Friday, October 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim and Hector inside Chinese facility holding the two men they have come to rescue.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  The rescue team for the kidnapped scientists who worked at Area 51 moves into action.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Hector moved rapidly to check to make sure all three on their side of the road were dead, while Jim headed toward the door leading into the facility.  Billy checked those on their side, as Bob hurried toward a covered, recessed area the four had determined was the facility car pool.   He was already checking out the cars by the time Billy arrived, but as he did, a man stood up from behind one of the cars.  Billy, handgun ready, shot him before the man had a chance to realize Billy was an intruder.

Bob just shook his head on seeing that, and kept looking the cars over.  Jim had told Billy and Bob to “find two cars with full fuel tanks, and disable the others.”

Satisfied with which two cars he wanted to take, Bob hotwired one, while Billy did the same to the other one.  Both had full tanks.  After turning them both off, the men set about disabling the other seven vehicles in the car pool.  The two Bob had picked out were a type of SUV, ones he was unfamiliar with, but had the features of SUVs.

As they did their work, Jim and Hector had carefully approached the door leading into the facility.  There was a small diamond-shaped window in it.  Jim grabbed a fast peek and sighed.  He tilted his head toward the window and Hector had a look.  Seated at a desk ten feet inside sat a man who had to be a guard.

While Hector grunted very quietly, Jim was looking for the door-opening mechanism.  He just shook his head when he found none.  There was a large handle.  Jim leaned his rifle against the side of the frame as Hector did the same thing.

Jim jerked the door open and both men hurried in.  Hector shot the man in the forehead and went forward to make sure he was dead.  Meanwhile, Jim looked around and saw no cameras.  He was happy about that and gave a head jerk to Hector, who had picked up the body.  They moved down a rather wide hallway, until they came to the first door.  It read, in Chinese, of course:  Electronics.

Jim pulled the door open, while Hector carried the body in and dumped it behind an electrical apparatus big enough to hide it.  He looked at Jim, who was checking out as much of the equipment in the room as he could.  After he shrugged, he and Hector went back to the hallway to continue their search of the building.

Jim glanced at Hector.  “This is almost too easy.  No locks on either door we’ve come to—and no cameras.”

“Hey, Jim, I’m with you about too easy, and know what you’re thinking—too easy can spell trouble.  But check out the conduit at the top of the wall.  Back at the electronics room we found it stopped, then started up again to the front door.  Maybe they aren’t even finished with their construction.”

“Could be.  Let’s hope so.  And you’re right…too easy scares me.”

“Nothing scares you, Jimbo…except Holly.”

Jim just grunted as they reached another door.  It was labeled:  Emergency Generator #1.  Hector opened the door, looked around, and nodded as he looked at Jim, who muttered, “Later.”

“Right.  But what I saw sure makes it easy to blow this place when we leave.  The fuel for the generator is piped in.”

Jim chuckled softly as they continued down the hallway.  At the end of it, there were two doors:  one to the right, labeled “Stay Out.  Experimental Section’, and one with no label. 

Jim whispered, “As much as I’d like to see what’s on the other side of the door to the right, we better keep our eye on the ball.”


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