Monday, October 17, 2016

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - Hunt team strikes out.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy. The first day in the forest looking for the kidnappers and the girls, the hunt team comes up dry…except for a false lead.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



With night arriving, those in Jim’s hunting team were much less confident, and certainly not proud in the least with their efforts.  During their day, only Dan and Janet had even a sniff of possibly finding where Biden and Clay were.  On the second road assigned to them, Janet drove down it very slowly, as was their habit.  Suddenly, Dan saw something on a very small path.  “Stop, honey—we may have found what we’re looking for.  Pull well off the road.”

Janet did as told before she and Dan got out of their car.  Dan walked to the path, with Janet right behind him.  He knelt down and looked at the tall grass.  It had been disturbed…in his opinion, recently enough that it could have been done by Biden and Clay.  He checked the area over carefully, then started walking, as he glanced at his wife.  “Honey, two vehicles came this way a few days ago.  You walk on the other side of this path—stay back several feet.”

“Oh, sure—the old ‘wife six paces behind her man’ trick.”


When they reached where the two vehicles had been parked, Dan was sad to see them gone…via still another path.  Before following the second path, he searched the area.  In time he found the remains of what to him was obviously where an animal had been hung and gutted.  The entrails had been well gone over by various small creatures, but he could tell they were too large to have been human.  At least that pleased him. 

Janet looked at the mess.  “Please tell me this is from something other than a human.”

“It is—probably hunters.  They must have field dressed whatever it was they shot.  From the size of the guts, I’d say it was probably a bear.  At least something bigger than a human.  Come on, we better follow the route they took out of here, since they didn’t go back the way they came.”

“You notice how big those damned flies were?”

“Yes, dear, I noticed.  Now come on.”

“Can I be sick first?”

“No, Jan.  Come on.”

Everyone who knew Janet called her “Jan.”  Everyone except Dan, who only called her “Jan” when he was perturbed with her.

She got the message and followed along dutifully, as she had before…on the opposite side of the path from Dan, and several feet behind him.  It didn’t take Dan long to figure out this path was curving around toward the main road.  Since they were over two miles from it, Dan nearly swore, but continued on until they reached it.

Janet laughed.  “Nice work, hubby.  You led us back to this nice road.  Too bad it isn’t the one where our car is located.”

Dan said nothing in retort, just started walking to where the side road intersected the main road.  Janet was less quiet.  “Hey, look at the bright side.  When we get back on the main road after we get off it, we won’t have to stop to check this path out.”

“Must you?”



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