Thursday, April 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Ruth discovers something Elmer missed.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer’s third ex-wife (and current lover) discovers something he missed while checking cold case files.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


When Elmer and Alan reached Ruth’s home, they carried their files inside.  After a fine meal, they started to go through what they had brought.   Elmer had brought half a dozen files they had already gone through.  He explained to Ruth what to look for as he handed her those files.  He noticed as he worked on his stack of files that she was lagging behind.  He figured it was to be expected, as he realized she was doing her best to be thorough.  His observation made, he almost felt bad about giving her files they had already gone through.  All the files he had given her, he had personally gone through.

At one point Ruth smiled, “This is fun.  If I knew how much fun you two had at work, I might have become a cop, too.”

Alan and Elmer just looked at each other, shrugged, then went back to work.  As he got near the end of his pile of files, Elmer glanced at Ruth.  He saw she was intent on something in one of her files.  He wondered about it, but went back to work, only to soon hear Ruth say, “I think I’ve got one.”

Elmer nearly laughed, but went over to sit next to Ruth on the couch.  She told him why she thought the file might be the same man as “Whodunit.”  He looked over the file he had already been through.  “Damn, damn, and damn.  You’re right, Ruthie.”

“Why so upset?”

Realizing he was going to have to lie or tell the truth, he thought a second before he realized he had never lied to Ruth, so told her the truth.  She picked up one of the discarded files.  She hit him over the head with it as she muttered a few oaths.

Alan, having taken that all in, tried to help his partner.  “Ruth, may I point out Elmer told you he had been the one to go through those files, meaning he missed what you found—which makes you a better detective than the great Elmer Bader?”

Ruth stopped hitting Elmer and swearing, then grinned, “Yeah—thanks, Alan.  You can sleep in my room tonight—this bozo can sleep in yours.”


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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - Three old spies do a bit of bugging.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps series.  Drew, Boris, and Pepper bug house of two men they suspect of being terrorists in La Paz after Suzan decides to stay with the poor family they are in the process of adopting.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


Drew showed Ernesto’s mother to her bed, then got soup under way for her.  He reasoned hard food would be more than she could stand the first day, after not eating properly for a number of days.  While the soup was heating up, Drew explained what her problem had been.  Ernesto hung his head.  Pepper shook hers.  “Ernesto, do not be ashamed.  Be proud of your mother for loving you three children so much.   Had my mother not loved me so much, I would not be as old as I am.”

The lad laughed, then began engaging the others with stories of La Paz…at the gentle urging of Boris.  Meanwhile, Drew kept a close watch on the outside lighting.  When it started to get dark, around nine, he suggested they all leave to let those in the home get some rest.  Suzan thought for a second.  “I think I’ll spend the night, to make sure all is well here.  You three can handle what I’m sure you’re about to do.”

Boris got up, and kissed his wife.  “I love you more each day, darling Suzan.”

With few comments other than goodbyes, Drew, Boris, and Pepper soon left, before heading to the airport and their plane.  Once there, they all changed into different clothing—all black—then carried the things they wanted to the car.  The airport was a good distance from Ernesto’s home.  They had not hurried at the plane, so when they passed near Ernesto’s home on the way back, nearly two hours had elapsed.  It took another twenty minutes to get to the house the two targets from earlier in the day had gone into.  Drew drove by unhurried, but not so slow as to have anyone take notice. 

The area was very poorly lit.  No one seemed to be out and about, so Drew found a convenient place to park the car and turned it off, then asked, “How long do you want to wait, Boris?  I really don’t see any reason to wait much.”

“Nor do I.  First thing we should do is find a place for the receiver.  Pepper, why don’t you find a place to set it up, while your intended and I nose around, to see what we can see.  There is a nice alley for us to use to come up behind their place.  I’m thinking we shouldn’t be more than about ten minutes.”

Pepper just nodded and took out a black duffle-type bag before she got out of the car.  Drew and Boris also got out with a similar bag.  In a matter of minutes, all the windows of the house were bugged with transparent strips, capable of sending a signal for a limited distance…well within the distance Pepper was likely to place the receiving unit.

As they drove off with Pepper driving, Drew opened his laptop.  In no time, he had the signal from the receiver broadcasting into it.  Little of interest was being said, so Drew set the computer up to record any conversation…shut it down and sighed.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Teams C-130 ambushed.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps series.  After a suicide bomber sets off his charge a short distance from the loading ramp of the C-130, several more terrorists attack the plane.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


       On hearing Wendy’s warning, Maggie, hit in her vest, right leg, and ear, called out, “I’ve got one of the Gatlings on the port side,” as she hobbled over to it. 

Phil, was standing only a few feet from the other side of the plane.  “I’ve got one of them over on the starboard side.”

Jim, Billy, and Ike were already running to the rear of the plane, just behind Jack, by then.  They went right down the severely damaged ramp.  Kye, who had only been hit in her vest and had her left arm grazed, and Dusty, with a nail sticking in his thigh, hurried to follow the first wave of the plane’s defenders.  Dusty only made one step before he almost swore—which would have been a first, since he never cussed—stopped and pulled the offending nail out of his left leg, before he followed his wife off the plane.  By the time those two were off the plane, the battle with the advancing terrorists was in full swing.

Chet, hit with three nails and two ball bearings, but not seriously injured, hobbled off the plane with his Asp drawn.  He started looking for something to shoot at.  The first terrorist he saw was under the plane’s wing.  He fired at him just as Bruce, who had slid—intentionally—off the wing to get at the same man, fired off a shot.  Both men hit the terrorist with killing shots before looking for other targets.

While those on the ground and in the plane were turning the grass field into a killing zone, Wendy and Goose were doing the same thing from the wings of the plane.

Even as she fired shot after killing shot at the advancing terrorists, Wendy was muttering under breath, “Attack my plane, will you, you bastards?  Well, take that,” as she killed still another of al-Qaida’s best—or worst, depending on one’s point of view.

Had Goose been able to hear over the racket of the two Gatling guns pouring death at the terrorists, he would have had his own successful shots diminished in their accuracy, as he would have been laughing too hard to shoot. 

When suddenly there were no more targets to shoot at, the defenders of the plane let out a collective sigh as they set about seeing what could be done for their injured comrades.  Even as they turned back to the plane, Jim glanced over at Bruce, now only about ten feet from him.  “We’ve got a hell of a mess.  Holly’s down…I think Pete is gone.  Got a few more inside who got hit with that crap.  You want to take a couple of guys to make sure these bastards are all on their fruitless search for their promised but non-existent virgins?”


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Monday, April 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - SNEAK PREVIEW - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Jo gets drunk and walks n carrying her "gat."

Today’s excerpt is a SNEAK PREVIEW from Monster’s Palace, the next book to be released.  A very drunk (for the first time in her life) Jo, walks into the living room of CIA Director Glenn Burgess carrying a handgun.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  This book should be up on Amazon’s Kindle Book Store in about a week or so.


NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


       After he put his socks and shoes on, Clyde put on his shoulder holster, before he helped Jo dress.  As they started to leave the room, Jo noticed Clyde’s shoulder holster, and got her gun out of the hidden holster in her purse.  Clyde didn’t notice because he was already opening the door.

       But as soon as they got downstairs, Glenn sure noticed the gun.

       Before he could inquire, Jo—who had seen the other three had on shoulder holsters, also—asked, “Anybody got another of those neat shoulder holsters around?”

       Glenn asked, “Where in the hell did that gun come from?”

       “I keep it in my purse, silly.”

       Glenn glared at Clyde, before he asked, “Jo, have you been bringing that gun into CIA Headquarters?”

       “Yup, sir—I sure have.  Got a neat little holster in my purse.”

       Clyde just ran his hand down his face before he tried to take the gun from Jo.  “Nope, sir—you ain’t getting my gat.  I’m gonna blow his balls off with it.”

       Clyde snatched the gun and growled, “Maybe if you drink about a gallon of coffee and sleep all the way there, I’ll think about giving this back to you.”

       In the kitchen, everyone—including the objecting Jo, who insisted she didn’t need any—drank a cup of coffee.  Candi put the rest in a thermos—exclusively for Jo.

       Floyd hadn’t even bothered to question Glenn on the advisability of the CIA Director going on such a mission—especially one strictly illegal on several levels.  But he did insist on driving. 

      When Jo blurted out, “Shotgun,” Clyde just steered her into the back. 


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Friday, April 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - Billy trying to escape from terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps series.  Billy making progress in escaping from the terrorists holding him prisoner.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



In a matter of seconds, Billy had the shackle off his leg, and was at the discarded first-aid kit all Asps wore.  Billy muttered aloud, “Sure glad those idiots were more concerned with weapons than the thing I need most right now.”

The first order of business was to give himself a shot of morphine.  After doing so, he took a deep breath, then set the four broken fingers on his left hand.  In spite of the morphine, he nearly passed out getting the fingers lined up properly.  He tied the two fingers nearest his thumb together with tape, before he did the same with the other two fingers.  That done, he decided the only other thing needing immediate attention was the cut on his hip from the cutting off of his underpants.  When he had the wound tacked together with butterfly bandages and disinfected, he covered it with gauze and tape.  Billy hurriedly dressed, the most time spent getting his shoelace from the saving boot rethreaded properly into the boot. 

Fully dressed and on his feet, Billy thought, “Okay, now to get out of here.”

He went to the door.  He saw there was no inside keyhole to pick.  Instead there was a flat plate, which told him the door was only keyed to the outside, much as a connecting door to two hotel rooms.  He sighed, but then remembered how his large knife was thrown at the door, so when the door was closed, it went to the outside of the door.  He smiled as he glanced to his right, at the side of the door away from the lock side.  He  nearly busted out laughing when he saw two hinges—on the inside of the door. 

After he controlled the urge to laugh, he thought, “Only idiots like the Taliban and al-Qaida would hinge the door to a jail cell on the inside!”

While getting dressed, Billy had put away the lock pick and taken out a four-inch flat knife without a proper handle.  He had wrapped his trusty underwear around the handle and now used the knife to pry up one of the hinge pins, almost all the way out, then did the same with the other one.  He eased the two pins out before he used his knife as a wedge to move the hinges apart.  The door fell on its edge, but made little noise, as it fell on the dirt floor.  Next he grasped the door by the upper hinge to open it slightly.  There stood a sentry with his back to Billy.  Billy dropped the knife into one of the utility pockets on his pants as he reached down to get his large, over-sized hunting knife from where it still stuck in the door.

Knife in hand, he eased the door open further.  When he did, it made a noise and the sentry started to turn.  Using his backhand, Billy sent the knife flying.  It caught the terrorist in the throat, just as he completed his turn.  Billy was through the doorway to the man, even as he started to fall, while he tried to grasp the knife in his throat and was making a gurgling sound all at the same time.  Billy grabbed the knife, then finished the job of killing the terrorist.  He dragged the man into the recess between the cell and the front of the small building.


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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series) - Major fight with al-Qaidas draws to a close.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps series.  Asps, SIS, and SAS pull back after inflicting major damage to al-Qaida camp.  Enjoy and have a great day.



While all that had been going on, Tony and his SAS men weren’t sitting idly by.  As soon as the all clear had been given after the last round of claymores were set off, those in Tony’s group had opened up.  Initially, the terrorists weren’t sure where all the fire was coming from.  In time, some realized where Bruce and his group were, and—depending on their proximity to the various sites on the almost circular mound where Tony’s group was hidden—some terrorists started firing in the general direction of members of his group…without much success, since they really never knew for sure just where the shots from Tony’s group were coming from.  Tony and his SAS friends were well dug in and well camouflaged.

In time, one of the SAS troops was grazed on the outside of his neck, fortunately gouging out only meat from his neck muscle.  As he took out bandaging material and started to wrap it around his neck, the whiteness of the material was easily spotted and several shots came his way, one grazing the back on his hand.  He grumbled, “Bloody hell,” and burrowed deeper into his hidey-hole.

The situation could have become worse, but just then, one of the buggies came flying by and either killed or scattered those who had seen the white material.  By the time the next buggy was approaching, the man and his bandaging material were forgotten.

The next pass of the buggies further drove the terrorists away from any place near that side of the man’s hideout, even though by then he was back in action and firing away. 

That pass was made with Bruce manning one of the machine guns, but just as it drove by that particular spot, Bruce grumbled, “Son-of-a-bitch.  I’m totally out of ammo for this thing,” as he took out his Asp and did what damage he could.

Back at the location of the main force of Asps and SAS troops, Oscar suggested, “Bruce, I’m thinking it’s time to get Tony and his chaps out of there and pull back.  We’re getting torn up…even though we’ve sure as hell hit these bastards hard.”

Bruce joked, “Right on,” which drew a few chuckles, even as Bruce added, “Okay, buggy drivers, circle our wagons around Tony’s island.  Tony, you and your guys jump in whatever buggy you can.  We’re not coming to any full stops, just slowing down so you can jump in.”

Tony and his SAS team didn’t have to be told twice.  In less than a minute, all were in one buggy or the other, and the buggies were speeding toward where Oscar and the others were.

Seeing that, Oscar said, “Bear, we’re pulling back.  Will give you an idea of where in due time.”

Bear replied, “Right on.  We’ll set the charges in the ammo dump and head your way.  Two of your men should be getting to you soon.”

The SAS troop, told by Bear to help his wounded friend, spoke up, “We’re here…and damned sure ready to pull back.  We both took another hit getting here.  Bloody guys are popping up everywhere.”

As the buggies slowed near where Oscar stood, firing away as he had been speaking, he glanced at Sergeant Major Squires.  “Sergeant Major, I assume you have one of our lorries.  If so, where is it?  We’ll pull back in that direction.”

Cyrus had been hit three times getting into the buggy, but managed to almost whisper, “Yes…and roughly two miles nearly due north of where you stand.  Let one of my men drive one of the buggies to lead the way.”

One of the SAS men rescued got out of the buggy he was in.  “I’ve been hit, but only slightly.  I’ll drive the lead buggy.”

Oscar nodded as he took a shot in his left hip, swore, and added, “Good man.  Take the most seriously wounded—those who can’t walk, at least—and be on your way.  The rest of us will give you cover as we retreat.  Bear, did you hear and know about where we’re heading?”

“Yeah, Oscar.  Get the hell outta there.”


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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bear's War (Asps Series) - Jack carries nun on his back out of harm's way.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps series.  With over 500 terrorists on his trail, Jack carries one nun on his back and leads the other three nuns and Maggie toward help.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After he got off the phone with Bruce, Jack carried on for another twenty minutes, before he stopped.  “I have to take a break.”

Maggie and the Sisters knew the situation, but none said anything, except Sister Barbara, who groaned, “Maybe it would be a good idea…”

Jack held up his hand and interrupted, “Don’t say it, Sister Barbara…we aren’t leaving you here…period.”

Sister Barbara smiled.  “What I was going to say was maybe it would be a good idea if I walked on my own the rest of the way.  You can’t go on.”

Jack smiled in return and shook his head.  “No offense, but you’d only slow us down.  I can make it, with a little encouragement.”

Sister Barbara nodded.  “Very well.  I’m sure you know best.”

After a ten-minute break, Jack sighed, and stood up.  “All aboard.”

When Sister Barbara was on his back again, she reached around behind them with one arm, while holding on with the other one, and swatted Jack on the rear end with a thin branch she had picked up from the ground.  “Giddy up, slow poke.”

Jack, the other three Sisters, and Maggie busted out laughing—Jack, to the point that he nearly fell down, Sister Barbara and all.  Maggie joked, “You wanted encouragement, Jack…you got it.  Now, lead us to safety, ol’ great, wonderful, knight in shining armor.”


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Monday, April 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series) - Asps, SAS, and friends raid al-Qaida camp, but the ground is too wet for the C-130 to pick them up.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps series.  Finished with a raid on an al-Qaida camp, the team, a SAS unit, and friends try to find a place in the rain soaked area for their C-130 to land.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Later, with the team gathered around their vehicles, Bruce grumbled, “Guess all we have to do now is find a place for Wendy to land.”

Dusty nodded.  “When going over the satellite photos of the area, I noticed some sort of runway about fifty miles more or less southeast of here.  Had a few buildings nearby, but none of the photos showed anyone in sight.  Want to try for that?”

Harry asked, “You think you can find it from here?”

Bear joked, “Dusty has a GPS system imbedded in his head.  He can find it.”

Dusty laughed, “Yeah, I think I can find it.”

Jim nodded, “Lead the way then.  Let’s load up, folks.”

When everyone was loaded up in the vehicles, Dusty led the way, driving one of the buggies.  The going was anything but smooth, as they came to several places which were too soggy to drive through, and had to drive around the dangerous spots to avoid getting one or more of the vehicles stuck in the mud.  It took nearly three hours to make the fifty-plus miles.  When they did come to what Dusty had seen on the photos, they pulled to a stop and looked around, without seeing any signs of life.  What they saw was obviously an abandoned facility of some type.  As they drove forward, they reached a small overgrown airstrip.  Dusty pulled up alongside it, stopped, and shrugged.  “Looks like we’ve got a place for Wendy to land…if it’s long enough.  Probably wouldn’t hurt to clear some of those tall weeds off, if we can.”

Bruce grumbled, “Yeah.  Everyone get their hoes out.”

Tony joked, “If it would stop raining for five minutes, we could burn the weeds off.  Otherwise, I suggest we all put our mittens on and commence pulling.”

Dusty pulled his buggy up onto the weed-covered airstrip and drove to the end nearest where the others were parked, then drove to the other end.  When he got there, he was satisfied with the distance.  “Okay, it’s long enough…and wide enough.  Even with the rain, Wendy should be able to land…weeds or no weeds.  But we better check it over carefully and make sure there are no crater-sized potholes.”

Jim, who was driving one of the buggies, and Harry, who was driving the third one, pulled up onto the runway, drove to the end where Dusty had started, and begun slowly driving toward the far end, each about five feet from the edge of the runway they were on.  Dusty saw that and started driving slowly down the middle.  For over thirty minutes, they all drove back and forth, looking for any possible problems.  While they did, each of the drivers with at least two other people in the buggies, the rest of the team reluctantly started pulling weeds.  With the rain, the large weeds came out more easily than many thought they would.  By the time Dusty, Jim, and Harry parked their buggies near the two SAS vehicles, about fifty feet of the runway had more or less been cleared of weeds.  When those in the three buggies got out and started helping, the weed pulling went much quicker.  When they were about half done, Jim stopped, and called Wendy.  “Your new international airport of Angola awaits you, Red.  GPS will be set up for you shortly.”


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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Fido (Asps Series) - Dusty bugs the car of a bad guy.


Today’s excerpt is from Fido, the Book #3 of the nine-book Asps series.  Dusty bugs car belonging to terrorist leader setting up shop in Colombia.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Bear swore softly.  “Well, they sure do believe in lights.”

Not only was the front of Muhammad’s house well-lit, so was the back.  The sides were less so, but only barely.  The three took in the scene, and Dusty sighed.  “Well, looks like only one car.  Kye, you drop further back and check out the garage-looking building out back, and make sure no cars are in there.  Bear, I’m thinking this is a one-man job.  I’ll go, you cover me.  I’ll go straight for the side of the house, then work my way forward, to make my try at the car.  Should have brought a darn rifle.”

Harry could hear.  “Then go back for one.”

Dusty replied, “No, we need to get that car bugged.  I’ll go ahead.  Harry, you watch the driveway…you can see it from where you are.  Sarah, bring us a rifle…may as well bring one for yourself.  Go to the rear of the grounds, then cut straight across.  When you get to the second set of grounds, you’ll see all the lights in the world.  Follow the tree line up about a hundred feet and you’ll find Bear.”

“On my way, as soon as I get a black sweater on.”

“Right,” Dusty said as he stood up and ran for the side of the house.

From the tree line to the house was nearly a hundred and fifty feet—just about the maximum distance for accuracy with the Asps.  A hundred feet was better, but both men knew there was nothing to be done about it right now.  As Dusty made his move, Kye was headed for the rear of the free-standing garage, some hundred and fifty feet behind the house. 

When Dusty reached the side of the house, he took a deep breath and worked his way forward, to the corner where the side of the house and the front met.  He had already guessed the distance to the car from there to be about fifty feet.  Staying close to the house, he moved forward, until he was even with the car, now only about ten feet away.  Knowing light was hard to see through, he was glad the inside lights were on in the windows nearest the car.  His happy thought in mind, he hurried to the car and around it.  He dropped down, crawled under it, and attached a homing device sending unit, in a place not easily spotted.  He got back out from under the car, got up to a kneeling position, and looked into the car.  He saw two things at once.  It had an alarm system, but was unlocked and the alarm system seemed not to be on.  He thought, “Mess this up now, and you’ll be the joke of the team,” then slowly opened the door…no alarm sounded.  He quickly reached inside and put a bug under the front seat.  He very slowly shut the door.  It didn’t latch, but he leaned his shoulder hard into in and the latch clicked.  When it did, he hurried back to the side of the house and retraced his path, back to where Bear waited, rifle now in hand, as Sarah had arrived.  Kye was also back and told Dusty the garage was empty.   Dusty just grunted.  “These idiots should use it…would have made my job easier.”


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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - Tony gets a peep show.


Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, the Book #2 of the nine-book Asps series.  Senior British SIS agent Tony Henry is being flown to France in Holly’s plane intent on taking down an al-Qaida cell.  The three women aboard decided to give him some help.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Suzan asked, “By yourself…with no backup?”

“Sorry to say, I have no one I can trust to use as backup.  All of my capable people are running around in the circles I sent them out to run around.”

Suzan muttered, “Oh,” and smiled inwardly, knowing full well he’d have backup.

Once the plane was airborne, with Holly flying and Suzan in the right seat, those two had a conversation while Tony and Sharon rode in the cabin of the plane, chatting about nothing.  Their conversation complete, Holly grinned, “Take over.  We’re on auto-pilot,” then got up, and headed back to the cabin.  When there, she went to one of the seats, popped a hidden button, and watched as the back of the seat opened up.  She took off her clothes, down to bra and panties, reached into the seat, and pulled on a pair of skintight pants.  With Tony enjoying the view—but totally at a loss as to what Holly was up to—she put on a pullover top.  Next, she sat down and put on a pair of black sneakers from the same place where she had gotten the pants and pullover.  Holly then stood up, reached in the compartment, and took out a shoulder holster with Asp.  After putting the shoulder holster on, she took out the gun and made sure it was loaded.  She took out a black jacket, put it on, buttoned it, moved around a bit to check for comfort, shut the compartment, and went back up to the cockpit…never having said a word.

Moments later, Suzan came back, went to another seat, popped the hidden button in it, and went through the same routine as Holly had.  Then she looked at Sharon and smiled.  Sharon sighed and joked, “I knew you two would figure out some way to get me back in the Janitors—and they don’t even exist anymore.  Which seat has something that’ll fit me?”

After her first husband had been killed, Sharon had joined the Janitors for about two days, then decided their methods were just too far from her FBI training, and had left the team to return to the FBI.

Suzan walked to another seat, pushed the hidden button, and when the compartment opened up, she returned to the cockpit, while Tony got another partial striptease performed in front of him.  He did notice that Sharon wore black underwear and thought approving thoughts about that…the flimsiness of the bra, in particular.

When Sharon finished putting on her black outfit, with Asp, she rooted through a bag from her shopping trip and took out some garish red lipstick she planned to wear to tease Drew with.  She put on an overly large portion of the lipstick, walked forward to the cockpit, and handed it to Holly and smiled.

Holly looked at Sharon and kidded, “Oh, yes, perfect,” and put on an equally offensive amount of the lipstick.

As Holly handed the lipstick to Suzan, she joked, “Tony and his three sluts will do Paris proud,” before she glanced at Sharon and added, “Dad will never approve of this lipstick, you know.”

“I know.  Gotta have some fun sometime.  He’ll crap when I spring it on him.”

Suzan joked, “One way to keep him regular.”

The three women were laughing when Tony came up to the cockpit and asked, “Okay, ladies…what gives?”

Holly told him.

Tony looked at her and shook his head.  “I appreciate the offer of help.  However, if we get caught killing these chaps, there will be hell to pay.  We’ll all wind up in French jails.  My government might…and I repeat, might…be able to get me out, but you three could spend a goodly amount of time in a French prison.”

Holly grinned.  “Oh, hush, Tony.  We’re going with you.  Plus which, it’ll help your cover if you go traipsing off with three trollops…and with this lipstick, we fit the bill, with our all-black outfits.”

“Okay.  Thanks.  One thing…the next time you undress in front of me that way, please be kind enough to change bras, also…um, except you Sharon…yours is quite nice.”

Suzan grumbled, “Girls, save a shot for Tony, after we take out the bad guys.”


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Friday, April 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series) - New team gets briefing on first mission.


Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, the Book #1 of the nine-book Asps series.  After moving into their new digs, the just formed team gets a briefing on their first mission…and one member picks up a new nickname.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dusty smiled.  “I assume you have a plan.”

Harry nodded.  “Yeah.  You and Mrs. MacInnis are going to go there and nose around.”

Dusty joked, “In case you forgot, I’m not married, Harry.”

“Sure you are.  Your wife is sitting not ten feet from you.”

Dusty glanced at the only lady present and asked, “How long have we been married, Kye?”

“About two minutes.  We are going to fly into Dominica, check into the Fort Young Hotel, and tour the island in all its splendor…concentrating on an area that we know is close to the al-Qaida camp—exact location unknown.  That’s what we’re to find out.”

“I hate to ask this question, but why me?  Why not one of the other guys?”

Kye smiled.  “Because you’re cuter.  Maybe not a cuddly bear, like your SEAL sidekick…but cuter.”

Bruce sighed.  “Dusty, the real reason you and not someone else is you are well checked out in flying the plane we came here in.  I can fly it and so can Harry.  But we’ve already been to Dominica nosing around, and to go back so soon might raise a few eyebrows.  The other three guys can’t fly…unless you can, Jack.”

“If that’s a question…no, I can’t fly.  The only Air Force guy here, and I’m at a loss, as far as flying goes.  Plus which, I’m not cute.  You missed out, cuddly bear…if you could only fly.”

Al, sure that a new nickname was on the horizon, sighed and nodded.  “Yeah.”

Dusty, just as sure as Al, joked, “I think we should just drop the ‘bear’ and go with ‘cuddly.’  What do you think, Ike?”

“I think we should cut him some slack and go with ‘Bear’.”

Bruce smiled.  “Okay, Bear it is.  Now then, back to our little briefing.  In a day or so, we’ll leave in two of Jim’s planes.  Dusty and Kye, the happily married couple, will head to Dominica.  The rest of us will head to Guadeloupe, just to the north of Dominica.  I’ll go into more detail tomorrow.  We all need some rest.”


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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - Marine Lt. in charge of guarding fake building has some fun.


Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, the Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Sarah has some fun at the expense of her Gunnery Sergeant.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When everything was calmed down, as he continued to look out where he should be looking, Gunnery Sergeant Murphy muttered over his shoulder, “Um, ma’am—something strange about this.  You told us to keep an extra sharp eye out, and this guy shows up.  You knew he was coming, didn’t you?”

“Need to know, Gunny.  Sorry.”

“Yes, ma’am.  But there’s more going on here than meets the eye, I’m thinking.”

“Perhaps.  Gunny, we’ve known each other for a while now.  I think when we’re alone—like we are now, that you could call me ‘Sarah Jane,’ or ‘Sarah,’ or ‘Jane’, but something other than ‘ma’am’ or ‘Lieutenant.’  That is, if you don’t mind if I call you ‘Devlin’.”

“Yes, ma’am…er...Sarah.  If you say so.”

“I do.  Did you know that you’re the only man in the unit with blue eyes?”

“No, ma’am, I didn’t.”

“What happened to Sarah?”

“Sorry, Sarah.”

“You know the sponge I use when I shower?  Well, the next time I see a blue eye at the peep hole in the shower tent, I’m gonna squeeze soapy water right into that blue eye.  Do we understand each other?”

“Lieutenant, ma’am…”

“There goes ‘Sarah’ again.”

“Well, yes, ma’am I guess it does.  I’m real sorry about that.  I’m embarrassed that not only did I let it happen, but that I looked, too.”

“Three times.”

“Yes.  I apologize.  When I caught one of the men looking through the hole and was pretty sure you were in the shower, I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him away.  I didn’t talk loudly, because I didn’t want to embarrass you.  I asked him what in hell he thought he was doing.  Well, he stuttered out, ‘Gunny you gotta see this.  Man, this bod is outta sight.’  Well, knowing I shouldn’t, I did look through the hole.  And ma’am, I gotta say this—he was right.  That is…well, I’m sorry I did what I did.  And I’m even sorrier that I let the men do it—but wow, you do look real fine in your nothingness.  But I promise you that you’ll never see a blue eye—or any other eye for that matter, in that hole again.  In fact, tomorrow there won’t be a hole anymore.”

“Devlin, I want to tell you something.  If you were an officer, I’d go out with you if you asked.”

“Sarah, if I was I would, but I’m not—and not likely ever to be.”

Sarah kissed the tips of her fingers and pressed them to Devlin’s lips and whispered, “Don’t be too sure, Dev,” and walked off.


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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Wendy wounded during take off.


Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, the Book #8 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Wendy wounded but takes plane off, and after fast repairs takes control back from Holly.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Before Wendy could reply, Bruce ran back to the rear of the plane, as it started moving slowly.  Once to his buggy, he jumped in and got into the gun seat.  Then he looked at Phil.  “Give me something to tie myself down.”

Phil, already having secured himself with a safety line and done the same for Harry, did as asked.  But as he did, he growled, “Hey, Bruce, you better shoot straight.  You start shootin’ up my plane and I’ll toss you and this damned buggy right on out the back.”

By that time Wendy had her engines revved up enough to start her take off.  Just as the plane was about to leave the strip, an explosion near the front of the plane blew a hole in the side.

Wendy grunted, but continued with her take off.  Once airborne she looked to her right.  “Holly, take over.  I’m hit.”

Holly immediately took control of the plane as Wendy stripped off her flight suit.   Down to only bra and panties, she took the first aid kit offered by Holly and quickly wrapped her leg, after placing a compress under the bandage.   Meanwhile, Brent did a fast job of scanning his instruments and found no signs of a serious problem.  Then he ran forward to check out the hole in the side of the plane.  It was very small and he saw no dangling wires or other signs of damage.  He then headed back to his work area, but not before taking time to glance at Wendy standing there in her scant outfit and admiring her physique.  That admiring glance out of the way, he quickly got to his instruments to check for any damage to the flight characteristics of the plane.

When Brent got out of her way, Wendy reached behind her seat and started putting on a spare flight suit she had stored there.  Once that was on, she used her original flight suit to clean up the blood on her seat, then got in it.  “Okay, Holly, I got her.”

Holly glanced over and replied, “You sure you’re okay to fly?”

“What-in-the-hell else am I gonna do?  I sure can’t dance right now.”


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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series) - Our two old spies trick the Chinese.


Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, the Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors series.  The two old spies trick their Chinese hosts so Boris can go speak with someone from an old network of spies he had in China.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



At 6:00 sharp they were met at their door and escorted down to the very nice hotel restaurant, where they enjoyed a fine meal.  At the conclusion of the meal, Boris looked at the man who seemed to be heading the host team.  “I wonder if it would be possible for you to arrange two bicycles for us?  My old feet no longer appreciate long walks, and I’ve gotten in the habit of taking a nice long ride after my evening meal.”

Caught totally off-guard by the request, the man thought a few moments, then replied.  “Of course.  Perhaps two of my men should accompany you on your ride so you don’t get lost.”

Boris and Drew had discussed their plan long before getting on the plane to Beijing, and both anticipated being accompanied.  Boris nodded.  “I would appreciate that very much.  From what I saw of your lovely city on our drive from the airport, I can see where it’d be very easy to get lost.”

Soon Boris, Drew and their two “keepers” were cycling away.  Boris more or less led the way, seemingly cycling away aimlessly, but in reality looking for a concentration of heavy foot and cycle traffic.  When he saw what he was looking for he headed into a mass of humanity and soon managed to “accidentally” separate himself from the others. 

On the pretense of looking for the now “lost” Boris, Drew managed to impede both “keepers” and grinned inwardly at their panic at having lost one of their charges.

Convinced he’d lost the others, Boris turned down an alley he knew well and was soon on his way to the first of his old contacts.


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Friday, April 3, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Spiderman cult...aka Muslims.


Today’s excerpt is from Saltwater Connection, the Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Dan explains about the spiderman cult…aka Muslims.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Amid a few snickers, Dan nodded.  “Sure, Jim.  It’d be an honor.  Be fun to track down and kill spiderman cult extremists.”

Jim looked at Dan with a questioning tilt of his head, Janet rolled her eyes, and Dan smiled.  “Uh, the spiderman cult deal comes from a young friend…a SEAL who I’m proud to say I helped train and who saved my bacon by carrying me out of harms way on his back after I got all shot up.  A fellow by the name of Bob Becker.  Anyhow, it seems a terrorist outfit…don’t know what group or exactly where it happened…but this group of bad guys kidnapped two nuns and were trying to get a large ransom.  To the everlasting credit of our President, he authorized the SEALs to go rescue the nuns.  Bob led the team, and even as they approached their LZ, they could see a major fire-fight underway.  They went ahead on in and, once on the ground, went forward and used their electronic gear to determine who was the bad guys and who was the good guys.  Once they were sure, the fight was soon over as they assisted the good guys. 

“Too bad, but they found out the nuns had been killed…at least three days prior to the SEALs arriving on the scene.  But this is where the story gets really interesting.  After a few tries to communicate, it was discovered that the ‘good guys’ and the SEALs all spoke at least passable Arabic.  Then they sat down and discussed things.  During the course of that conversation, Bob found out that the group was a Christian sect…dating to way back.  I mean way back.  They had absolutely no use for any Muslim…period.  Seems one of the ancient ancestors had actually been a sidekick of that Mohammad jerk.  Seems Mohammad was a low-life, two-bit crook determined to be the real deal…and wanting to take the wind out of the sails of those who believed in Jesus.  First the idiot tried to walk on water.  This ancestor of those Bob was talking to had pulled him out of the drink before he drowned.  Then the two of them, Mohammad and the ancestor, were in a cave and a large spider came near Mohammad and the dope nearly crapped his pants before his sidekick saved him again by stepping on the spider.  So Mohammad got to thinking and came up with the story of a cave full of spiders, et cetera, as one of his miracles.  Then he got the sidekick and two other of his close allies to lie about the ‘ordeal.’  But as the story grew and grew, and Mohammad became revered as something other than he really was, first one of the other two of his men was sent into battle, without a chance of winning.  Then the other one was offed in the same manner.  The original sidekick decided that his days were numbered and split.  Tired and hungry he wound up being found by members of the Christian sect.  In time he converted and became a Christian.  But being surrounded by these spiderman creeps, no way the sect ever let on that they knew the real story of Mohammad.  That’s the story and why Bob came up with the spiderman cult deal…I just sorta picked it up.  Is the story true?  Who knows or really cares.”


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