Thursday, October 20, 2016

Monster's Palace, (Other Books) - Clyde and team deal serious blow to drug cartel.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book featuring new character Clyde Feegle, a few other new characters, as well as some old friends.  Clyde and those with him take out a drug money laundering center to assist an undercover agent.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Since everyone was using silenced weapons, no one inside had any idea the six outside were now dead.  When Harry and his man went through the door, they saw only one man…who very obviously was not Agent Jack Turner, so he died. 

Clyde and Dick saw no one as they went through the back door, but the floor under them squeaked, and one of the drug dealer’s men called out, asking who had come in when they were supposed to be on watch.  His words directed Clyde and Dick to the right doorway.  They went to it, and saw three men.  Both immediately recognized Jack Turner as, using Spanish, Clyde ordered, “Freeze or die.”  Neither drug dealer froze.  Both died.

Clyde looked at Jack Turner.  “Agent Turner, I presume?”

“If I’m not, you made a helluva mistake.  I really wanted to take the bozo to my left alive.”

Clyde frowned.  “Yeah, so did I—but not bad enough to risk dying.  That is one big gun he was about to point in my direction.”

As Jack nodded, Clyde muttered, “If you can hear me, Merrill, come on in.  We’re secure here.”

“I can hear you.  The virgin and I are on the way.”

“Stuff it, you CIA flunky.”

Harry was smiling as he took a look into the room where Clyde, Mitch, and Jack stood.  Then he glanced at his man.  “Check this place out for whatever.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jack looked around the room.  “Somewhere in this place you should find one helluva lot of dough.  My cover has been that of a money washer.  I washed a couple of million for ‘em and was invited out here to talk to the big man about their ‘real money’.”

The soldier Harry had dispatched heard—even though Jack wasn’t wearing a communication device.  “Captain, I found a door leading to something, but I smell booby-trap.”

Clyde answered for Harry, “On my way—stand fast.”

When Clyde got to the man, he looked the door over and grumbled, “Good catch…now get outta here, in case I mess up.”

Clyde routinely stored a small “anti-booby-trap” kit aboard the C-130 they used.  It was attached to his back by a belt.  He undid the belt and dug into his pouch.  In no time he had the booby-trap deactivated and the door open.  He called out, “Found your money, Agent Turner.”

The soldier who found the door, Harry, and Mitch were already in the room, with Jack just outside the door.  Clyde just shook his head at the four of them as he muttered, “At least Captain Londoff has some sense.”

Merrill walked in and joked, “No sense, just outside calling his guys with the buggies.  From the looks of what you found, I’d say he better call for another buggy.”

“I heard that, Agent Hinzpeter…including your statement about my lack of sense.  I’ll get another buggy rolling.”


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