Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Two boats headed more-or-less in the same direction.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Billie Jo, the kidnappers, and Steve all headed in the same direction…in two boats.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Within an hour the Coast Guard, Navy, and Hawaii State Police had been contacted and were putting out the word to be on the lookout for the Freedom Express.  The Pacific Ocean was a big body of water, however, and the Freedom Express was never to be spotted.

The subject of that massive search was sailing on a southwesterly heading and two of the occupants were quite unconcerned about what might or might not be happening back in Hawaii.  As for the third occupant, Billie Jo Lane quickly realized she was in a hopeless situation.  The best that could be said for her predicament was that her two captors had no inclination toward rape or anything of the sort. 

Actually, after that shock the one gave her to show her who was boss, they had pretty much left her alone.  They fed her, gave her a bedpan to relieve herself in, and otherwise ignored her.  “Things could be worse,” she thought. 

Later, she would remember having that thought, and would promise herself never to have it again.


Steve Bettencourt and Murgatroyd were happily sailing on a southwesterly heading, similar to that of the Freedom Express.  The Dog Pound was still well north of the other boat and still further ahead, as its cruising speed was three knots faster than the Express.  In another two days, Steve hoped to make his first stop.  From that island, he would hop from island to island as he headed south.

Murgatroyd, of course, was oblivious to all such planning.  She was content to chase Steve around the boat when she felt like playing, eating when she was hungry, and sleeping when the mood struck.   In actuality, Steve’s days were quite similar to the dog’s, except he had to tend the boat from time to time.

He was amazed that the breeze had been quite brisk the entire trip and wondered if there was some sort of anomaly in the atmosphere that caused the rare occurrence.  There was—as he would find out in a matter of days.


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