Monday, October 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Elmer getting help looking for terrorist.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  While Elmer and his team work on tracking down the terrorist who killed two cops and set off a car bomb killing several people, Hector Garcia calls to announce the help he will supply.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



With Alan and Maine helping out, they soon reached a consensus that Ali had between ten and thirty men at his disposal…in addition to those two killed earlier in the day.  Just as they were trying to figure out how to check all known property owned by any of the men on their various lists that hadn’t already been checked, Elmer’s phone rang.  He smiled as he looked at the display panel.  “Hi, Hector.  What’s up?”

“Hi, Elmer.  Your Imam Alhaji Ahmed is dirty through and through.  In addition to being the spiritual advisor for Muslims at two prisons, he has some very suspicious visitors coming and going from his mosque.  Just between us chickens, said mosque is now well bugged.  I come up with anything, I’ll let you know.  But what I do know for now is that he has some Arabs here who have unkind things to say about America—he talks to them in Arabic.  By the way, good job by LAPD today, taking out two of the bad guys.  Two less for Ali or Ahmad, whichever of the two of them is in charge.”

Elmer laughed, “I won’t even ask how you know those two today were part of this deal.  We’ve been trying to keep a tight lid on the information.”

“Yeah, I know.  Good job.  The more I know about this Bledsoe dame, the more I like.  Even after the help she’s been in the past, I wasn’t sure about her, but she did a real nice job of confusing the issue while putting out the disinformation you came up with.”

“What makes you think I came up with it?”

“It has your fingerprints all over it.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.  Who do you have who speaks Arabic?”

“Me and about ten of my guys—but none of them as well as I do.  Not to mention Dan and Janet Orf.  They’re gonna monitor the mosque conversations for me.  See ya.”


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