Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - Glenn asks Jim for help on the traitor front.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  While the Asps, in Pakistan, try to figure out where Billy might head after his assumed escape from the terrorists, Glenn Burgess asks Jim for help.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



As he gathered himself mentally, Glenn left CIA Headquarters.  He drove a short distance away in his car.  He had to make sure the call he was about to make could not be traced in any way.  He used one of Jim Scott’s special cell phones to call Jim.

Jim saw who was calling, and answered, “Hi, Glenn.  What’s up?”

“Got a big mess on my hands.  Need help.”

“Sure.  Shoot.”

Glenn explained about the seemingly bogus information gathered by Badda Younis, with the result in Pakistan.  Jim instantly bristled when told Billy Garcia had been captured and was missing in action as the two men spoke.   When Glenn finished, Jim asked, “Where is this Younis jerk now?”

Islamabad—where he’s gonna stay until you can round him up to ask him a few pointed questions.  Your methods, et cetera, are up to you.  What happens to him if his answers are what I fear they may be is also totally up to you.  Just don’t let it come back in our laps…please.”

“You know better than that.  I assume—since you’re using the phone I gave you—this call is totally safe.”

“Oh, yes.  I’m in my car…which I scanned with a black box before I left Headquarters.  Anything you need from this end?”

“Yeah, pictures of the guy plus his dossier, if you can get them to me safely.”

“Can do.  I have a laptop with a disposable hard drive.  I’ll use it, then dispose of it.”

“I’ll take care of it.  So long.”

“Thanks…see ya.”

After he ended the call, a chill went down Glenn’s spin, as he thought of what Badda Younis was in for—even if the man deserved it.


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