Thursday, October 6, 2016

Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - Bruce, Dan, and Anson talk while watching bad guy.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  While they watch bad guy, Bruce, Dan, and Anson chat.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Bruce just laughed at himself for jumping the gun with his comments before he had all the information he needed to know—such as the other truck wouldn’t have any effect on when their plane would be ready to follow whatever plane Fugleman got on.  In the cabin, Dan and Anson were keeping a close eye on Fugleman, who they could see through the glass windows of the small waiting area.  Both men had binoculars, so they could see the two men he was talking to.  When Bruce returned to the cabin, Dan handed his binoculars to Bruce, as he asked, “You know those two guys with Fugleman?”

Bruce took the binoculars, and looked.  “Sure do.  They’ve been taking turns watching the goings on at the rehab center in St. Louis at Jim’s place there.  We drove them nuts, I’m happy to say, with a lot of comings and goings, so we could get all our people out of there without them knowing about it.  Wonder why they’re just standing around shooting the crap?”

Anson shrugged.  “My guess would be he…Fugleman…is gonna change planes here, but he doesn’t want the guys on the plane he got off of to know which plane he gets on.”

Bruce nodded.  “Yeah…makes sense.  He’s probably ditching the alias he was using.  When the plane he came in on leaves, that guy ceases to exist.  He’s gotta know we know his Schneider name…if not his real name.  By the way, want to thank you guys for helping out on this deal.”

Anson sighed.  “Yeah, well you may be stuck with me until we round them all up…all the ones responsible for Pete.  In case you’ve forgotten it, I was the one who recommended him to the Asps in the first place.  I feel sorta bad about it.”

Bruce patted Anson on the back of his shoulder.  “Not your fault, Anson…you know it.  So do the rest of us.  Hell, the rest of us might be dead but for Pete.  He was a great addition to the team.”  He smiled, as he added, “At least he got to spend the last several months planking Wendy.”

Dan muttered, “The hell, you say.”

Bruce explained about the affair between Wendy and Pete.  He finished when he continued, “I know a lot of guys who would give up a portion of their lives to spend a lengthy time in the sack with our hot little redhead.  Gotta say she’s held up pretty well, as close as they were.  Shed her tears right away, but—for a bit of tearing up at the Mass and funeral—has handled it pretty well.  Quite a trooper, our Wendy.”

Dan chuckled.  “If she’s half as good in the sack as my redhead, she’s a real firecracker.”

Bonnie walked back to the cabin just then and cleared her throat.  “If you guys are finished comparing notes on your ladies, I have an announcement to make.  We’re full of fuel…just like you guys are full of something else.  Oh…in case you’re interested…the plane that dropped Fugleman off is now leaving.”

Bruce chuckled.  “Darn, honey—I was about to brag on you.”

“Yeah, right,” Bonnie joked, as she turned to head back to the cockpit.

As Bonnie left, Anson looked at Bruce.  “You had it coming.  But—thanks guys, for trying to change the subject, so I wouldn’t dwell on Pete or my role in getting him on the team.  Fortunes of war.  He could’ve gotten offed in Iraq too, if he’d have stayed there…but you understand how I feel.”

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