Friday, October 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Bob and friends prove their suspect in trying to kill Michelle is tghe guilty party.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim gathers in the tapes from the bugs there and the video feed from the camera watching the home of their prime suspect in the attempt on Michelle’s life.  Later when reviewing the material, they know they were right in their assumptions that their prime suspect was responsible.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Holly and Bob didn’t add to Jim’s thought, as Holly continued driving and Bob mulled over the situation without comment.  When they reached “Jim’s” tree, he quickly went up, retrieved the discs, and replaced them.  Then Holly drove back the way she had come.  This time, when they passed the house Newton was now using, they did so without comment. 

When they got back to Bob’s home, Lorri and Michelle were still up.  Those two watched as Jim set up his laptop to play the discs.  The only arrivals or departures during the time since the current disc had been placed in the receiving unit was one man…first coming, then leaving shortly thereafter.

Jim asked, “Anyone know who that is?”

Michelle and Lorri exchanged glances, before Michelle answered, “Yes—Sam Dooley and I’d like to cut his nuts off.  The dirty, rotten, son-of-a-bitch threw the motion for Bernard’s re-trail!”

Bob joked, “Nice talk from an attorney, potty-mouth.  But I agree with your sentiments as to his testicles.  Jim, I’m right anxious to hear what was said between Dooley and Hoyer.”

Jim nodded as he fast-forwarded the remainder of the camera output.  As he did, his face hardened and he grumbled, “If those two discuss what I think they will, I’d say we’ve been spot-on with our guesstimates.”

When Jim played the tape of various conversations from Hoyer’s residence, they first heard his side of the conversation with Newton, then heard him all but ordering Dooley to visit his mansion, “ASAP.” 

They ignored other innocuous conversations, until Dooley arrived.  The two men didn’t speak until they reached Hoyer’s den. Once there Hoyer offered Dooley a seat, then got right to the point, “I have something I want you to do.  You will be well-compensated…very well-compensated.  Before I get to the new matter, I want to congratulate you on the fine job you did on the Nessing matter.  You more than earned your money.”

With Michelle about to explode as she listened, Hoyer continued, “Now to this new situation.  I want you to find out what court dates Michelle Becker has upcoming.”

As he spoke, Hoyer put a hundred thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills on his desk.

Dooley swallowed.  “May I ask a question?”

“No.  You may do as I ask.  When you bring the list of her court dates here—don’t call—you can have the hundred grand I just put on the desk.  Agreed?”

“Yes, sir.  Since it’s Friday, late, I won’t be able to get that information before Monday.”

“Very well…I will expect you Monday—make it eight that night.  I have other things to attend to before then.  Here’s a bonus for the Nessing job.”

Dooley swallowed as he took twenty thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills from Hoyer.  He thanked him, then left as fast as he could, with no further conversation between the two men.


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