Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Some banter,then back to work.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Some banter while discussing funeral plans, then back to work trying to find the terrorist.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



When they got to Homicide, Elmer and Maine walked in, headed for the coffee urn.  As they did, Reggie saw them.  He came out of his office.  He just walked into the conference room where Alan and Bert were already hard at work, then waited.  When Elmer and Maine came into the room, Reggie nodded, “Funerals are set for Friday.  Same place, same time.  I’ve got the route map in my office, when you get time.  I won’t even ask if you’re gonna attend.”

Elmer nodded, “Good.  Maine, you got a uniform that’ll fit?”

“What do you mean, ‘will fit’?  Of course my uniforms fit.”

“Oh, I thought you’d put on about an ounce since you started working with me.”

“Actually, I’ve put on three pounds or so—all muscle.”

Reggie smiled at the comeback.  “Bert, you, and I have to be there.  The Chief wants as many of us black officers as possible to be there.”


“Because it’ll be televised.  He wants to show the diversity of the department to the world.  Just kidding.  You and Alan are here to watch the new terrorist desk.”

Elmer asked, “What new ‘terrorist desk’?”

Reggie got a twinkle in his eye.  “That’s what I’ve decided to call this conference room, until we have this bird in cuffs, or in the morgue.  Oh, Homer called.  Told me he’s on the way—will be here shortly.”

Maine joked, “Don’t look now, but ‘shortly’ has arrived.”

Everyone else looked in the direction of the doorway to see Homer heading to the coffee urn.  After he poured a cup, he entered the conference room.  “Someone besides Reggie make this coffee?”

Alan nodded, “You’re safe—I made it.  Drink up.”

Reggie frowned.  “See you guys later—you too, Maine.”

Maine pouted.  “Hey, I’m one of the guys.”

Elmer shook his head.  “I don’t think so, Maine…not by a long shot.  Too darned pretty.”

The banter kept on, even as those there started to work.  Elmer laid out what he thought they should be doing, which included getting every piece of information they could on all known associates of Simmons who were Muslim…converts or otherwise.  He also decided they best look carefully at Ali’s record, to get a list of all his known contacts and to make “damned” sure all information available was found—then put in a file on him.  He also stressed they should get addresses of every one of the Muslims known to either man, with a thorough check on any property they might own but wasn’t listed as their address of record. 


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