Friday, October 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim and Hector inside Chinese facility holding the two men they have come to rescue.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  The rescue team for the kidnapped scientists who worked at Area 51 moves into action.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Hector moved rapidly to check to make sure all three on their side of the road were dead, while Jim headed toward the door leading into the facility.  Billy checked those on their side, as Bob hurried toward a covered, recessed area the four had determined was the facility car pool.   He was already checking out the cars by the time Billy arrived, but as he did, a man stood up from behind one of the cars.  Billy, handgun ready, shot him before the man had a chance to realize Billy was an intruder.

Bob just shook his head on seeing that, and kept looking the cars over.  Jim had told Billy and Bob to “find two cars with full fuel tanks, and disable the others.”

Satisfied with which two cars he wanted to take, Bob hotwired one, while Billy did the same to the other one.  Both had full tanks.  After turning them both off, the men set about disabling the other seven vehicles in the car pool.  The two Bob had picked out were a type of SUV, ones he was unfamiliar with, but had the features of SUVs.

As they did their work, Jim and Hector had carefully approached the door leading into the facility.  There was a small diamond-shaped window in it.  Jim grabbed a fast peek and sighed.  He tilted his head toward the window and Hector had a look.  Seated at a desk ten feet inside sat a man who had to be a guard.

While Hector grunted very quietly, Jim was looking for the door-opening mechanism.  He just shook his head when he found none.  There was a large handle.  Jim leaned his rifle against the side of the frame as Hector did the same thing.

Jim jerked the door open and both men hurried in.  Hector shot the man in the forehead and went forward to make sure he was dead.  Meanwhile, Jim looked around and saw no cameras.  He was happy about that and gave a head jerk to Hector, who had picked up the body.  They moved down a rather wide hallway, until they came to the first door.  It read, in Chinese, of course:  Electronics.

Jim pulled the door open, while Hector carried the body in and dumped it behind an electrical apparatus big enough to hide it.  He looked at Jim, who was checking out as much of the equipment in the room as he could.  After he shrugged, he and Hector went back to the hallway to continue their search of the building.

Jim glanced at Hector.  “This is almost too easy.  No locks on either door we’ve come to—and no cameras.”

“Hey, Jim, I’m with you about too easy, and know what you’re thinking—too easy can spell trouble.  But check out the conduit at the top of the wall.  Back at the electronics room we found it stopped, then started up again to the front door.  Maybe they aren’t even finished with their construction.”

“Could be.  Let’s hope so.  And you’re right…too easy scares me.”

“Nothing scares you, Jimbo…except Holly.”

Jim just grunted as they reached another door.  It was labeled:  Emergency Generator #1.  Hector opened the door, looked around, and nodded as he looked at Jim, who muttered, “Later.”

“Right.  But what I saw sure makes it easy to blow this place when we leave.  The fuel for the generator is piped in.”

Jim chuckled softly as they continued down the hallway.  At the end of it, there were two doors:  one to the right, labeled “Stay Out.  Experimental Section’, and one with no label. 

Jim whispered, “As much as I’d like to see what’s on the other side of the door to the right, we better keep our eye on the ball.”


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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Assassin warned to change hideouts.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  The assassin hired to kill Michelle gets a warning about the sale of houses near his hideout.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Newton was on his way there because Hoyer had decided it was a good idea to let him know about the sales.  While he didn’t think it had anything to do with Newton, he knew the man had picked that house to spend most of his time at because of the lack of neighbors.  Of the houses on the block, only the one next door one was occupied—and it was occupied by an older couple.  Their son often visited—in fact, it had been his car that Bob had seen parked in front.  The son had parked in front because he planned to drive his mother to a doctor’s appointment, and wanted to use his parent’s car to give it “some exercise”, since they didn’t get out very often.

When the cell phone used only for contact with Hoyer rang, Newton was surprised at the call, but answered, “Hello—I was about to call you.  A try at her house won’t work.  They’ve got sensors all over the place.  So go ahead and get her court appearance schedule.  I’ll have to make my try there—or set up someplace on the road from the house to Wentzville.”

“I’ll get right on it.  In the meantime, the reason for my call is to let you know it might be a good idea to change your base of operations.  My company that owned the empty houses there has agreed to sell them.  The buyer is a clinic about fifteen minutes driving time away.  They are doing something with bionic limbs for former servicemen who lost them in combat.  They’re running out of housing for those rehabbing.  Seems likely to be nothing more, but there will be all kinds of people coming and going.  They will have former servicemen living there with their families until their rehabs are done.”

“Thanks for letting me know.  I’ll move right away.  Wanted to spend some time at the house with my shooting platform, to make sure everything is working anyhow.  Want to drive it around some, to make sure it’s up-to-speed mechanical wise.”

“I think you moving is a good idea.  I’ll get on getting her schedule right now.  Get back to you when I have something.  Probably be Monday or Tuesday before I get the information.”


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Salazar goes undercover.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Salazar offers to work undercover for ATF to help bust an arms running motorcycle gang.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Carl looked surprised.  “You didn’t tell us that, Salazar.”

“Sorry—guess I just forgot.  Doesn’t mess you up, does it?”

“No, my guys are ready now.  This bar in Columbia?”

Salazar nodded, “Yeah,” then gave the name and address of the bar, before he added, “Might be a good idea if I go to my place, get my bike, then go there, with your guys along with me.”

Carl looked at Tank and shrugged.  “Sounds like a plan.  We’ll wire you up here, then better shake a leg.  I doubt we’ll be able to make the bar by nine.”

Salazar nodded, “Probably not, but by nine-thirty or so, I’d guess, if it doesn’t take you too long to wire me up.”

Even as Salazar had been speaking, Carl was up and headed out to get the gear he had in his car to do the job.  Less than ten minutes later, the three men left in two cars—Salazar’s and the ATF car Carl was using.

After Michelle told the three goodbye, she called Bob to report what had transpired.  When she finished her report, he laughed.  “I’ll bet dollars to donuts he winds up going with this Briefcase jerk.  Hope the ATF guy isn’t being too cute by half.  Sure would hate for something bad to happen to Salazar.  Not many guys can get by with shooting a Governor’s ear.”

Michelle laughed before she told Bob she loved him.

Later, at the bar—closer to ten than nine-thirty—Salazar (with Carl and Tank already inside) went in, trailed by the six ATF agents Salazar had been introduced to when he stopped at his apartment to get his motorcycle.  By the time he walked in, he had already forgotten four of the names being used by the six.  As he walked to the table where Briefcase Bradley was sitting, the six ATF agents went to two other tables.

Salazar sat down.  “I got you six guys.  I can vouch for all of ‘em.”

“The six who just followed you in?”


“Can one of them speak for the six?”


“Go get him.  Bring him to my table.”

“Got it.”

Salazar went to stand between the two tables, and told them one would have to come with him, to talk to Briefcase Bradley.  Before any of them could move, he pointed at one.  “You…since I can remember the name you gave me.”

It was all the six could do to keep from laughing as the man pointed at got up to follow Salazar back to the table.  Once there, Salazar introduced the two men before he and the ATF agent sat down. 

Briefcase Bradley looked at the club jacket the ATF agent was wearing.  “Never heard of your outfit.”

“We like it that way in our line of work.  We’ve been doing quite a bit of transportation work.  Not tryin’ to get a rep—except with the people we’re hauling things for.  Normally don’t take work outside those we know, and know well.  But Salazar says you’re good people.  Salazar, we trust.”

“Same deal here…as far as Salazar vouching for you guys.  Okay, here’s what I got.  I’ve got four more riders—besides you seven—so we’ve got twelve total.  We’re gonna ride up to Washington…state, not D.C.  The stuff is stashed there.  We load up, haul it near the Canadian border, where we meet some folks waiting for what we have.  With twelve of us, it’ll take three trips.  I’m paying three grand each, per trip.  We make one trip, get paid, then do the next one, and so forth.  You interested?”

The ATF agent whistled, “Wow, must be some fine product you have.”

“It is…you in?”

“You paying expenses to get there?”


“We get paid each trip when you get paid?”

“You do.”

“We’re in.  When are we making the trip?”

“Now.  As soon as I pay for my drink…and your guys over there have paid for what they ordered.”

Salazar shook his head.  “Briefcase, I don’t know about me going along.  I might lose my job, being gone that long.”

“Salazar, where in the hell are you gonna make nine grand in five days?  Call your boss from the road tomorrow—tell him something came up.  Lie—somebody in the family died, or something he’s likely to go for.”


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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - After missed shot at Terri, Bob's friends fire back.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  After a man misses Terri with his would-be kill shot, Bob’s friends jump into action.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



All three men were wearing communication sets, as well as their foes.  Horace didn’t bother replying, just started looking around with his binoculars and spotted Boxer in the tree.  He picked up his own sniper rifle and sighted in as Boxer was looking through his rifle scope, looking for Terri. 

Meanwhile, Bill, rifle in hand, was heading for one of the two dune buggy-type vehicles parked right outside the back fence.  As he raced out the back door, Leo had Terri, and made sure she was now out of the line of fire.  “Get your ass up to Horace and stay with him until I come get you—now…move!”

This time Terri minded his every word and headed in the house, with Leo right behind.  As Tillie came bounding in, he didn’t even watch as Terri was followed up the stairs to the second floor by a still-wanting-to play-Tillie.  He grabbed another rifle, ran out the back door, and headed for the other buggy-like vehicle.

By then, Horace had squeezed off his shot, having spotted Boxer.  His intent was to first disarm the sniper, then, with a follow-up shot, wound him so they would have someone to question as to the whereabouts of Durbin…assuming it wasn’t Durbin in the tree.  The plan was excellent, his shot was true, but luck wasn’t part of the equation—or at least good luck.  His shot hit the scope of Boxer’s rifle, disabling it, but then ricocheted up, directly to Boxer’s jugular vein.  In an instant, Boxer knew he was in trouble, as blood was shooting out of him in spurts.

As he started to get down from the tree, he said, in a very garbled manner, “LeRoy, I’m hit.  I need help.”

Burras hurried along the side of the embankment as fast as he could.  When he was about halfway to Boxer, he watched as the mortally wounded Boxer fell out of the tree with a thud…and didn’t move at all.  Burras saw the still form of his fellow Durbin employee, decided there was nothing he could do for him, then turned and headed back toward their car. 

By then Bill was at the access road, with Leo not far behind.  Horace looked over the scene carefully.  “Okay, the guy I shot at is down from the tree, just lying on the ground, not moving.  I’ve see a bit of foliage movement, but not who’s causing it.  My guess is he’s seen the condition of the guy I shot and is getting outta Dodge.  He’s moving from my right to my left.”

Bill muttered, “There’s a small pond down that way—probably where they parked their car.  Hold it…I hear the car starting up.”

Getting no response nor expecting one, Bill aimed his rifle in the general direction of the noise from the car he’d heard.  He fired off one shot just as Leo stopped next to him.  Both men heard the sound of shattering glass.  Leo looked in the direction Bill was aiming—and also heard the car moving in addition to the glass shattering sound.  He began shooting in the same general direction as Bill.  Both men hit the car in various places and, in addition to thuds of rounds hitting the car body, they also heard more glass shattering. 

Burras was beside himself with fear as shots were tearing the car to pieces.  He had a few small cuts from flying glass, in spite of the safety standards of such glass.  He knew his only hope was to keep heading back to the highway above his present location.  Assuming Bob was at least one of the guys shooting at him, he decided the best place for him to be was elsewhere.  Hookings and Carnahan had been very clear about what they had seen at Bob’s office.  Boxer was probably dead…and he wanted no part of Mr. Bob Becker.


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Monday, October 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Terrorists try again to add to their kill total.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  The terrorists try again at the funeral of the slain policemen to kill still more…including Elmer.  Doesn’t work…again.  Enjoy and have a great day.



As he spoke, two of the police officers came out and held up their hands.  The driver of the truck just plowed right ahead, on through the barricades.  He knocked one of the police officers flying as he went by.  He soon hit the first set of spike strips, but kept on going, until reaching the second set.  Hector ordered, “Shoot the truck.”

Two of his men were using fifty-caliber sniper rifles with armor-piercing ammunition.  They fired low into the front of the truck, then immediately raised their sights up several inches to fire again.  The first shots had punctured the radiator, causing a catastrophic leak as the bullets had gone on through the radiator, blowing out a large section of the rear of it, before hitting the engine block, with little effect.  Their second shots, without water to pass through, ripped into the engine block.  In a matter of less than a second, the engine died a horrible death. 

With the truck effectively stopped, Hector was ready for the next phase of the plan.  “Chopper—do your thing.”

Hector had pre-positioned a helicopter of his to fly over the area.  It was carrying a large, wire-rope blanket-type item suspended from eight pulleys, housing a very strong wire attached to the blanket.  As the helicopter made its move, Hector was told by one of his men he had taken a picture of the driver, so Hector ordered, “Let’s take out the driver,” as he aimed his own sniper rifle at the man’s forehead.  He squeezed off his shot. 

While he did, Horace Housmer fired off his shot at the base of the man’s throat.  Another of Hector’s men fired at his heart.  All three shots hit home.  All three would have been a kill shot.  Which hit home first, no one ever knew…nor did it matter.

Ali and Simmons were trying to figure out what had gone wrong before Ali made his decision.  “Blow it.”

Simmons worked a lever on a remote box that was homed in on the truck.  Nothing happened.  Ali grabbed the box.  He tried the lever again, then wiggled it around.

Meanwhile, the helicopter swooped in, and positioned itself over the truck.  It dropped the “iron blanket” as Hector jokingly called it.  When it landed on the truck, the helicopter pushed a button, causing snips in the heads of the pulleys to fire.  In so doing, the wire was cut, freeing the helicopter from the “iron blanket.”

As the helicopter flew off, Ali’s gyrations finally managed to work.  The truck blew up.  The “iron blanket” flew up in the air a few feet, then crashed back down.  A few pieces of the truck flew in various directions, but hit no one in the area.  One sizable piece of the truck did somehow manage to fly up over Helen’s head, about ten feet to her right, where it lodged in a tree.

Her cameraman had been zeroed in on the truck while Helen kept broadcasting as the events unfolded.  When the piece of truck slammed into the tree, Helen turned a bit, saw what had happened, then nudged her cameraman as she pointed.  When he was getting a shot of the damaged tree, Helen calmly reported, “Hey, asshole, you missed.  Also, I note Lieutenant Bader is standing quite unharmed at gravesite.  You want me, you’re gonna have to aim better in the future, idiot.”

Then she calmly went back to broadcasting the events of the funeral, like nothing had happened.  As she did, one of the SWAT team leaders said, “Nice work, Hector.  I really didn’t think the contraption on your helicopter would work so well.”

Hector laughed.  “Neither did I.  My chopper pilot thought even less of it.   We just jerry-rigged it up last night.”


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Friday, October 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - His witness invited to his home is sfar from onver being a drunk.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer and Ruth working on trying to dry out the drunk who is the only witness to the murders in the case Elmer is working.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Horace shook his head in dismay, but did hurry as much as a drunk with an urge to drink rather than eat possibly could.  When he made his way slowly into the kitchen, he saw Lizzie.  She was introduced by Elmer.  After the introduction, Lizzie asked, “Do you work with Daddy?”

Elmer nodded, “In a way, dear—in a way.  Horace will be staying with us for a while, so treat him like the nice person he is.  Ignore Mommy when she gets after him about things…he doesn’t know what a bully Mommy is.”

“Mommy’s not a bully.  She just runs things.”

Ruth rolled her eyes as she continued pouring orange juice.  When she got to Horace’s glass to pour his share of orange juice, she looked directly at him with a look daring him not to drink it.  He just sighed, so Ruth’s look changed to a smile before she hurried to help with the toast, as Elmer headed toward the table with the eggs.  He had taken pity on Horace by making scrambled eggs, so Horace didn’t have to look at a sunny side up egg in his condition.  Ruth finished the toast, then set the plate of toast on the table.  Elmer came back with the bacon, so soon everyone was eating…including Horace—though he went at his meal much slower, fearful of not being able to hold it down. 

Lizzie noticed his hand shaking as he ate.  She climbed determinedly up on the table as she reached over to pat him on the arm.  “Don’t be afraid…Mommy really isn’t a bully…Daddy just calls her that when he wants to get out of something.”

Elmer smiled and sighed at the same time.  Horace nearly cried.

Lizzie asked, “Daddy, are you and Mommy trying really hard to get me a little brother?  You know…with sex.”

Elmer had a mouthful of food.  He nearly spit it out.  Ruth smiled.  Horace almost laughed.  Elmer nodded, “We’re doing our best, sweetheart.  For now, you’ll just have to treat Alan as your little brother.”

“But, Daddy—he’s only a bit younger than me.  I want a nice little baby.”

Ruth, finished with her meal, hurried to the sink with her plate, silverware, and glass, with a smile, trying hard not to let it turn into full-scale laughter.  Elmer nodded again, “We’ll try, sweetheart.  Now, hurry up and finish—Daddy has to go to work.  We still have our workout to do.”

Lizzie nodded, then stuck a mouthful of food in her mouth, and hurried to eat it.  After swallowing, she asked, “Are you going to work out, Horace?”

Horace, who was nearing the point of throwing up, started to answer when Ruth smiled, “Yes, dear—he is.  So hurry up and eat.  No more questions until you’re all finished.”

Horace nearly died inside at this news, but put the last bite of food in his mouth.  He somehow got it down, helped by his last swallow of orange juice. 


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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Love in bloom in the middle of major case.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer’s partner, Alan, starts a serious relationship with Elmer’s ex-wife’s sister…a widow who has not had sex since her husband died.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



As he lay there in bed, he swore.  Unsettled at this thought, he still tried to get back to sleep, while Beth—never having gone to sleep—heard too.  She sighed as she ran her hand down her body.  She stopped and whispered to herself, “No way,” got up, and slipped a robe on over the sheer nighty she had on.  She opened the packet, took one of the items out, put it in the pocket of her robe, then walked with purpose to Alan’s door.  When she got there, she took the doorknob in her hand, turned it, released it, then sank to the floor…too ashamed to go in, too weak with frustration to return to her own room. 

Alan had heard the door latch open, then shut.  He wondered who it was, but laid there a few moments, before curiosity got the better of him.  He got up, walked to the door, and opened it slowly.  Beth, leaning against the door, nearly fell over, but caught herself, then just sat there.  Alan didn’t know what to do, though he almost burst out laughing at the sight—but somehow kept it in.  In desperation as to what to do, Alan sat down next to Beth.  Only then did he see in the now-dimmed hall light the tears rolling down Beth’s cheeks.  Still not sure exactly what he should do, he just stroked her hair as he muttered, “There now—it’s okay.”

After he spoke, Beth really started to sob quietly.  Alan drew her to him to soothe her.  He realized while he was soothing her, he was getting anything but soothed.  Remembering the packet Beth had snatched up, he took a deep breath, picked her up, and carried her to the bed, forgetting all about the open door.  When they were on the bed, on top of the covers—Alan holding her to him—she inched closer (if possible).  She remembered the pocket of her robe, took out the item she had put in the pocket, handed it to Alan, and whispered, “Better use this.”

Later, too spent to move, they both fell asleep, cuddled in each other’s arms until morning, when Ruth and Elmer both got up, dressed, and headed down the hall.  Ruth stopped when she got to Alan’s open door, looked in, and saw her sister and Alan side by side.  They were both stark naked.  She also noticed the now secondhand item she had purchased for her sister on the bed, an arm’s length from Alan.  She motioned with her hand to Elmer, who looked in, smiled, and started to say something, when Ruth whispered, “Shush,” and gently closed the door. 

As careful as she tried to be, Alan woke up.  “Oh, damn.”

That woke Beth.  “What is it?  Why the ‘damn’?”

“Someone just closed the door.  I’ve a feeling I left it open last night before we…er…”


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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico - (More Books) - Jim lends a hand to Bob and Clyde.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book with Jim Scott lending a hand to Clyde and Bob.  After taking down two of Carlos Maduro’s men, Jim calls CIA Director Burgess with the information and to find out what he knows about Maduro.  Meanwhile, Maduro starts to get the idea he might have a tiger by the tail.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“You know me too well, old friend.  Anyhow, this was one of the things I wanted to talk to you about.  The other bleeds into their visit.  They told us a dope by the name of Carlos Maduro, a Venezuelan who is part of the ‘Z’ gang, has been assigned to take our two guys out, as well as Wendell Suermann.  So two questions:  are you familiar with him—and, if so, what do you have?”

“Yes, I know of him.  As a matter of fact, he was one of the jokers we planned on monitoring, in hopes of leading us to ‘Z’.  We lost him.  He flew out of Colombia, headed north.  We misplaced him on the way.”

“Funny way to put it, but I get the idea.  What do you have on him?”

“He belonged to a cartel Clyde and his group shut down last year.  Was rather high up in that operation, but went to ground when Clyde and his group chopped the head off that monster.  Kept his head down, until he reappeared working for ‘Z’.  Not much else.  I’ll save you the trouble of hacking into my computer by sending you what we have on him—including the latest pictures we have on him…only about two months old.”

“Good.  Thanks…appreciate it.  The next matter on the same subject is we’ve alerted…Bob did…the detail guarding Suermann that this joker Maduro is after him.  As soon as I get the pictures from you, I’ll get them right to them.  Any way for you to get the word passed—politely—down the line not to ask too many questions about where the information came from?”

“Should be able to.  For now, I’ll go ahead and plan on flying out tomorrow, early.  Will have to pass on your invite to spend any time with you, though.  Gonna make a fast turn around.”

“Got it.  Thanks for your help, Glenn.”

“And yours, for pulling Sandy out of the lion’s den—and working with the guys on trying to clear her entirely.”

Jim was smiling as he put his phone down.  “Okay.  Bob, Clyde—do your battery-changing deal.  My guess is that by the time you get there, the word will come down the pike to not question you about where the information came from.  One of you take your laptop.  I’ve got pictures of Maduro coming—I’ll forward them to you.  By the way Clyde, Maduro belonged to the operation you and your guys—with help from Hector, et al—took down in Colombia last year.”

“Well, hell…I thought I’d heard that name before.  We never ran across him firsthand, but I should have remembered the name—not that it would have helped all that much, because I didn’t know squat about him…other than that he was involved.”


By the time Bob and Clyde got back from changing out the batteries, the pictures of Maduro were received, and passed on.  Also by then, there was another visit across the access road.  Worried about what had happened to his two men, Maduro had sent two more out, to check on them.  They returned with the two guns Jim had placed in conspicuous positions, to be found.

Maduro assumed, correctly, the men had been taken.  What had become of them, however, was a large mystery.  Knowing law enforcement in the United States quite well—and knowing the U.S. media couldn’t keep anything to themselves—he also assumed they had not been arrested.  This, he further assumed, meant they may well have met a—for him—untimely end.  He was starting to feel taking on the two Navy SEALs might be more of a task than he had bargained for.


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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - The hunt is on for Jo Kelly.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring new main character, Clyde Feegle.  The hunt is on for Jo Kelly with a bit of humor while driving to what turns out to be her empty store.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Merrill and Clyde were chuckling as they left the office to round up Candi and Floyd.  After they found them, the four headed to the Director’s SUV…without Greta.  It had been decided to leave her with Glenn since the likelihood of the store being rigged with a bomb was unlikely.  Floyd drove, at Merrill’s request.  On the way, Clyde casually asked, “Hey, Candi, why did the Director suggest we ask Floyd to drive?”

“Never mind.”

Floyd spoke up, “She crashed the last SUV we had—was her fault, too.”

“Shut up, Floyd.”

The subject was dropped, but both Merrill and Clyde knew at some point they would ask Floyd for more details…when Candi wasn’t around.

When they arrived at “Jo’s Art Emporium”, Floyd found a parking spot just two cars down from the entrance.  As they got out, Merrill muttered, “Might be a good idea for one of you two to stay here.”

Floyd nodded.  “I’ll stay.”

Both Merrill and Clyde had an idea Floyd wasn’t in any hurry to brief them on Candi’s accident.  So did Candi, as she followed the two men with a smile on her face.  As they would eventually find out, she had been driving when the accident had occurred, but it was anything but her fault.  A dump truck had lost its brakes and plowed into the side of the SUV after running a stoplight.  No one inside had been hurt because fortunately the truck had not been traveling at a high rate of speed.

Clyde walked up to the door and looked at the hastily prepared sign Jo had put in the window.  It read:  “Closed, will not be re-opening.”

Clyde sighed, but as he did, he tried the door.  It was open.  He didn’t like that one bit as he pulled his weapon and he went in, with Merrill and Candi right behind him—both with their weapons out, also.  Candi shut the door behind her and muttered, “Better let me take a look around.”

Clyde growled, “In a pig’s ass—we’ll all look around.  Fan out.”

As he spoke he wagged his gun to one side of him, then the other.  Merrill went to his left, Candi to his right.  They eased forward as they went through the front display portion of the store.  All noted it seemed like quite a bit of stock was still in place.  In time they determined there was no one in the store portion of the building.  Candi discovered the door to the work area, opened it, peeked in, and shrugged. 

Clyde walked up next to her and looked in before he went in.  Those two looked around while Merrill held back, keeping an eye on the front door.  Except for the tools Jo had left behind, there was little to see, so they returned to the store.  He looked at Merrill.  “Let’s take a look in her office.  Candi, keep an eye out while we do.”


As those two went into the office, Candi situated herself where she could easily see the front door, but was still far enough back, away from the side door, to not be surprised at someone coming through it.

While Clyde and Merrill looked through the office, Clyde muttered, “I guess you noticed the empty walk-in vault.”

“Yeah, which could mean a number of things.  From the looks of the rest of the store, with all the stuff in there, I’d bet on the good stuff—the real expensive items—were in the vault.  Either she or someone else took those, but didn’t have time or space for everything else.”

“About what I figured, too.”


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Monday, October 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim, Hector, Billy, and Bob bail out of B-2 over China.

Today’s excerpt is from Back to China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  Jim, Hector and Billy Garcia, and Bob Becker bail out of a B-2 bomb bay in the middle of China on a rescue mission of two kidnapped scientists who had been working at Area 51.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



A little less than an hour later, the B-2 pilot told Jim to get ready.  A red and green light had been rigged in the bomb bay.  When the red light came on, the four occupants were ready.  Suddenly, they were free falling from thirty thousand feet.  After they passed through the clouds and into the rain, they joined up.  At a little more than five hundred feet, they separated and opened their chutes.  All four landed alongside the resupply road, not ten feet apart.  There was little wind to go with the downpour, so they had their chutes gathered up in short order and went into the tree line, looking for a good place to bury them and the thermal gear covering their other clothing.  The digging was easy, and it didn’t take too long to bury everything.


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Friday, October 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Bob and friends prove their suspect in trying to kill Michelle is tghe guilty party.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim gathers in the tapes from the bugs there and the video feed from the camera watching the home of their prime suspect in the attempt on Michelle’s life.  Later when reviewing the material, they know they were right in their assumptions that their prime suspect was responsible.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Holly and Bob didn’t add to Jim’s thought, as Holly continued driving and Bob mulled over the situation without comment.  When they reached “Jim’s” tree, he quickly went up, retrieved the discs, and replaced them.  Then Holly drove back the way she had come.  This time, when they passed the house Newton was now using, they did so without comment. 

When they got back to Bob’s home, Lorri and Michelle were still up.  Those two watched as Jim set up his laptop to play the discs.  The only arrivals or departures during the time since the current disc had been placed in the receiving unit was one man…first coming, then leaving shortly thereafter.

Jim asked, “Anyone know who that is?”

Michelle and Lorri exchanged glances, before Michelle answered, “Yes—Sam Dooley and I’d like to cut his nuts off.  The dirty, rotten, son-of-a-bitch threw the motion for Bernard’s re-trail!”

Bob joked, “Nice talk from an attorney, potty-mouth.  But I agree with your sentiments as to his testicles.  Jim, I’m right anxious to hear what was said between Dooley and Hoyer.”

Jim nodded as he fast-forwarded the remainder of the camera output.  As he did, his face hardened and he grumbled, “If those two discuss what I think they will, I’d say we’ve been spot-on with our guesstimates.”

When Jim played the tape of various conversations from Hoyer’s residence, they first heard his side of the conversation with Newton, then heard him all but ordering Dooley to visit his mansion, “ASAP.” 

They ignored other innocuous conversations, until Dooley arrived.  The two men didn’t speak until they reached Hoyer’s den. Once there Hoyer offered Dooley a seat, then got right to the point, “I have something I want you to do.  You will be well-compensated…very well-compensated.  Before I get to the new matter, I want to congratulate you on the fine job you did on the Nessing matter.  You more than earned your money.”

With Michelle about to explode as she listened, Hoyer continued, “Now to this new situation.  I want you to find out what court dates Michelle Becker has upcoming.”

As he spoke, Hoyer put a hundred thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills on his desk.

Dooley swallowed.  “May I ask a question?”

“No.  You may do as I ask.  When you bring the list of her court dates here—don’t call—you can have the hundred grand I just put on the desk.  Agreed?”

“Yes, sir.  Since it’s Friday, late, I won’t be able to get that information before Monday.”

“Very well…I will expect you Monday—make it eight that night.  I have other things to attend to before then.  Here’s a bonus for the Nessing job.”

Dooley swallowed as he took twenty thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills from Hoyer.  He thanked him, then left as fast as he could, with no further conversation between the two men.


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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Dan and Janet have plotted when the kidnapper will reach Spokane.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Dan and Janet, following one of the kidnapper’s course by finding his gas stops, calculate when he would go through Spokane.  Dan calls Jim to pass the information on.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While Salazar followed Michelle to the home she shared with Bob, Dan and Janet had discovered the next stop Biden had made.  Back in their car, as Janet drove, Dan did some fast calculations, then called Jim. 

Jim answered, “You got more for us?  We could use it.  As it is, we’re all heading back to square one.”

“Just leaving his next stop, on the way to you.  Assuming he doesn’t stop in Spokane, or before—and assuming the next two stops before Spokane are about where I’ve got them plotted—he should have gone through Spokane mid-morning, with his next stop being about fifty miles past it.  But I’d say you’re better off going back to your starting point, as you’re doing now.”

“Yeah, but we’ll be too early.  Think I’ll suggest everyone get some rest before we start over again.  How’re you doing on getting any rest?”

“Awful.  Actually, not that bad.  Janet and I have both managed to get some sleep while the other one is driving, but damned sure not enough.”

“Too bad you can’t stop for a while.  But guess if you do, it’d blow your timing.”

“Yeah, it would.  Probably see you sometime in the morning.  So long.”

Jim was still smiling as he set up a conference with his other three searchers.  When he did, he told Bob and Hector to find a motel to get a few hours sleep, after he told them why.  To Holly, he said, “Let’s find us one, too, honey.”

“Aw, shucks, husband, I was just getting used to going without sleep.”


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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Terri looses her hair and nearly her life.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  Terri nearly killed while playing with Bob’s dog, Tillie.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Terri—who was bored out of her mind, and having finished her “housecleaning” for the day—decided a bit of fun was reasonable.  In no time, Tillie had the wig and was running around with it, Terri in hot pursuit—further away from the house and to the left of the kitchen area. 

Leo saw and shouted, “Dammit, Terri, get that wig back on your head.  Matilda, stop!”

Tillie didn’t know, of course, Leo was a retired Sergeant Major, but did recognize authority when she heard it—plus which, Leo had already befriended the dog.  She stopped in her tracks.  Terri ran to her and took the wig.  She was facing the back of the house, far enough away from it and far enough left of the middle of the house for Boxer to see her—without the wig.  He and Burras were wearing communication sets and he said into his, “I’ll be damned…it’s her—Durbin’s wife.  That fat blonde I told you about is not blonde, and I bet she’s not fat either.  It’s his damned wife.  I’m pluggin’ her—get ready to split.”

As Boxer lined up to take his shot, Terri started to put the wig back on…but wiggled it a bit at Tillie, which was all Tillie needed to make another try at it.  As she jumped, Terri stepped back to receive the brunt of Tillie’s charge in the midsection.  The end result was she bent forward just slightly…at the precise moment Boxer fired.  Terri had the wig above her head at the time, only to have it blown out of her hands.

Leo saw, heard the report of the rifle, saw a splash in the distant pool, and shouted, “Terri, get back here right now.  Someone’s shooting at you.”

Terri paused just a second, for Leo’s words to sink in.  Then, with the wig flying out of her hands and the sound of gunfire, she immediately did as told.  Meanwhile, Tillie ran after the wig, retrieved it, and started running around the back yard.  Leo sighed, shouted at her to “come,” then went forward to grab Terri.  “Horace, shot fired—my guess is about one or two o’clock from you…probably in a tree.”

All three men were wearing communication sets, as well as their foes.  Horace didn’t bother replying, just started looking around with his binoculars and spotted Boxer in the tree.  He picked up his own sniper rifle and sighted in as Boxer was looking through his rifle scope, looking for Terri. 

Meanwhile, Bill, rifle in hand, was heading for one of the two dune buggy-type vehicles parked right outside the back fence.  As he raced out the back door, Leo had Terri, and made sure she was now out of the line of fire.  “Get your ass up to Horace and stay with him until I come get you—now…move!”


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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Ancient Rookie (Other Books) - Chet meets the media after his first spring training game appearance.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a standalone sports fantasy book with an action/adventure sub-story.  After throwing the ball faster than anyone should be able to with his partially bionic arm, Chet tries to keep the lid on the real facts of how he can throw the ball so hard.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The next day, Chet just sat in the dugout and watched, as it was his scheduled day off.  This was after a pre-game hoard of media types tried to corner him, intent on firing questions his way.  He held up his hand.  “Guys…uh, and gals—I’ve pitched exactly one spring training inning.  Go talk to the pros around here.”

Not mollified in the least, most got the message…those who didn’t decided to leave him alone after he repeated the same line about ten times.

The next game he pitched in was a road game.  Chet pitched the fourth inning.  He retired all three men he faced—all three on strikeouts.  This time the media was not to be denied.  He held up his hand at the numerous questions fired his way at once.  “Okay, here’s the deal.  I’m seventy-three.  I have no business throwing the ball as hard as I do,” then repeated the history of his workouts started due to Helen’s illness.  Done, he added, “Then—as some of you know—I was in a serious auto accident.  It took my Helen from me, and left me with one messed up right arm.  After I was put back together again, I started rehabbing.  Part of the rehab process—as requested by my doctor—was to start playin’ catch…which I did with one of my grandsons, and others. 

“I live in St. Louis, but have a house down here…always come down to spring training.  I know some of the people in the Cardinals’ organization.  I asked if I could come down here early, before spring training, to work out as part of my rehab.  I was granted permission to do so.  Along the way I found I could throw the ball rather hard.  End of story.  Now, any strictly baseball questions, I’ll be happy to answer.  But I’m not gonna rehash what I just said with eight thousand questions all askin’ the same thing, only with a different slant.”

Of course what followed was a torrent of questions about what Chet had just said.  He ignored them all as he walked away, knowing full well he would get a reputation as being surly to the press…a fact that bothered him not at all.

The next day was another home game.  He pitched the fourth inning again…three strikeouts.  After another torrent of what he thought were stupid questions, he told Thor Applewhite, the team’s public relations director, to tell the press he was through answering questions.  He would have nothing further to say.

The press vilified him.  Chet shrugged.  Jeep, a Catholic, went to the nearest Catholic Church and lit a candle.


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