Friday, October 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Elmar moves a wino into his home and daughter learns new word.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer, trying to dry out his only witness to the murders, moves Horace into his own home… and discovers his daughter has learned a new word.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Elmer nodded, “In a way, dear—in a way.  Horace will be staying with us for a while, so treat him like the nice person he is.  Ignore Mommy when she gets after him about things…he doesn’t know what a bully Mommy is.”

“Mommy’s not a bully.  She just runs things.”

Ruth rolled her eyes as she continued pouring orange juice.  When she got to Horace’s glass to pour his share of orange juice, she looked directly at him with a look daring him not to drink it.  He just sighed, so Ruth’s look changed to a smile before she hurried to help with the toast, as Elmer headed toward the table with the eggs.  He had taken pity on Horace by making scrambled eggs, so Horace didn’t have to look at a sunny side up egg in his condition.  Ruth finished the toast, then set the plate of toast on the table.  Elmer came back with the bacon, so soon everyone was eating…including Horace—though he went at his meal much slower, fearful of not being able to hold it down. 

Lizzie noticed his hand shaking as he ate.  She climbed determinedly up on the table as she reached over to pat him on the arm.  “Don’t be afraid…Mommy really isn’t a bully…Daddy just calls her that when he wants to get out of something.”

Elmer smiled and sighed at the same time.  Horace nearly cried.

Lizzie asked, “Daddy, are you and Mommy trying really hard to get me a little brother?  You know…with sex.”

Elmer had a mouthful of food.  He nearly spit it out.  Ruth smiled.  Horace almost laughed.  Elmer nodded, “We’re doing our best, sweetheart.  For now, you’ll just have to treat Alan as your little brother.”

“But, Daddy—he’s only a bit younger than me.  I want a nice little baby.”

Ruth, finished with her meal, hurried to the sink with her plate, silverware, and glass, with a smile, trying hard not to let it turn into full-scale laughter.  Elmer nodded again, “We’ll try, sweetheart.  Now, hurry up and finish—Daddy has to go to work.  We still have our workout to do.”


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