Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Salazar goes undercover.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Salazar offers to work undercover for ATF to help bust an arms running motorcycle gang.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Carl looked surprised.  “You didn’t tell us that, Salazar.”

“Sorry—guess I just forgot.  Doesn’t mess you up, does it?”

“No, my guys are ready now.  This bar in Columbia?”

Salazar nodded, “Yeah,” then gave the name and address of the bar, before he added, “Might be a good idea if I go to my place, get my bike, then go there, with your guys along with me.”

Carl looked at Tank and shrugged.  “Sounds like a plan.  We’ll wire you up here, then better shake a leg.  I doubt we’ll be able to make the bar by nine.”

Salazar nodded, “Probably not, but by nine-thirty or so, I’d guess, if it doesn’t take you too long to wire me up.”

Even as Salazar had been speaking, Carl was up and headed out to get the gear he had in his car to do the job.  Less than ten minutes later, the three men left in two cars—Salazar’s and the ATF car Carl was using.

After Michelle told the three goodbye, she called Bob to report what had transpired.  When she finished her report, he laughed.  “I’ll bet dollars to donuts he winds up going with this Briefcase jerk.  Hope the ATF guy isn’t being too cute by half.  Sure would hate for something bad to happen to Salazar.  Not many guys can get by with shooting a Governor’s ear.”

Michelle laughed before she told Bob she loved him.

Later, at the bar—closer to ten than nine-thirty—Salazar (with Carl and Tank already inside) went in, trailed by the six ATF agents Salazar had been introduced to when he stopped at his apartment to get his motorcycle.  By the time he walked in, he had already forgotten four of the names being used by the six.  As he walked to the table where Briefcase Bradley was sitting, the six ATF agents went to two other tables.

Salazar sat down.  “I got you six guys.  I can vouch for all of ‘em.”

“The six who just followed you in?”


“Can one of them speak for the six?”


“Go get him.  Bring him to my table.”

“Got it.”

Salazar went to stand between the two tables, and told them one would have to come with him, to talk to Briefcase Bradley.  Before any of them could move, he pointed at one.  “You…since I can remember the name you gave me.”

It was all the six could do to keep from laughing as the man pointed at got up to follow Salazar back to the table.  Once there, Salazar introduced the two men before he and the ATF agent sat down. 

Briefcase Bradley looked at the club jacket the ATF agent was wearing.  “Never heard of your outfit.”

“We like it that way in our line of work.  We’ve been doing quite a bit of transportation work.  Not tryin’ to get a rep—except with the people we’re hauling things for.  Normally don’t take work outside those we know, and know well.  But Salazar says you’re good people.  Salazar, we trust.”

“Same deal here…as far as Salazar vouching for you guys.  Okay, here’s what I got.  I’ve got four more riders—besides you seven—so we’ve got twelve total.  We’re gonna ride up to Washington…state, not D.C.  The stuff is stashed there.  We load up, haul it near the Canadian border, where we meet some folks waiting for what we have.  With twelve of us, it’ll take three trips.  I’m paying three grand each, per trip.  We make one trip, get paid, then do the next one, and so forth.  You interested?”

The ATF agent whistled, “Wow, must be some fine product you have.”

“It is…you in?”

“You paying expenses to get there?”


“We get paid each trip when you get paid?”

“You do.”

“We’re in.  When are we making the trip?”

“Now.  As soon as I pay for my drink…and your guys over there have paid for what they ordered.”

Salazar shook his head.  “Briefcase, I don’t know about me going along.  I might lose my job, being gone that long.”

“Salazar, where in the hell are you gonna make nine grand in five days?  Call your boss from the road tomorrow—tell him something came up.  Lie—somebody in the family died, or something he’s likely to go for.”


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