Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Michelle caught in the weeds...so to speak.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, brings Clyde Feegle to Missouri, where he joins Bob Becker’s operation.  After freeing a friend of Clyde’s sister from Mexican custody, the Scotts join the group trying to clear her.  As part of the plan, Michelle Becker is to fly from Denver to Tucson to do a bit of undercover work.  Things go wrong in Denver when some pot gets in the way.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



      Everything went according to plan, until Michelle got a cab in the morning for the trip to the airport.  Then, things fell apart.  Michelle called Bob to report, “I missed the damned flight.”

“What?  How did you manage to do that?”

“Shut up, Bob.  I detect sarcasm in your voice.  The cab driver was high as hell on weed.  The asshole drove to the far side of the airport to watch planes taking off.  He got out and was standing there smoking another joint, gushing about how ‘neat it was,’ as he watched them.

“Finally, I called 911 and got the cops out to where we were.  I had them track the GPS on my phone, since I had no idea where I was…except for on the wrong side of the airport.  They showed up, busted the jackass cab driver, and were nice enough to take me to the airport terminal. 

“Of course, by then, my plane was gone—probably halfway to Tucson by now.  The next flight I can get outta here to get me to Tucson won’t arrive until 1:15 this afternoon—via Las Vegas, I might add—instead of a direct flight.  Crap!  I know this’ll mess up the timing, so no sense in trying to salvage our plan today.  Come get me and get me outta this stinking, pot-crazy town.  I’m telling you, Robert, these damned liberals are gonna ruin our country.  Even the guy at the stinking hotel was high when I checked out.  At least the cops weren’t high.  Crap.”

Bob was doing all he could not to laugh as Michelle spoke, knowing she was more than just a bit angry.  When she finally talked herself out, he thought for only a few seconds before he replied, “Okay, honey—I think what we’ll do is take Sandy around to all three stops, so she can identify the three guys she talked to, then come get you.  We’ll just come back next Monday and try again.  It’ll probably take us five or six hours.”

“Like hell!  You tell Holly and Jo to come get me now.  The three of us can fly back down, and wait for you to get through fooling around.”

“Yes, dear.”

Bob glanced at Clyde and Sandy, who were with him, as Clyde asked, “Michelle have a problem?”

Bob quickly told those two what the problem was and, even as they were laughing, he called Holly.  “Hi, Holly.  Michelle ran into a flight problem.  You feel like going up to Denver to pick her up, while Clyde, Sandy, and I do a bit of nosing around?”

“What kind of ‘problem’?”

After Bob told her—and Holly finished laughing—she told him she would call Michelle, then get in the air.   


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