Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico - (More Books) - Jim lends a hand to Bob and Clyde.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book with Jim Scott lending a hand to Clyde and Bob.  After taking down two of Carlos Maduro’s men, Jim calls CIA Director Burgess with the information and to find out what he knows about Maduro.  Meanwhile, Maduro starts to get the idea he might have a tiger by the tail.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“You know me too well, old friend.  Anyhow, this was one of the things I wanted to talk to you about.  The other bleeds into their visit.  They told us a dope by the name of Carlos Maduro, a Venezuelan who is part of the ‘Z’ gang, has been assigned to take our two guys out, as well as Wendell Suermann.  So two questions:  are you familiar with him—and, if so, what do you have?”

“Yes, I know of him.  As a matter of fact, he was one of the jokers we planned on monitoring, in hopes of leading us to ‘Z’.  We lost him.  He flew out of Colombia, headed north.  We misplaced him on the way.”

“Funny way to put it, but I get the idea.  What do you have on him?”

“He belonged to a cartel Clyde and his group shut down last year.  Was rather high up in that operation, but went to ground when Clyde and his group chopped the head off that monster.  Kept his head down, until he reappeared working for ‘Z’.  Not much else.  I’ll save you the trouble of hacking into my computer by sending you what we have on him—including the latest pictures we have on him…only about two months old.”

“Good.  Thanks…appreciate it.  The next matter on the same subject is we’ve alerted…Bob did…the detail guarding Suermann that this joker Maduro is after him.  As soon as I get the pictures from you, I’ll get them right to them.  Any way for you to get the word passed—politely—down the line not to ask too many questions about where the information came from?”

“Should be able to.  For now, I’ll go ahead and plan on flying out tomorrow, early.  Will have to pass on your invite to spend any time with you, though.  Gonna make a fast turn around.”

“Got it.  Thanks for your help, Glenn.”

“And yours, for pulling Sandy out of the lion’s den—and working with the guys on trying to clear her entirely.”

Jim was smiling as he put his phone down.  “Okay.  Bob, Clyde—do your battery-changing deal.  My guess is that by the time you get there, the word will come down the pike to not question you about where the information came from.  One of you take your laptop.  I’ve got pictures of Maduro coming—I’ll forward them to you.  By the way Clyde, Maduro belonged to the operation you and your guys—with help from Hector, et al—took down in Colombia last year.”

“Well, hell…I thought I’d heard that name before.  We never ran across him firsthand, but I should have remembered the name—not that it would have helped all that much, because I didn’t know squat about him…other than that he was involved.”


By the time Bob and Clyde got back from changing out the batteries, the pictures of Maduro were received, and passed on.  Also by then, there was another visit across the access road.  Worried about what had happened to his two men, Maduro had sent two more out, to check on them.  They returned with the two guns Jim had placed in conspicuous positions, to be found.

Maduro assumed, correctly, the men had been taken.  What had become of them, however, was a large mystery.  Knowing law enforcement in the United States quite well—and knowing the U.S. media couldn’t keep anything to themselves—he also assumed they had not been arrested.  This, he further assumed, meant they may well have met a—for him—untimely end.  He was starting to feel taking on the two Navy SEALs might be more of a task than he had bargained for.


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