Thursday, October 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Elmer comes up with new idea to track down Whodunit.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  With Sherman Oaks as a possible starting point, Elmer comes up with an idea to zero in on Whodunit.  Not everyone is happy with his new idea, but no one has a better idea.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Elmer chatted with Ruth a few minutes before they agreed on seven.  As he put away his phone, he got serious.  “Okay, folks—as I was about to say when my ex-wife called—we’re gonna have two NCIS teams helping on the credit card leg work.  Being the case, Reggie, I want you to do something before you start out.  Spradling, over at FBI, is gonna be back before too awfully long.  I want you to work with him a bit, since their computer—in theory—is better than ours.  I want someone to set up a program to produce a list of every single male in the weight range of “Whodunit” who has a driver’s license showing an address in Sherman Oaks.  Figure out an age range—not too old or too young.  If it can be done to exclude dark-skinned African American males, so much the better.”

“Oh, my God, El—it’ll be a ton of men.  If you’re thinking we check every one of them out, it’ll take six lifetimes.”

“You got a better idea?”

“Oh, hell, no.  This credit card deal doesn’t pan out, I guess it’s the only next step—unless we find something hot in the case material Bert is gonna get.  Jeeze—we’ll need an Army for it, though.  There are over fifty thousand souls living in Sherman Oaks.  Say half are women, then we knock out anyone under twenty-five or so—probably anyone over seventy—then knock off ten percent or so dark-skinned blacks.  You’re still looking at fifteen thousand or so names…with maybe a third single.”

Elmer nodded, “True, but we can narrow the list down quite a bit after you get it.  Try to set it up so we know occupations, where possible.  Guy making over two-fifty isn’t likely to be pulling this kind of a deal…probably a lot less.  Anyone making a real good income goes to the very bottom of the list.  Think of anything else to put someone at the bottom of the list.  Anyone who is handicapped goes there.  Hell, all kinds of other things.  You and Spradling should be able to figure it out—you’re both smart.”

“Thanks a lot.  Okay, I can see where we might get it down to four or five thousand, but it’ll still be one hell of a lot of people to be checking out…especially if the damned guy doesn’t even live in Sherman Oaks.  The only thing we have to zero in on there is jackass, dead, Skeets.  Before you ask—no, I don’t have a better idea.”

“Good—glad we’re in agreement then.  Hop to it, old chum.”

“Oh, kiss my big black ass.”

When Greg and his three team members—one of whom was a nice-looking female agent who would be working with Greg—arrived, Elmer filled them in on the Sherman Oaks idea.  Greg shook his head.  “You are sure a glutton for work, Elmer.  But the idea does have merit—I’ll give you that.”


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