Monday, October 31, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Unhappy hit men.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The hit men find out what they’re up against…and aren’t happy.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



After they had all checked into the motel, Harry carried a briefcase down to Neil’s room and entered.  He opened the briefcase and took out a set of pictures identical to the ones Mark and Dan had found.  “These are your targets.  The original plan, as I told you, was for Morris to simply blow them both up in their homes.  The plant is well guarded and very secure.  Their homes—or travel between them and the plant—are our best chances.  I should be getting additional information shortly.  In the meantime, please try to come up with a plan.”

Neil grunted.  “You said they are now alerted.  Are they likely to be well guarded?”

“Yes.  By both local police and probably FBI.  Maybe outside help as well, like full time bodyguards.”

Neil looked at Ben, then at Harry.  “You sure are a doozy, Harry.  This is a messed up deal…the damn FBI no less.  What in the hell are you getting us into here?”

“I told you they were alerted.”

“Yeah, fine, alerted.  You didn’t tell us they’d have an army guarding them.  Who are these people?  And what are they?”

Harry lied, “They’re industrialists, or at least he is.  The woman is his assistant.  They cheated my principal, and must be killed soon, so he can recoup some of his losses.  I’m not sure just why speed is necessary, but I’ve been assured it is.”

“Then why is the FBI involved?”

“I don’t know, but was told to expect that they would be.”

“Jesus, Harry, you’re a wealth of information.  Well, at least we’re warned.”

“Good.  Study the deal and see what you can tentatively come up with.  Also, make a list of weapons you think you’ll need.”

“Damn tank would be nice,” growled Ben—without smiling.

Neil grunted.  “First thing you had to say, Ben, and you hit the nail on the stinking head.  Get outta here, Harry, and let us think.”


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Friday, October 28, 2016

Toboggan, Book #4 of the Janitors Series - Bad guys not having a good day.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Tony in pain, and Frank is of little help.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



In the lodge a few miles up the snow-covered road, Tony was in pain.  “That son-of-a-bitch better hope I never get my hands on him.  This side hurts like hell, Frank.”

“I don’t know nuttin to do fer ya, Tony.  I did all I could tink ob.”

“I know, Frank.  Thanks.  I’ve been thinking.  Maybe if you poured some gun powder on the wound and light it, it might sear it and seal the damn thing.”

“I dunno, Tony.  Dat sounds like it hurt like hell.  Don’t know it’ll do ya any good eeder.”

“It always seemed to work in the westerns and war movies.”

“God, Tony.  Ya crazy!  Goin’ to damn moobies fer dat.”

“Yeah, okay, I guess you’re right.  But the damn thing hurts like hell.”

“Drink more booze.”

“Thanks, Frank.  Why didn’t I think of that?”


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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Two boats headed more-or-less in the same direction.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Billie Jo, the kidnappers, and Steve all headed in the same direction…in two boats.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Within an hour the Coast Guard, Navy, and Hawaii State Police had been contacted and were putting out the word to be on the lookout for the Freedom Express.  The Pacific Ocean was a big body of water, however, and the Freedom Express was never to be spotted.

The subject of that massive search was sailing on a southwesterly heading and two of the occupants were quite unconcerned about what might or might not be happening back in Hawaii.  As for the third occupant, Billie Jo Lane quickly realized she was in a hopeless situation.  The best that could be said for her predicament was that her two captors had no inclination toward rape or anything of the sort. 

Actually, after that shock the one gave her to show her who was boss, they had pretty much left her alone.  They fed her, gave her a bedpan to relieve herself in, and otherwise ignored her.  “Things could be worse,” she thought. 

Later, she would remember having that thought, and would promise herself never to have it again.


Steve Bettencourt and Murgatroyd were happily sailing on a southwesterly heading, similar to that of the Freedom Express.  The Dog Pound was still well north of the other boat and still further ahead, as its cruising speed was three knots faster than the Express.  In another two days, Steve hoped to make his first stop.  From that island, he would hop from island to island as he headed south.

Murgatroyd, of course, was oblivious to all such planning.  She was content to chase Steve around the boat when she felt like playing, eating when she was hungry, and sleeping when the mood struck.   In actuality, Steve’s days were quite similar to the dog’s, except he had to tend the boat from time to time.

He was amazed that the breeze had been quite brisk the entire trip and wondered if there was some sort of anomaly in the atmosphere that caused the rare occurrence.  There was—as he would find out in a matter of days.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Shootout in Iraq.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Hector, Drew, Tom, and Holly deal with four terrorists in shootout.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Hector and Drew used the same procedure.  However, things went a little less smoothly for them.  Hector crested a sand dune at precisely the same time as the last four al-Qaida operatives.  He reacted faster and was able to shoot two of the four before they could get off a shot.  But, the other two both fired and hit Hector in the chest.  All the Janitors were wearing bulletproof vests.  Hector’s saved his life, but the force of the two shots knocked him back down the dune.  The severity of the shots also rendered him unconscious. 

Meanwhile, Drew hurried a shot that hit one of the two remaining enemies in the leg.  The other pulled his companion down and behind the top of the dune.  Holly and Tom heard the shots fired by the al-Qaida operatives, started up the Humvees, and headed in the direction of Hector and Drew.

Drew decided against going to check on Hector and set off after the two remaining targets.  Rather than charging straight at them, he started to circle around.  The unwounded al-Qaida terrorist looked up over the top of the dune he was on, saw Drew, and fired.  His shot just ticked the camouflage jacket Drew wore, without hitting flesh.  Drew hurriedly sought cover. 

As Holly crested a sand dune in the lead Humvee, she instantly saw her father pinned down, and soon saw Hector lying at the bottom of a dune.  Without a second’s hesitation, she headed for Hector. 

Tom, right behind Holly, saw what she had, noticed where she was headed, and headed for Drew.  When Holly reached Hector, she stopped and got out.  After feeling his pulse and finding him still alive, she took out her Walther, ducked down as a shot whined off the Humvee, and fired back.  She too missed, but headed up the dune.  Both the wounded man and the other sighted in on her as first Tom, and then Drew, fired at the men. 

Unfortunately, both aimed at the same man.  Both shots hit the man and took him out of things.  The other, already wounded man, sighted in on Holly even as Tom and Drew were turning their attention to him.   She saw the man also and fired.  Tom was just slightly faster than Drew in swinging toward the other man and he fired about the same time Holly did.  Again, both shots hit home.  Seeing all four men down, Tom headed in their direction, while Holly and Drew went toward Hector.

Jim heard the faint sounds of gunfire.  He thought he had heard some firing earlier, when the first shots had been fired at Hector and Drew.  Now he was certain of what he heard.   Knowing all his people had silenced weapons; he knew someone was firing back at the Janitors.  Using his headset, he said, “Report, please.”

Drew replied, “Hector’s down.  The four bad guys are, also.”

“How’s Hector?”

“Just getting to him,” replied Drew

“Alive,” Holly added, as she neared Hector for the second time.

Drew quickly determined that the vest had saved Hector from serious injury and said to Holly, “Get the smelling salts out of the Humvee.”

Holly did as told and handed the small vial to Drew, who quickly broke it open and held it under Hector’s nose.  Hector coughed, groaned, and opened his eyes.  Groggily, he moaned, “God, I feel awful.”


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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series - Jim and Holly agree on a trip to Iraq.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim and Holly agree she’s going to Iraq with him.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



“I know, Holly.  Don’t blame you in the least.  Wouldn’t have blamed him if he had said that he wasn’t going to cooperate.  Now, young lady, we have something to discuss.”

“I know.  What to do with me.”

“Your daddy didn’t raise a stupid daughter.  Holly, somebody obviously wants one or both of us dead.  My guess is both.  So we have two choices, as I see it.  As soon as I wrap things up here in Los Angeles, you can go stay with your dad for safekeeping, or I can send you home with Billy.  He and Sally would love to have you around for a while.”

“Or there’s a third choice.  I can just stay with you and go along for the ride, as it were.  Don’t tell me I couldn’t be of assistance.  I’d feel safe with either my dad or Billy.  But I’d also feel safe with you…and damn sure more useful.  Plus, I’d hate to drag dad or Billy into this.  Well, Billy’s already in, but who knows that?  Nobody that will ever say anything.”

“Holly, I’m going into Iraq to kill the most powerful man in that region.  Getting out may be a bit dicey.”

“Posh.  I bet you already have it all figured out.  You do, don’t you?”

“Well, not entirely.  But if I can get an old friend to help out, I think it’s a doable job…to coin a phrase.”

“An old friend who owes you big time, I bet.”

“I don’t know if ‘owes’ is the right word.”

“Israeli?  Mossad?”

“My, my.  Aren’t you the little crystal-ball gazer.”

“Not really.  Dad told me that ten Fox Team guys went in and eleven came out.  The eleventh was an Israeli Mossad agent who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and one Jungle Jim Scott pulled his bacon out of the fire.”

“Partially correct—though Ben would be a bit upset at your ‘bacon’ reference.  That’s a strict no-no for practicing Jews, which he is—in spite of his rather bloody track record.  But you’re more or less on the right track.  If Ben will help out, it will make life a lot easier.  Our dirty bird in Washington doesn’t know we’re alive.  So from now on I want no further contact in that direction.  Which means we’ll need help from another source, such as Ben.”

“And you think he will…help out that is?”

“Yes, I’m sure he’ll help us.”

“You said, ‘us.’  I take it you’ve decided to let me stay with you then?”

“Had before we started this conversation.”

“What!  What was all this ‘two options crap’?”

“Just wanted to make sure you wanted to stay with me.  Wanted you to have some other options.  Actually, I want you around so I can keep you alive.  Not that your dad or Billy couldn’t.  But if you’re with me, then I know you’re safe.”

“You care?”

“Holly, you’re fishing—but I do care.  I love you, and would be devastated if anything happened to you.”

“Well, at least you didn’t say you love me like a sister.  But I noticed you said you love me, not that you’re in love with me.”

“How astute you are, Miss FBI Agent.”

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Assassin I Am (More Books) - Fred's pilots ready to fly again in spite of their injuries, and some locker room humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand alone book featuring Fred Dupree, and several old friends.  Fred visits with his pilots and they both agree to start flying again in spite of their lingering injuries.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Ray was already there and inside by the time Fred arrived.  After Fred greeted the two men, their wives, and children, the three men retired to Erv’s den.  Erv hobbled along on crutches, because he had been instructed to stay off the walking cast—reaching up to a spot just below his knee—for a few days.

When the two pilots seated themselves, Fred handed each of them one of the envelopes containing the money.  As they opened the envelopes, Fred sat down and joked, “Don’t spend it all in one place.  Same deal as last time we came upon some found money.  This is tax-free, as long as you don’t mess up and draw the interest of IRS for the way you spend it.

“While you guys have been goldbricking, I made a trip back to St. Louis and settled the score for the loss of our plane—and nearly the loss of us.  Those responsible for sending those jerks to kill us have been dealt with.”

Erv asked, “Have anything to do with the ‘ISIS’ raid on a mosque in St. Louis?  Did you perchance give ISIS a hand?”

“No comment—you know that.  But off the record…yeah.  Anyhow, on to the future.  Good old Harvey has rounded up a new plane for me…but it needs pilots.  When will you guys be ready to fly again?”

Ray answered first, “I’m good to go right now.”

Erv nodded agreement.  “Me, too.”

“Erv, is this gonna cause any friction with your family?”

“Nope.  As soon as we found out you were meeting Ray here, my darling bride just looked at me and grumbled, ‘Go ahead, idiot.  But if you get another broken leg, I’m stealing your crutches.’  So if you can put up with me taking a week and a half to get on and off the plane, I’m happy to go with you guys.  The three of us have been together long enough to keep a good thing going.”

“Glad you feel that way.  I’m planning on heading to Los Angeles in the morning…or at least sometime tomorrow.   By the way, it isn’t the three of us any longer.  The nice lady you met for such a short time before we got our plane shot up is now my new partner in crime.”

Ray muttered, “The hell, you say.”

“Don’t worry about her, guys.  She can outshoot me, is one tough cookie, and smart as hell…Marine for six years.  Her dad and brother were Marines, too…both killed in action.”

Erv shook his head.  “No way—we’ve been to the range with you.”

“Sorry to say, she beat me fair and square.  Harvey has the targets to prove it up.”

Ray asked, “You find a trail on the guy you were chasing down?  That why we’re going to L.A.?”

“Yeah, in part.  Got some other fish to fry there, also.  With some sort of decent luck, I might get lucky and kill two birds with one big, fat rock.”

Erv nodded.  “Let us know when—and where our new plane is.”

Fred stood up, shook hands with both men as they stood, too, and said, “Will do.”

As he turned to leave, Erv swatted him on the rear end with one of his crutches and asked, “You getting any of that hot little customer who outshot you?”

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

Ray joked, “So when was it you became a gentleman?”



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Friday, October 21, 2016

Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Bob and Clyde get answeres to their questions.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a stand alone book featuring Clyde Feegle, and several old friends.  Bob and Clyde question the man who set up Sandy.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Bob growled, “You stay right here in the car, ‘Special Agent’ Mead.  Clyde and I will have a few words with him.  You got your comm set turned on?”

“Yes.  Go.”

Bob and Clyde hurried into the garage bay and charged the attendant.  Both had their weapons out and pointed at him.  Clyde grumbled, “You might want to stand very still if you like living.”

“What?  What?  Who are you?  Cops?”

Bob shook his head.  “Nope.  We’re your worst nightmare.  We’re citizens not attached to the government in any way.  Oh—and we have a nasty attitude.”

By then they were on him, and soon hustled him behind a partition.  Clyde secured his hands on the way, and the attendant’s ‘worst nightmare’ was underway in no time.  Several threats as what would happen to him if he didn’t cooperate were hurled his way, but the capper was after Clyde told him he and Bob were not connected with the government in any way, just out to clear Sandy Melosi’s name.  After that, on a hunch, he added, “Did you happen to hear what happened to the five guys who raped her while she was in custody?”

Both Bob and Clyde knew they had him, due to his reaction to Clyde’s question.  Ralph, listening outside on his communication set, wondered what Clyde was up to, and—being unable to see the facial reaction to the question—had no idea Clyde had struck pay dirt.  He was soon to find out, as Clyde whipped out his knife.  “Okay, pal, you got two choices:  one, you lose your manhood—and if you can get help after we leave before you bleed to death, you’ll go through life without balls or a dick—or two, you can answer all our questions honestly and we’ll turn you over to an ATF agent friend of ours, who will put you in witness protection, if you give us everything.”

The broken man asked, “What about my family?  My woman, and two kids?”

Clyde asked, “You married to her?”


“Well, if she’ll have you, she goes into witness protection, along with your kids.  If not, they’re on their own.”

“‘Z’ will have ‘em killed to get even with me.”

“Then you better plan on getting married in short order…our friend can help arrange it.  He’ll get them out of harm’s way for now, as soon as you give us everything.”


Bob got out a tape recorder he had in his pocket, then had the man tell about how he had set Sandy up.  When the attendant explained what he had done and why Sandy had been arrested, Bob turned off his recorder and Clyde took one out, and the question-and-answer session began.  Outside with the car, Ralph could hardly believe what he was hearing, but called in all three teams he had in the area.  After doing that, he asked into his communication set, “Ask him where his lady friend and kids live.  I’ll have them picked up right now.”

Clyde did and—knowing Ralph could hear—went back to his questioning…after being told where the man’s family could be found.  The part on how Sandy came to be arrested was due to two Mexican border guards who normally worked the noon-to-four shift at the border entrance and would have waved her through, but they were involved in a wreck on the way to work and had been delayed that day.  The grumpy guards who had not been relieved discovered the weapons in Sandy’s car and arrested her.

When the questioning was complete, Clyde muttered, “Ralph, you may as well come on in.”


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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Monster's Palace, (Other Books) - Clyde and team deal serious blow to drug cartel.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book featuring new character Clyde Feegle, a few other new characters, as well as some old friends.  Clyde and those with him take out a drug money laundering center to assist an undercover agent.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Since everyone was using silenced weapons, no one inside had any idea the six outside were now dead.  When Harry and his man went through the door, they saw only one man…who very obviously was not Agent Jack Turner, so he died. 

Clyde and Dick saw no one as they went through the back door, but the floor under them squeaked, and one of the drug dealer’s men called out, asking who had come in when they were supposed to be on watch.  His words directed Clyde and Dick to the right doorway.  They went to it, and saw three men.  Both immediately recognized Jack Turner as, using Spanish, Clyde ordered, “Freeze or die.”  Neither drug dealer froze.  Both died.

Clyde looked at Jack Turner.  “Agent Turner, I presume?”

“If I’m not, you made a helluva mistake.  I really wanted to take the bozo to my left alive.”

Clyde frowned.  “Yeah, so did I—but not bad enough to risk dying.  That is one big gun he was about to point in my direction.”

As Jack nodded, Clyde muttered, “If you can hear me, Merrill, come on in.  We’re secure here.”

“I can hear you.  The virgin and I are on the way.”

“Stuff it, you CIA flunky.”

Harry was smiling as he took a look into the room where Clyde, Mitch, and Jack stood.  Then he glanced at his man.  “Check this place out for whatever.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jack looked around the room.  “Somewhere in this place you should find one helluva lot of dough.  My cover has been that of a money washer.  I washed a couple of million for ‘em and was invited out here to talk to the big man about their ‘real money’.”

The soldier Harry had dispatched heard—even though Jack wasn’t wearing a communication device.  “Captain, I found a door leading to something, but I smell booby-trap.”

Clyde answered for Harry, “On my way—stand fast.”

When Clyde got to the man, he looked the door over and grumbled, “Good catch…now get outta here, in case I mess up.”

Clyde routinely stored a small “anti-booby-trap” kit aboard the C-130 they used.  It was attached to his back by a belt.  He undid the belt and dug into his pouch.  In no time he had the booby-trap deactivated and the door open.  He called out, “Found your money, Agent Turner.”

The soldier who found the door, Harry, and Mitch were already in the room, with Jack just outside the door.  Clyde just shook his head at the four of them as he muttered, “At least Captain Londoff has some sense.”

Merrill walked in and joked, “No sense, just outside calling his guys with the buggies.  From the looks of what you found, I’d say he better call for another buggy.”

“I heard that, Agent Hinzpeter…including your statement about my lack of sense.  I’ll get another buggy rolling.”


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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Back To China, (Other Books) - Pepper gets the info.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and some other old friends.  Pepper gets the info she wanted in short order.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



When Baucus arrived, he was introduced to Pepper and Suzan.  “Ladies, this is T. Stedman Baucus.  He is directly in charge of the Hogan-Walendy project…as it is being called, for lack of a better name.”

Pepper held out her hand and nodded.  “I’m Pepper Hollins, T.  My short friend is Suzan Telman.  With her is her son, Andrew James.”

Pepper was a tall, thin, but very muscularly framed woman, while Suzan was several inches shorter—and while all muscle—she was a bit chunkier.  Baucus, nearer Suzan’s height, looked up at Pepper, without smiling, and after not having shaken the offered hand, mumbled, “I prefer to be called Stedman…or Mr. Baucus.”

Pepper, with a very brief smile, with only one side of her face responding, looked at Joe.  “If you’ll excuse us.”

Joe turned without a word and left the room, shutting the door as he went back into his office.

Pepper looked hard at Baucus.  “Please have a seat, T.”

Pepper had taken an instant dislike to Baucus, even as he walked into the room.  She noticed he was shifty-eyed, and seemed a bit nervous.  Also, he was in shirtsleeves, and she noticed sweat forming under his armpits, through the dampened shirt. 

She asked a few questions of no importance, then suddenly asked, “Why did you get involved in this?  Was it money, or some silly liberal notion?”

“I will not sit here and be insulted in this manner.  This interview is over.”

As he started to stand, Pepper growled and pointed, “Sit.”

After he eased back down into the chair he had been sitting in, Pepper told him much of what Drew had told Mao Jinping.  She mentioned having the promise of a pardon from the President for any laws she might violate, and several threats similar to those Drew had used. 

Baucus broke.  He admitted he had passed the information of the departure on to Sammy Lee…for a considerable amount of money.  As soon as he gave her Lee’s name, Pepper immediately called Drew.  “Got a name for you—probably the guy who ran the operation.”

“Sammy Lee?”

“I hate when you do that, Andrew F. Hollins.  Yeah.  Goodbye.”


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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Newton beats Bob and friends to Dooley.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy. Jim, Bob, and Holly wait for Newton to arrive, but he’s already inside Dooley’s house…and exits through the rear door with Dooly in tow.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Holly was still well behind Dooley when he reached his house.  By the time he had pulled into his garage and was opening his front door, Holly was still half a block away, but those in the car could see as he entered his home.  Holly drove by, went down to the second cross street, and made a U-turn.  Jim told her where to stop on the opposite side of the street, and the three in the car went into waiting mode.

Meanwhile, when he heard the garage door closing, Newton decided Dooley had enough time to disarm his alarm system, so he slipped in the back door.  Dooley hadn’t done anything to his alarm—because he didn’t have one.  He had only lived in the house for a few days past six months, and just hadn’t gotten around to ordering an alarm system.  When he came in, he placed his bag of money on a living room coffee table, and was taking off his now slightly wet suit jacket when Newton walked into the room.

Dooley’s mouth fell open as Newton motioned toward the floor.  “Face down.  Don’t say a damned word, or I’ll blow your head off.”

Dooley, his mouth still hanging open, did as told after only a slight pause.  Newton quickly knelt down next to him, secured his hands with a plastic restraint, then raised Dooley’s head and slipped a black bag over it. 

While Dooley continued to lie on the floor thus restrained, Newton saw the paper bag, looked inside, and smiled.  Since Hoyer hadn’t told him about the twenty thousand dollars, he got Dooley to his feet and, carrying the bag, hustled Dooley to and through the back door.  Had he waited a few moments longer before entering the living room, Newton would have walked out with the other twenty thousand dollars, because it had been Dooley’s intent to open the safe hidden behind a picture on his living room wall to add the money from the bag inside with his earlier deposit to what he thought of as the First National Bank of Dooley.

Dooley was not thinking about his “bank” as he was led across his backyard and through the mud, to the rear door of the unfinished house.  He was wondering why he was being “kidnapped” when the man with the gun surely had found his money…he had heard the sound of the bag being opened.

By the time Newton had Dooley in the trunk of his car and had secured his feet together with another plastic restraining strip, Jim stretched and sighed.  “I wish Newton would come along, if he’s going to.”

Bob nodded in the backseat.  “Yeah—me, too.  How long do you think we should wait, Jim?”

“I guess we should give it an hour or so.  He doesn’t come by then, it might be a good idea to go in and introduce ourselves to Dooley, and see if we can get some cooperation from him.  I’ve got an idea he’ll give it up without too much trouble if we offer him protection—which I’m sure your cop pal will be happy to supply.”

“Or,” Holly muttered, “we can just leave him to his own devices, like you suggested in the first place, Jim.”

“Yeah, we could do that…but the more I thought about it, the more I felt he might expedite Michelle’s chance to get a new trial for Bernard.  What say you, Bob?”

“I like your first idea better.  Just let Newton have his ass.  We can deal with Hoyer and Newton any old time.  We get Dooley talking, it’ll lead to the arrest of Hoyer and Newton before we get a chance to talk to them in private.”

Jim laughed.  “You’re my kind of guy, Bob.  Okay, let’s do this:  we give Newton an hour, then give it up and go check out the house we were gonna look over…after we change out all our various surveillance discs.”

Bob agreed, “Yeah—sounds good.”


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Monday, October 17, 2016

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - Hunt team strikes out.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy. The first day in the forest looking for the kidnappers and the girls, the hunt team comes up dry…except for a false lead.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



With night arriving, those in Jim’s hunting team were much less confident, and certainly not proud in the least with their efforts.  During their day, only Dan and Janet had even a sniff of possibly finding where Biden and Clay were.  On the second road assigned to them, Janet drove down it very slowly, as was their habit.  Suddenly, Dan saw something on a very small path.  “Stop, honey—we may have found what we’re looking for.  Pull well off the road.”

Janet did as told before she and Dan got out of their car.  Dan walked to the path, with Janet right behind him.  He knelt down and looked at the tall grass.  It had been disturbed…in his opinion, recently enough that it could have been done by Biden and Clay.  He checked the area over carefully, then started walking, as he glanced at his wife.  “Honey, two vehicles came this way a few days ago.  You walk on the other side of this path—stay back several feet.”

“Oh, sure—the old ‘wife six paces behind her man’ trick.”


When they reached where the two vehicles had been parked, Dan was sad to see them gone…via still another path.  Before following the second path, he searched the area.  In time he found the remains of what to him was obviously where an animal had been hung and gutted.  The entrails had been well gone over by various small creatures, but he could tell they were too large to have been human.  At least that pleased him. 

Janet looked at the mess.  “Please tell me this is from something other than a human.”

“It is—probably hunters.  They must have field dressed whatever it was they shot.  From the size of the guts, I’d say it was probably a bear.  At least something bigger than a human.  Come on, we better follow the route they took out of here, since they didn’t go back the way they came.”

“You notice how big those damned flies were?”

“Yes, dear, I noticed.  Now come on.”

“Can I be sick first?”

“No, Jan.  Come on.”

Everyone who knew Janet called her “Jan.”  Everyone except Dan, who only called her “Jan” when he was perturbed with her.

She got the message and followed along dutifully, as she had before…on the opposite side of the path from Dan, and several feet behind him.  It didn’t take Dan long to figure out this path was curving around toward the main road.  Since they were over two miles from it, Dan nearly swore, but continued on until they reached it.

Janet laughed.  “Nice work, hubby.  You led us back to this nice road.  Too bad it isn’t the one where our car is located.”

Dan said nothing in retort, just started walking to where the side road intersected the main road.  Janet was less quiet.  “Hey, look at the bright side.  When we get back on the main road after we get off it, we won’t have to stop to check this path out.”

“Must you?”



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Friday, October 14, 2016

Too Many Women, Book #1 of Becker Trilogy (Other Books) - War stories and sleeping arrangements.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy. A couple of old ‘war stories’ come out as Bob is trying to get sleeping arrangements for the night sorted out.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Drink in hand, Bob thought a second.  “Okay, on sleeping arrangements—since Sergeant Major Gowen and…”

“Hold it right, there, Master Sergeant Becker,” Leo said as he interrupted, “I told you at the plane, ‘Leo’ is fine.  We aren’t active-duty Marines any longer…now knock it off.  In case you have overlooked it, I’m now working for you, sir.”

Bob laughed a laugh of surrender on the subject, but before he could respond, Terri asked, “Who’s paying for Leo and Horace?”

Bill and Bob answered, almost simultaneously, “You are.”

“How much?”

Dan joked, “A lot.”

Terri looked at him.  “How much for you and Janet, and your plane?”

“Nada.  That’s on the house, as it were.  We’re trying for the national good service award for the year.  Actually, we hadn’t seen Bob in a while, and always good to see the guy who saved my bacon.”

Terri asked, “How so?”

Bob joked, “Ten grand.”

Not knowing…nor caring…what that was about, Dan proceeded to tell the story of how Bob had carried him out of harm’s way while he was severely wounded.  When he finished, he looked at Bob.  “Now, do you want to tell us why you treat Leo as the Second Coming, Bob?”

Bob looked at Leo, who nodded, “Go ahead…just nothing classified.”

“We—Leo and I—belonged to a SEAL team together—one whose number has become public knowledge, thanks to a blabbermouth President.  We had an incident in a hereby undisclosed location.  Leo kept me from making the mistake of my life, saving said life, and several others.  I argued with him.  He hit me.  He was right; I was wrong.  How’s that, Leo?”

“The damnedest load of horseshit I ever heard…except for me hitting you, and you being wrong in your assessment of the situation—and being man enough to recognize your mistake after the fact, and admitting it.  Which, by the way, is why I recommended you for promotion.”

Dan looked at Leo.  “The whys and wherefores of the deal would give away your assignment, right?”

“Yeah.  Subject closed.”

Bob nodded his agreement with what Leo said, then smiled.  “Okay, back to where I started, to get to sleeping arrangements, before I was interrupted by Sergeant Major—just kidding Leo.  Since Leo and Horace will be staying on, they get the other two bedrooms in my place.  Dan, you and Janet will have to bunk with Bill.  Same for Alan and Bert.”

Terri offered, “I can sleep in the maid’s room, if you want Dan and Janet to spend the night here, Bob.”

“I thought we had that one settled, Miss Hawksworth.  You sleep in the room next to mine.   Want you as close as possible, in case something hits the fan.”  Then, after a pause, he softened and added, “Terri, thanks for the offer, but I really do want you close to me.  And tomorrow thru until we get your ‘former’ husband, I want you close to one of the other guys…like glue…if I’m not around.”


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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ancient Rookie, (Other Books) - Chet comes to with new arm and new eye.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a stand alone book featuring new characters and some old friends.  Chet comes to after the accident and operation to affix a bionic arm and eye.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Twenty minutes after the group reached Chet’s bed, he slowly started moving a bit.  He opened his right eye, as his left eye and most of his head were well bandaged.  His mouth was very dry.  He found he couldn’t talk.  A nurse gave him a sip of water before he slowly, softly said, “This can’t be a good thing.  What happened?”

Dave moved to his left side and took his hand, “You can’t remember anything?”

“Last thing I remember was driving along 44, just past the Grand overpass.  Then I come to…see you all standin’ there like you expect me to be dead.”

Dave glanced at Dr. Pulaski, who gave a gentle nod of the head, then started telling his father what he knew of the accident, including of the death of Helen.  At that point in the conversation, Chet closed his good eye and opened it with moisture in it.  “Tough on us, but probably a blessing for Helen.  Poor thing was in so much pain.  Her pain is over now.”

Dave nodded as he told his father the consensus was his mother had died instantly—probably never even knew something was amiss before she died. When he finished, Dr. Pulaski asked everyone but Dave to leave the room for a few minutes.  He briefly told Chet about the operation—what he’d attempted to do—without going into great detail.  Finished with that, he started to add, “Mr. Coleman…”

Chet interrupted, “Chet is fine, doc.  Unless you want to try on ‘Master Chief.’  Naw, Chet’s fine…go on.”

“Good.  In that case, I’m J.P.  Or Jeep, to my close friends—which I have an idea we’ll become before your rehab is completed.  You’re stuck seeing a great deal of me for the next several months…house calls for the most part.”

“You’ll get kicked out of the doctor’s union for that.”

“Maybe, but I’ll risk it.”


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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Some banter,then back to work.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Some banter while discussing funeral plans, then back to work trying to find the terrorist.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



When they got to Homicide, Elmer and Maine walked in, headed for the coffee urn.  As they did, Reggie saw them.  He came out of his office.  He just walked into the conference room where Alan and Bert were already hard at work, then waited.  When Elmer and Maine came into the room, Reggie nodded, “Funerals are set for Friday.  Same place, same time.  I’ve got the route map in my office, when you get time.  I won’t even ask if you’re gonna attend.”

Elmer nodded, “Good.  Maine, you got a uniform that’ll fit?”

“What do you mean, ‘will fit’?  Of course my uniforms fit.”

“Oh, I thought you’d put on about an ounce since you started working with me.”

“Actually, I’ve put on three pounds or so—all muscle.”

Reggie smiled at the comeback.  “Bert, you, and I have to be there.  The Chief wants as many of us black officers as possible to be there.”


“Because it’ll be televised.  He wants to show the diversity of the department to the world.  Just kidding.  You and Alan are here to watch the new terrorist desk.”

Elmer asked, “What new ‘terrorist desk’?”

Reggie got a twinkle in his eye.  “That’s what I’ve decided to call this conference room, until we have this bird in cuffs, or in the morgue.  Oh, Homer called.  Told me he’s on the way—will be here shortly.”

Maine joked, “Don’t look now, but ‘shortly’ has arrived.”

Everyone else looked in the direction of the doorway to see Homer heading to the coffee urn.  After he poured a cup, he entered the conference room.  “Someone besides Reggie make this coffee?”

Alan nodded, “You’re safe—I made it.  Drink up.”

Reggie frowned.  “See you guys later—you too, Maine.”

Maine pouted.  “Hey, I’m one of the guys.”

Elmer shook his head.  “I don’t think so, Maine…not by a long shot.  Too darned pretty.”

The banter kept on, even as those there started to work.  Elmer laid out what he thought they should be doing, which included getting every piece of information they could on all known associates of Simmons who were Muslim…converts or otherwise.  He also decided they best look carefully at Ali’s record, to get a list of all his known contacts and to make “damned” sure all information available was found—then put in a file on him.  He also stressed they should get addresses of every one of the Muslims known to either man, with a thorough check on any property they might own but wasn’t listed as their address of record. 


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