Thursday, October 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Love in bloom in the middle of major case.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer’s partner, Alan, starts a serious relationship with Elmer’s ex-wife’s sister…a widow who has not had sex since her husband died.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



As he lay there in bed, he swore.  Unsettled at this thought, he still tried to get back to sleep, while Beth—never having gone to sleep—heard too.  She sighed as she ran her hand down her body.  She stopped and whispered to herself, “No way,” got up, and slipped a robe on over the sheer nighty she had on.  She opened the packet, took one of the items out, put it in the pocket of her robe, then walked with purpose to Alan’s door.  When she got there, she took the doorknob in her hand, turned it, released it, then sank to the floor…too ashamed to go in, too weak with frustration to return to her own room. 

Alan had heard the door latch open, then shut.  He wondered who it was, but laid there a few moments, before curiosity got the better of him.  He got up, walked to the door, and opened it slowly.  Beth, leaning against the door, nearly fell over, but caught herself, then just sat there.  Alan didn’t know what to do, though he almost burst out laughing at the sight—but somehow kept it in.  In desperation as to what to do, Alan sat down next to Beth.  Only then did he see in the now-dimmed hall light the tears rolling down Beth’s cheeks.  Still not sure exactly what he should do, he just stroked her hair as he muttered, “There now—it’s okay.”

After he spoke, Beth really started to sob quietly.  Alan drew her to him to soothe her.  He realized while he was soothing her, he was getting anything but soothed.  Remembering the packet Beth had snatched up, he took a deep breath, picked her up, and carried her to the bed, forgetting all about the open door.  When they were on the bed, on top of the covers—Alan holding her to him—she inched closer (if possible).  She remembered the pocket of her robe, took out the item she had put in the pocket, handed it to Alan, and whispered, “Better use this.”

Later, too spent to move, they both fell asleep, cuddled in each other’s arms until morning, when Ruth and Elmer both got up, dressed, and headed down the hall.  Ruth stopped when she got to Alan’s open door, looked in, and saw her sister and Alan side by side.  They were both stark naked.  She also noticed the now secondhand item she had purchased for her sister on the bed, an arm’s length from Alan.  She motioned with her hand to Elmer, who looked in, smiled, and started to say something, when Ruth whispered, “Shush,” and gently closed the door. 

As careful as she tried to be, Alan woke up.  “Oh, damn.”

That woke Beth.  “What is it?  Why the ‘damn’?”

“Someone just closed the door.  I’ve a feeling I left it open last night before we…er…”


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