Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Back To China, (Other Books) - Pepper gets the info.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and some other old friends.  Pepper gets the info she wanted in short order.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



When Baucus arrived, he was introduced to Pepper and Suzan.  “Ladies, this is T. Stedman Baucus.  He is directly in charge of the Hogan-Walendy project…as it is being called, for lack of a better name.”

Pepper held out her hand and nodded.  “I’m Pepper Hollins, T.  My short friend is Suzan Telman.  With her is her son, Andrew James.”

Pepper was a tall, thin, but very muscularly framed woman, while Suzan was several inches shorter—and while all muscle—she was a bit chunkier.  Baucus, nearer Suzan’s height, looked up at Pepper, without smiling, and after not having shaken the offered hand, mumbled, “I prefer to be called Stedman…or Mr. Baucus.”

Pepper, with a very brief smile, with only one side of her face responding, looked at Joe.  “If you’ll excuse us.”

Joe turned without a word and left the room, shutting the door as he went back into his office.

Pepper looked hard at Baucus.  “Please have a seat, T.”

Pepper had taken an instant dislike to Baucus, even as he walked into the room.  She noticed he was shifty-eyed, and seemed a bit nervous.  Also, he was in shirtsleeves, and she noticed sweat forming under his armpits, through the dampened shirt. 

She asked a few questions of no importance, then suddenly asked, “Why did you get involved in this?  Was it money, or some silly liberal notion?”

“I will not sit here and be insulted in this manner.  This interview is over.”

As he started to stand, Pepper growled and pointed, “Sit.”

After he eased back down into the chair he had been sitting in, Pepper told him much of what Drew had told Mao Jinping.  She mentioned having the promise of a pardon from the President for any laws she might violate, and several threats similar to those Drew had used. 

Baucus broke.  He admitted he had passed the information of the departure on to Sammy Lee…for a considerable amount of money.  As soon as he gave her Lee’s name, Pepper immediately called Drew.  “Got a name for you—probably the guy who ran the operation.”

“Sammy Lee?”

“I hate when you do that, Andrew F. Hollins.  Yeah.  Goodbye.”


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