Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series - Jim and Holly agree on a trip to Iraq.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim and Holly agree she’s going to Iraq with him.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



“I know, Holly.  Don’t blame you in the least.  Wouldn’t have blamed him if he had said that he wasn’t going to cooperate.  Now, young lady, we have something to discuss.”

“I know.  What to do with me.”

“Your daddy didn’t raise a stupid daughter.  Holly, somebody obviously wants one or both of us dead.  My guess is both.  So we have two choices, as I see it.  As soon as I wrap things up here in Los Angeles, you can go stay with your dad for safekeeping, or I can send you home with Billy.  He and Sally would love to have you around for a while.”

“Or there’s a third choice.  I can just stay with you and go along for the ride, as it were.  Don’t tell me I couldn’t be of assistance.  I’d feel safe with either my dad or Billy.  But I’d also feel safe with you…and damn sure more useful.  Plus, I’d hate to drag dad or Billy into this.  Well, Billy’s already in, but who knows that?  Nobody that will ever say anything.”

“Holly, I’m going into Iraq to kill the most powerful man in that region.  Getting out may be a bit dicey.”

“Posh.  I bet you already have it all figured out.  You do, don’t you?”

“Well, not entirely.  But if I can get an old friend to help out, I think it’s a doable job…to coin a phrase.”

“An old friend who owes you big time, I bet.”

“I don’t know if ‘owes’ is the right word.”

“Israeli?  Mossad?”

“My, my.  Aren’t you the little crystal-ball gazer.”

“Not really.  Dad told me that ten Fox Team guys went in and eleven came out.  The eleventh was an Israeli Mossad agent who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and one Jungle Jim Scott pulled his bacon out of the fire.”

“Partially correct—though Ben would be a bit upset at your ‘bacon’ reference.  That’s a strict no-no for practicing Jews, which he is—in spite of his rather bloody track record.  But you’re more or less on the right track.  If Ben will help out, it will make life a lot easier.  Our dirty bird in Washington doesn’t know we’re alive.  So from now on I want no further contact in that direction.  Which means we’ll need help from another source, such as Ben.”

“And you think he will…help out that is?”

“Yes, I’m sure he’ll help us.”

“You said, ‘us.’  I take it you’ve decided to let me stay with you then?”

“Had before we started this conversation.”

“What!  What was all this ‘two options crap’?”

“Just wanted to make sure you wanted to stay with me.  Wanted you to have some other options.  Actually, I want you around so I can keep you alive.  Not that your dad or Billy couldn’t.  But if you’re with me, then I know you’re safe.”

“You care?”

“Holly, you’re fishing—but I do care.  I love you, and would be devastated if anything happened to you.”

“Well, at least you didn’t say you love me like a sister.  But I noticed you said you love me, not that you’re in love with me.”

“How astute you are, Miss FBI Agent.”

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