Monday, October 31, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Unhappy hit men.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The hit men find out what they’re up against…and aren’t happy.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



After they had all checked into the motel, Harry carried a briefcase down to Neil’s room and entered.  He opened the briefcase and took out a set of pictures identical to the ones Mark and Dan had found.  “These are your targets.  The original plan, as I told you, was for Morris to simply blow them both up in their homes.  The plant is well guarded and very secure.  Their homes—or travel between them and the plant—are our best chances.  I should be getting additional information shortly.  In the meantime, please try to come up with a plan.”

Neil grunted.  “You said they are now alerted.  Are they likely to be well guarded?”

“Yes.  By both local police and probably FBI.  Maybe outside help as well, like full time bodyguards.”

Neil looked at Ben, then at Harry.  “You sure are a doozy, Harry.  This is a messed up deal…the damn FBI no less.  What in the hell are you getting us into here?”

“I told you they were alerted.”

“Yeah, fine, alerted.  You didn’t tell us they’d have an army guarding them.  Who are these people?  And what are they?”

Harry lied, “They’re industrialists, or at least he is.  The woman is his assistant.  They cheated my principal, and must be killed soon, so he can recoup some of his losses.  I’m not sure just why speed is necessary, but I’ve been assured it is.”

“Then why is the FBI involved?”

“I don’t know, but was told to expect that they would be.”

“Jesus, Harry, you’re a wealth of information.  Well, at least we’re warned.”

“Good.  Study the deal and see what you can tentatively come up with.  Also, make a list of weapons you think you’ll need.”

“Damn tank would be nice,” growled Ben—without smiling.

Neil grunted.  “First thing you had to say, Ben, and you hit the nail on the stinking head.  Get outta here, Harry, and let us think.”


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