because in America, we don’t force our people to have anything implanted in them.”

Jim just closed his eyes and waited for Tony’s response, which was soon coming.  “My dear general, neither do we.  We asked Mr. Hogan if we could do so and told him why.  He immediately saw the wisdom of the implant…as I’m sure Mr. Walendy would have if asked.”


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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Michelle shot at on courthouse steps.


Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the last of the three Bob Becker books.  Michelle nearly killed at courthouse.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Outside, Gus left Bob and the two ladies, before Bob drove them back to the courthouse.  Lorri needed to get her car, and Michelle had another motion to file.  She had forgotten to take care of it because Lorri had approached her while in the courthouse.  When Bob dropped the women off, he drove around looking for a parking spot.  He found one the next block from the front entrance of the courthouse, and half a block down from the courthouse.  By the time he found his parking spot, Michelle had already run in and delivered her motion to the appropriate court.  When she exited the building, Gus was heading in her direction. 

Less than two steps and another two feet to the left of her, he saw a red dot on her forehead.  He bounded in her direction and shoved her just as a shot rang out and penetrated the glass portion of the door she had just come out of.  Gus immediately hustled Michelle to her feet, and then into the courthouse.  Then, gun drawn, he shouted, “Shot fired,” before running back outside.  He saw nothing in the way of the shooter.  As he was looking around Bob, who had heard the shot, hurried toward him.

Even as he saw Bob coming, Gus realized the sound of the weapon used was high caliber and decided inside the courthouse was a much better place to be than standing there making a fine target of himself.  He waved at Bob to hurry as he went back inside.  Bob, who knew full well the sound he’d heard on his way had come from a high caliber weapon, ran into the building right behind Gus.

Gus moved toward Michelle, who while shaken, was holding herself together.  Bob followed along still having no idea Michelle had been the target.  Gus nodded toward Michelle, “Bob, I’m afraid Michelle was targeted.  Laser dot on her forehead before I pushed her out of the way.  None too soon, I might add.  Fraction of a second later, heard the glass window go and heard the sound wave.”

Bob took Michelle into his arms and stroked her hair.  “You okay, honey?”

“Yeah, guess so.  I didn’t really know what was going on when Gus pushed me.  Until just now I didn’t know anything about any laser dot.  Gus, do you think whoever fired the shot was aiming at me because I’m me, or just a random selection.”

“I’d bet on you, Michelle.  Shooter was just wanting to kill someone, there were other people around after I shoved you, then got you inside.”


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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Latest from ther Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Bob tries to fitgure out how to find kidnapped girls.


Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  Bob in early stages of trying to find two kidnapped university female students.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“Nah.  What I’m doing, really, is grasping at straws.  There isn’t a blasted thing to go on yet.  Nary a clue as to what happened, other than they disappeared someplace between a building they were known to be in and their dorms.”

Bill asked, “Anything we can do to help?”

“Yeah, go pour me a drink.”

Michelle walked in with still more of the printed material.  She and Bob had decided they probably had more room to work on the overlarge kitchen table than on or around their desk.  Actually the den was now used more by Michelle than Bob since she had moved in.  They had solved territorial maters as it related to the desk, by calling it their desk, rather than hers or his.  She put down what she had brought with her.  “Yes, wonderful idea, dear.  You need to get sloshed while you work.  Hi guys.”

Brandi and Bill greeted Michelle, then, Bob asked, “Did you use just one breath?”

“No, dear.  I paused before going with ‘hi, guys.’  But, to tell you the truth…”

“Always a nice from an attorney.”

“Hush, Robert.” 


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Monday, March 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Bob sets protection plan in motion.


Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob organizes things to protect Terri.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



After Bob introduced Terri and Bill, the latter asked, “Terri got anything to do with all the ruckus?  Your exploits are all over the news.  Said you killed two guys who shot up your office.”

Bob grinned, and nodded, “Yeah…but only one of them’s dead.”

“Witnesses said they both looked dead.”

“Naw, just one.  The other one was out cold though…can see where someone could have made the mistake of thinking they were both dead.  Terri’s gotta problem…which we’re gonna help her solve.”

“Oh boy, just what I need…to get shot at…thanks a heap.  What did you do, Terri?”

“I was home when my husband killed a woman.  The two Bob shot came after me.  Guess more will be coming.  Hope I don’t put you two in too much danger.”

“Nothin’ old Bob can’t handle, if I don’t miss my guess.”

“Okay, Bill, here’s what I’ve got in mind.  I’m gonna call some friends from the west coast and get us some help.  Terri, by the way, lives in L.A.  She flew in this morning, came straight to my office and just as she walks in, the fun began.  The L.A. cops are gonna want to talk to her.  So I’m thinking I’ll call Dan Orf…you remember him and his wife, Jan, I’m sure.”

“Oh, yeah, the hot redhead…er…and her husband.”

Terri grinned as Bob nodded.  “One…or two…in the same.  After I make the call, got a few things to take care of.  Wanna get Terri a disguise, then check on the guy I shot who isn’t dead yet, and hunker down until the bad guys make their move.  I’d like you to move in here until Dan and help arrive.”

“Okay, let me go get a few things and I’ll be right back.  Go ahead, make your call, or calls, and I’ll be back before you get done more-n-likely.”


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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Some changes in the line-up at homicide department.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Alan wraps up a case, finds out he is rid of a bad apple partner, and picks up a new one…at Elmer’s expense.  Elmer has a new gig…working on his own without a partner.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



The attorney read the report.  When finished, he thought perhaps one day he would get a client with a bit of brains.  He slid the report back to Alan.  “What kind of a deal can we get?  I’m sure there were extenuating circumstances.”

“Like I said—see you in court.” 

A uniformed officer came into the room, and quickly led the widow off.

The brother had already been taken to booking, as he was being charged with a number of crimes—including lying to a police officer, attempting to dispose of the gun…as well as conspiracy to cover up the murder.   When Alan walked out to his desk, Gordon and Elmer were there to meet him.  Gordon said, “Nice work, Alan.”

Alan thanked him, but still not knowing much about the happenings of the day—except for the fact Bert was his new partner—he smiled.  “Someone gonna tell me how I got stuck with this new guy?”

Gordon nodded, “Sure—come into my office.  Bert, Elmer, and Reggie, too.”

Bert, who trailed Alan from the interrogation room, smiled as he followed along, knowing for certain Alan would be a great partner.  Alan, when he had been briefly told Bert would be that new partner, had patted Bert on the shoulder.  “Great.”  He meant it.

Once in his office, with the door shut, Gordon explained the entire situation of the day as it concerned the now-dismissed Detective Cartwright.  When he finished, everyone was asked to make any comments or ask any questions they had.  Very little came from the other four in the office, so Gordon soon sent them on their way—with the exception of Elmer, who stayed behind at Gordon’s request.  When the other three had left, Gordon asked, “What are your immediate plans?”

“Kick tires on this Navy deal, and offer help to anyone who needs it.  This will be a bit different for me, coming in on the middle of investigations, trying to be a genius…or something of the sort.”

“Just play it by ear…we’ll see how it goes.  I know you’re smart enough I don’t have to tell you to take back up when you go to a potential suspect.  Any possibility at all you could get into a situation, I want you covered.  If nothing else, take a uniformed team with you.”

“Yeah—okay.  I’m not in the mood to get shot again.  Ruth would kill me.”

“Nice way of putting it.  Get out of here.  I’m here if you need me for anything…you know that.”

“Yeah, I do.  Thanks,”


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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Elmer gets new case after making date with ex-wife.


Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer makes a date with his third ex-wife, then asks for a new case to go with the case he is working on.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Just as Reggie went to call Bert and to get copies of the picture of the murderer, Elmer’s cell phone rang.  He saw who it was and answered, “Hello, Ruthie—how’s my favorite ex-wife?”

“I’m fine, darling ex-husband, who I love and adore.  I know you’re fine because you’re always fine…so I won’t ask.  What I’m calling about is how about we have a bite to eat and some sex later—I’m buying.  Oh, would you please remind me why I was so stupid as to divorce you?”

“Sounds good, but I better pass on the food.  The sex later sounds great, though.  At your place is better still.  I’m working a hot case…it could get late.”

“Oh, now I remember why I divorced you.  How late?”

“Don’t know.”

“Well, in this case, I think I understand.  You working on the jewelry store robbery and murders?”


“Because it’s part of why I wanted to see you…the sex was a big part of it, too.  But I knew Heather Crimmins very well…considered her a good friend.  If you weren’t working it, I was going to ask you to at least nose around a bit.  You still have your key, I assume?”

“Oh, yeah.  A good looking redhead who’s as hot in bed as you gives me a key to her place, you can bet I keep it.”

Ruth Bader laughed, “Just how many keys do you have?”

“One—other than my own.”

“Good answer…even if I don’t necessarily believe you.  But you never were a big one for lying—in fact never, I know of.”

“Ruth, since I met you, you’re the only women I’ve had sex with.”

“You kidding me?  No, I don’t think you are, for some reason.  I hate to admit this, but I’ve not been with anyone else since I met you either.  Why, again, is it I divorced you?  Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.  I’m in bed—get me up so I can brush my teeth first.”

“Thank you for that.  You’re gonna be so nice, I won’t even ask for a raise in my alimony.  See ya later.”

“Bye, El.”

When Elmer got off the call, Alan shook his head.  “You should ask your lovely lady to marry you again.”

“You might be right…but we’ve had a much better relationship since the divorce.”

The two men were still joking around about Elmer and his ex-wife when Reggie returned.  “Okay—got Bert borrowed for as long as I need him.  He was already off-duty but only too happy to ride along with me.  Here’s your copies of the picture—see you guys later.”

Alan reached for the copies before both he and Elmer said goodbye to Reggie, as they started gathering up their things.  As often happens in police work, luck and intuition can have a major effect on a case.  As they stood up to leave, the night-shift Captain came into the squad room.  He said to two of the night detectives, “Got a funny one, thought you might be interested.  Body was found.  I just got word the M.E. is already there—she says the guy’s mouth smells of bleach.”

Elmer heard.  For some reason something clicked in his head, as he asked, “Captain, you mind if Alan and I handle this one?  It might tie into this deal with the jewelry store robbery shootings?”

The Captain shrugged, “Sure, have at it.”


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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - Wendy recruits new member of team.


Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series.  After meeting and making love to Ray earlier in the day, Wendy recruits him to join the team.  Enjoy and have a great day.



When Wendy and Ray arrived at the restaurant, they were shown to a table, had ordered drinks, and were pondering the menu when Bruce and Bonnie Edmonds walked in.  Bruce spotted Wendy before Wendy saw either of them.  He led Bonnie to their table.  As he approached, he asked, “Hi, General—mind some company?”

Both Wendy and Ray stood up as Wendy grinned, “Sure, grab a couple of chairs.”

As everyone sat back down, Wendy made the introductions.  When their waiter arrived, Bruce and Bonnie ordered drinks.  After they all placed their meal orders, they sipped their drinks as they talked.  Ray told a bit about himself, which was much of what he had already told Wendy.  When he finished, Bruce told Ray he was a retired Army Sergeant Major, while Bonnie had been in the State Department until she retired.  Those bits of information out of the way, Bruce looked at Wendy, “You looking for a new plane mechanic…or…?”

“Bruce Edmonds, you’re a rather nosey fellow at times.  As a matter of fact, the thought had crossed my mind—especially since Ray is a plane mechanic.  Ray—the plane I fly for my…er, boss—is a C-130.  He bought it from the Government.  You ever worked on one?”

“Nope.  Haven’t worked on a prop job in donkey’s years.  But sorta like ridin’ a bike, I guess.  Been around a couple of 130s…they’re grand old planes.”

Wendy looked at Bruce, “Can I?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Wendy swiveled her head toward Ray.  “The 130 I fly is used by Bruce and his team.  Bruce is CIA.  He and his team are tasked with chopping off al-Qaida heads…primarily.  They’re damned good at it…work with some Brits from time to time.  The fella we had—a Navy Machinist’s Mate—working on the plane along with me and a couple of my crewmembers, got killed a while back.  May as well mention this now—he and I were lovers.  He was a bunch younger than me.  Also—just to not have it sneak up on you, I just finished an affair with another member of the team…also much younger than I am.  You think you might be interested in coming up to the ranch with me…maybe checking out our operation—then perhaps joining in for a while?  Gonna be a short-term deal, because the team is gonna be disbanded by November…if not sooner.”

Ray smiled, “Let me see if I got this straight.  You want me to up and quit a damn good-paying job—one I happen to like—to come live and work with this CIA team for about five months, then be back on the street looking for a job again?  About right?”

Wendy nodded, “Yeah, about.”

Ray asked, “If I say ‘no,’ how do you know I can keep my trap shut about what is obviously a top secret deal?”

Bruce, with a tight smile on his face, said, “Because if you don’t, I’ll kill you.”

Bonnie kicked Bruce under the table, “Ray, if Wendy and Bruce hadn’t already sized you up as someone they could trust, Bruce wouldn’t have told Wendy to go ahead with asking you to join our merry band of…I don’t know how to describe it.  Though when my husband is acting the fool, ‘band of idiots’ might serve.”

Ray looked at Wendy, “Was this afternoon part of the recruitment?”

Wendy blushed, “Absolutely not.  You join us or don’t, I’d like to continue seeing you—if all this hasn’t scared you off.  I guess we…I…did come on a bit strong, but as things now stand, we…I…really don’t have much choice.  We’ve got something in the hopper, so to speak.  I’m really thinking I want to spend a lot of time around you—either here, or in some damned jungle someplace.”

“Oh, crap—why not?  I’m in.”


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Monday, March 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Asps and friends are ambushed.


Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series.  Asps and friends run into ambush.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Wendy laughed as Holly, standing next to the control panel of the plane’s ramp, pushed the down button.  The ramp slowly started to drop.  As soon as it touched down, a man ran toward the rear of the plane.  On seeing him, Holly yelled, “Bomb…get down.”

As she yelled, Holly dove to the floor of the plane while drawing the Asp from her shoulder holster.  She fired off a quick shot, just before she slammed into the floor of the plane.  Holly had seen the “dead man’s” control in the man’s hand, as well as his thumb on the lever.  She knew what was to come, so was not surprised in the least when the bomb attached to the suicide murderer went off with a horrific explosion, sending nails and ball bearings into the plane.  Two of the nails hit Holly in her leg, one of the ball bearings struck her right arm.

Pete, who had been standing on the other side of the plane, had already taken two steps down the ramp before he too saw the terrorist.  As he reached for his Asp, he was less fortunate.  He had made a belated dive to the base of the ramp as he too fired at the bomber, but he was just a bit too slow.  He was cut to pieces with a hail of nails and ball bearings.

Even though the bomber, hit in the forehead by Holly’s miraculous shot, had toppled forward as he was heading to the ground—thus averting the entire force of the blast from causing catastrophic damage to the plane—the hail of nails and ball bearings entering the rear of the plane caused several other members of the group there to be hit.  Bear had taken three nails and two ball bearings to the bulletproof vest he, as well as the other team members, was wearing.  Another nail hit him in the forehead.  It penetrated about three inches right into his head.  While he didn’t even lose consciousness, he realized he’d been hit.  He reached up toward his forehead.  Jack, who along with Jim, Phil, Billy, and Ike had not been hit by any of the damaging projectiles, saw Bear’s move.  He quickly yelled, “No, Bear!  Don’t touch that damned thing.  Just sit down in one of the easy chairs.  Remain totally motionless!”

He added, “Anyone hit, leave the nails and what not right where they hit you.  I’ll look at each as I get time.”

Even as he spoke, Jack was hurrying to see if he could assist Holly and Pete.  One look at Pete told him not to bother—so he went to Holly.  He told her to lie still as he started looking over her situation.

Meanwhile, up in the cockpit, even as they heard the blast, Wendy and Goose both noticed more trouble on the way.  The stand of trees was in a semi-half-circle around the plane.   The plane had nestled down, with the rear pointed at what would have been the joint of an “L”—had there not been a slight rounding off of that joining—where the trees headed off in opposite directions.  More terrorists were pouring out from the surrounding trees.  When her head cleared from the concussion of the blast—which had traveled the length of the inside of the plane—she said into the plane’s intercom, “We’re about to be under attack from the trees.  Look sharp back there, if you’re all okay.”

Expecting no reply, she, Goose, and Bruce hurried to get up on the wings of the plane, to be better able to fire on the approaching terrorists.

On hearing Wendy’s warning, Maggie, hit in her vest, right leg, and ear, called out, “I’ve got one of the Gatlings on the port side,” as she hobbled over to it. 

Phil, was standing only a few feet from the other side of the plane.  “I’ve got one of them over on the starboard side.”

Jim, Billy, and Ike were already running to the rear of the plane, just behind Jack, by then.  They went right down the severely damaged ramp.  Kye, who had only been hit in her vest and had her left arm grazed, and Dusty, with a nail sticking in his thigh, hurried to follow the first wave of the plane’s defenders.  Dusty only made one step before he almost swore—which would have been a first, since he never cussed—stopped and pulled the offending nail out of his left leg, before he followed his wife off the plane.  By the time those two were off the plane, the battle with the advancing terrorists was in full swing.


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Friday, March 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - CIA needs Jim's help in checking out potential traitor.


Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series.  Senior operative in the CIA asks old friend Jim Scott for help dealing with a presumed traitor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



While Bruce contemplated, Glenn was seething in Washington.  Badda Younis was one of three Arab Muslims pawned off on CIA from the White House after the current President took office.  They were recommended with the “understanding” they would be given every opportunity to advance.  All were to be in The National Clandestine Service.  Glenn had kept a close eye on all three.  Two had turned out to be reasonable, though far from outstanding additions.  Younis was another matter.  Part of what had Glenn so upset was that he was stupid enough to trust information gathered by Younis—information that had run the Asps into a train wreck. 

As he gathered himself mentally, Glenn left CIA Headquarters.  He drove a short distance away in his car.  He had to make sure the call he was about to make could not be traced in any way.  He used one of Jim Scott’s special cell phones to call Jim.

Jim saw who was calling, and answered, “Hi, Glenn.  What’s up?”

“Got a big mess on my hands.  Need help.”

“Sure.  Shoot.”

Glenn explained about the seemingly bogus information gathered by Badda Younis, with the result in Pakistan.  Jim instantly bristled when told Billy Garcia had been captured and was missing in action as the two men spoke.   When Glenn finished, Jim asked, “Where is this Younis jerk now?”

Islamabad—where he’s gonna stay until you can round him up to ask him a few pointed questions.  Your methods, et cetera, are up to you.  What happens to him if his answers are what I fear they may be is also totally up to you.  Just don’t let it come back in our laps…please.”

“You know better than that.  I assume—since you’re using the phone I gave you—this call is totally safe.”

“Oh, yes.  I’m in my car…which I scanned with a black box before I left Headquarters.  Anything you need from this end?”

“Yeah, pictures of the guy plus his dossier, if you can get them to me safely.”

“Can do.  I have a laptop with a disposable hard drive.  I’ll use it, then dispose of it.”

“I’ll take care of it.  So long.”

“Thanks…see ya.”

After he ended the call, a chill went down Glenn’s spin, as he thought of what Badda Younis was in for—even if the man deserved it.


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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series) - Asps raid terrorist camp im Pakistan.


Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series.  Asps take down terrorist camp only to find the man they had come to capture wasn’t there.  Enjoy and have a great day.



On Bruce’s command, all six Asps in the attacking group moved forward.  When each twosome felt they were as close as they dared go without being seen, they waited until the other twosomes had indicated proper placement by clicking their finger against the bulb of the communication set they wore.

When all “thumps” had been sounded, Bruce thumped his twice and the team began taking down the terrorists outside their tents and shacks.  They were using silenced sniper rifles and, in short order, terrorists started dropping in death all around the camp.  By the time anyone in the camp realized they were under attack, nearly all of those in view were dead—or soon to be.  In a matter of minutes, those who poured out of various berthing structures were falling at the hands of the Asps. 

The team knew which of the tents held the leaders, and they were careful to only wound anyone coming from that tent.  When all enemy targets had been hit, the team rushed in only to discover that while the operation had been a success, the ‘patient’ had died… the leader they sought had been with the main force taken out by Hank and his team…with a bit of help from Dusty and Bear.  The four wounded “leaders” were summarily dispatched when none were recognized as being of importance.

On discovering the leader missing, Bruce swore before he groaned to Maggie, “Come on—let’s see what we can find in the headquarters tent, then get the hell out of here.”

By then Dusty and Bear had arrived in their buggy.  Dusty had some bad news.  “Hey, Bruce, I hate to tell you this, but one of the guys in the front of that column sure looked like the guy we were after.”

Bruce just sighed.  “Thanks for the info…not.  To tell you the truth, I wondered about that myself, but wasn’t sure.  Now I am.  He ain’t here, that’s for sure.  Come on, Dusty, give Maggie and me a hand.”


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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bear's War (Asps Sereis) - Patty has a terrorist aboard her charter flight.


Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the Asps Series.  Patty has most wanted terrorist on her charter plane and calls Jim for help.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While Kye, Dusty, and Pete were being briefed, Patty was flying ever more southward, toward Miami.  She had taken time to plot her course from Miami to Los Angeles and knew she’d be very tired by the time they arrived, but wasn’t overly concerned.  Rolfe had told her the trip was about trying to close a major business deal and, since he was such a good customer—his interest in her as a woman aside—she decided she would be happy to accommodate the change in plans.  When she announced over the intercom they would be landing in about twenty minutes—as he had requested she do—Rolfe called ahead and told the man he was meeting of their impending arrival.

When Patty landed, she taxied to where she was told to go for refueling.  She had called ahead and arranged for fuel, down to having already given her credit card number, to avoid an over-long stay on the ground.  After she stopped the plane, Patty went to the cabin and opened the door for Rolfe, who left the plane to wait for the man who was going to Los Angeles with them.  Patty stayed at the door until the fuel truck arrived, before she went back to the cockpit to check on Harry VI, who was sleeping soundly.  Nothing else to do, she sat down in her seat and waited for the fueling to be completed and the new passenger to arrive.  When he did arrive, Patty’s eyes flew wide open and she felt a chill run down her spine.  The man meeting Randal Rolfe was none other than Ibn Mohammad…one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.  As a matter of course, Patty looked over the pictures of wanted terrorists on Jim Scott’s computer every time she visited the Asps complex on Jim’s ranch.  There was no doubt who she was looking at.  She thought of the Asp Jim had given her, which was in a mostly hidden holster on the left-hand side of her seat, but knew she’d never risk firing it…especially while refueling was going on.  She had no intention of risking her son’s life by blowing her plane up with him in it.  She thought of running back, shutting the plane’s door, and calling the authorities…but she felt she might not make it in time.  So she just sat there, took three deep breaths, let them out slowly after each was taken, and did some fast thinking on what to do.  By the time she got up and went back to greet her new passenger, she had her plan more or less figured out.

Rolfe introduced Mohammad using a Hispanic name that went right over Patty’s head, as she tried her best to remain calm and friendly.  After signing off on the fuel slip, Patty closed the door.  “Er, Randal…you two—as always—help yourselves to anything you want from the bar and fridge.  But do it early on.  Looks like after about an hour out and for some time after that, we’ll be running into a few pretty tough headwinds, so I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your seat belts fastened most of the time.  I’d hate for either of you to go bouncing off the overhead.  An uninjured customer always pays better.”

Rolfe laughed as Patty turned for the cockpit.  As much as she wanted to do so, she left the cockpit door open as she always did with a small load of people.  Then she stopped, went back to the door, and asked, “Randal, would you like me to shut the door, in case you two have any business to talk over?”

Rolfe glanced at Mohammad who gave a brief nod, then Rolfe answered, “That would be a good idea, Patty.  Thanks for your consideration.”

“You’re welcome.  Oh, one more thing.  I’ve got a few friends in L.A. who have never seen Harry.  Will I have time to spend a few hours with them…if I have them meet me at the airport?”

“That will be fine, Patty.  We’ll probably be there two days or more.”

Patty just nodded, as she pulled the door shut and let out a sigh.  While she would still be careful in what she said later on in the flight, a slip of her tongue would be less likely heard and, as she arranged things with various control towers along the way, she didn’t want to be overheard.  When she took off, she set her course directly for Montana, having no intention of ever landing in Los Angeles…at least not in the next several hours.  She did, however, call ahead and make arrangements for landing at the small airport in Los Angeles, and for having a spot to park her plane for a few days.  When her course was set, she immediately called Jim Scott.  “Hi, Hec—Patty Chickamunga here.  I’m on my way to Los Angeles and, since you and Joyce have never seen Harry, I thought it’d be nice if you met me at the airport when I get there.  Maybe you could bring Dan and Ethel along, also.  They’ve never seen him either.”

Jim, who was at the computer in the Asps compound with his wife, Holly, and Sarah Turner, Bear’s wife, sat bolt upright in his chair.  Before he spoke, he snapped his fingers and pointed at the phone near the terminal Holly was using, then the one near Sarah.  Jim asked, “You got a problem, Patty?”

“Yeah, Hec, I do.  Really looking forward to seeing all four of you.  Your two kids, too.  Haven’t seen Billy since he turned ten last year.”

“Okay, you can talk, but might be overheard.  What I say is okay…that is, they can’t hear me?”

“Yeah, that’s right.  Just missed seeing you the one time I came out there.  Sorry about that…of course it would just have been the two of you, since Dan and Ethel were in Hawaii at the time.”

“Okay, I’ll ask three things at once.  Any of them are wrong, you let me know and I’ll ask them one at a time.  You on your plane?  And there’s a bad guy on there, too.  And you’re headed to L.A.?”

“Hold on, Hec.  I want to see if I’ve got my plane on the right course.  I just set the autopilot.  Yeah, it’s okay.  Wouldn’t want my two passengers to get mad at me for taking them someplace besides Los Angeles.”

“Good girl.  Two bad guys on the plane.  They think you’re going to L.A.  Where are you going?”

“I’m not sure about the time.  I might have to make a stop along the way.  I’ve got plenty of fuel to make L.A. without the headwinds I may run into.  They’re too bad, and I may have to make a pit stop.  Thought I’d stop at Jim’s place.  I know he carries extra fuel, and that way I wouldn’t have to waste a bunch of time.  Think my passengers would appreciate it.”

“Okay, Patty, I got it.  You’re gonna tell them you’re up against stiff headwinds, want to err on the side of caution, and make a fast refueling stop at a friend’s landing strip, where you’ll be able to get in and out without wasting a bunch of time.  When you land here, we nab the bastards.  I take it you’ve got someone pretty hot.”

“Oh, yeah.  Harry’s right here in the cockpit with me.  Sleeping like the baby he is right now, thankfully.”

“Okay, Harry’s with you.  We’ll figure it out.  You just come on in, honey.  Let me know when you’re getting close.”

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series) - Drew and Boris pick up two tails in Pakistan.


Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series.  While trying to develop their cover story in Pakistan, Drew and Boris pick a tail, or rather two tails.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Early the next morning, Drew and Boris received a call from a rather small charter airline service at the small plane airport.  The owner was interested in expanding, and wondered if the two potential investors would stop by his facility when they had time.  They immediately agreed, knowing an investment at the airport would allow them to keep a close eye on the planes of the company supplying Jordan with his means of transportation.  As he drove, with Boris sitting next to him, Drew glanced over at him.  “I see we still have our shadow.”

“I noticed.  Turn at the next corner.  I think our tail may have a tail of his own—or we have two.”

Drew, having suspected the same thing, made a right turn at the next corner.  Both vehicles behind them turned, also.  At the next corner, he turned left.  Again, both vehicles made the turn.  Drew asked, “Shall we put them afoot?”

“By all means.”

Drew drove on until he found a likely place to stop.  When he pulled in and turned off the Land Rover’s engine, he got out without a word, as Boris did the same.  They walked forward for half a block, then casually went into a crowded shop.  Right on through it they went, and out the back.  The two men quickly headed back the way they had come, on the street where their Land Rover was parked.  At an alley, they turned right and soon came back to their original street.  The tail on the tail were two nicely dressed men, who were now less than ten feet in front of Drew and Boris.  Both men soon had an Asp in their respective backs.  Drew growled, in Arabic, “Please be kind enough to turn around and head back to the alley you just passed.”

The men did as told and, when herded into the alley by Drew and Boris, one smiled.  “Gentlemen, we’re Tony Henry’s men—sent to cover your back.  I assume if you spotted us, you spotted the other two chaps.”

Drew said nothing as he reached into the man's jacket pocket, found his identification, which indeed showed him to be an SIS agent.  Drew handed it back to him.  “You could be of greater service to us if you would keep an eye on our wives and Boris’ son.  They’ll be leaving our hotel within the half hour.  I think we can handle the two guys who were behind us and in front of you.”

One of the SIS agents chuckled.  “I’d say you probably can.  We’ll keep a watch on your loved ones.”

Boris suggested, “If they are not being followed, please be kind enough to introduce yourselves.  Both ladies are well versed in tradecraft.  I’d hate to see anything happen to either of you.”

Before anything else could be said, Drew and Boris turned and went back down the alley, then back to the shop they had come through.  It took them only a few seconds to see the two men they sought, loitering in front of the shop.  They walked to the doorway and, on a hunch he’d discussed with Drew before they left the hotel, Boris muttered, in Russian, “Let’s duck out the back way.”

He said it loud enough to be heard by the nearest of the two men.  They then turned and headed back to the rear of the building, and went out.  Boris turned right, Drew to the left as they left the building.  When the two men reached the rear doorway, both men had their Asps pulled and motioned the two men to move in Drew’s direction.  Boris came up behind them, reached around one of them, and took out the gun located in his shoulder holster.  Drew took the gun of the other man.  On hearing just a slight noise behind him, Boris grumbled, without turning around, “Hello, Sergey.”

Sergey Terekhov, a former KGB agent trained by Boris, and long time friend of his mentor, joked, “You win, Boris.  Nice to see you,” as he extended his hand to Boris, who had now turned around.

After those two shook hands, Drew shook Sergey’s hand as well, then asked, “These two belong to you, Sergey?”


Both Boris and Drew returned the weapons to the two men.  Drew reached into his pocket and took out a money clip.  He extracted a hundred dollar bill from it and handed it to Boris, “You cost me a hundred bucks.  After we spotted these two yesterday, Boris bet me a hundred bucks you were behind the tailing job.  Was it to protect our backs, or a training operation for those two?”


Drew snatched the hundred dollar bill back from Boris’ hand. “In that case, it’s a wash.  I predicted, if he was right in his feeling they belonged to you, it would be training.  He went with protecting our back.”

Sergey laughed again, “No need to protect your backs.  If you two can’t spot a tail by now, you’re too old to be doing whatever it is you’re doing.”


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