Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy - Mob has another hood watchding the ranch.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  With another hood watching the ranch, a lot starts to happen…with a bit of humor thrown in.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



When Elmer was putting his phone in the robe pocket, Red’s rang again.  It was Hector’s man in the barn.  “Hector says to nab his ass—he’s on the way.  He’s got more information for Elmer that he just got.  Thinks he might know where Sgroi and Mosello might be.”

Red nodded excitedly, “Holy crap.  Hold on—Elmer just got off his call.  Here, Elmer—you’re gonna love this.  Hector’s got a lead on where Sgroi and Mosello might be.”

Elmer took the phone.  “Hear you got good news for me.  But first things first—nab the guy on the hill.”

The barn man laughed, “Just what Hector told me.  I already told our two to take him down and bring him to the barn.  Hector’s on his way.  The only thing he told me was he just got a lead on where those two killers you’re looking for might be.  Guess he plans on telling you when he gets here.  Hold on.  Yup, we got the jerk on the hill.  Horace and Jill are at Julie’s.  I had a guy get them out of sight.  It was the closest house.”

“Okay, we’ll wait for Hector.  Good work…again.  Thanks.”

“You’re more’n welcome.  See you later, down here at the barn, I guess.”

“Yeah—so long.”

Elmer was elated.  “Hot damn…we might be on a roll here.”

Ruth, who was sitting in bed with the sheet pulled up over her bare body, asked, “Fellas, can you take this somewhere else, so I can get up to put a robe on?”

Red joked, “Don’t let us stop you from getting a robe on, Ruth.”

“Very funny.  Get your ass outta here.”

Both men laughed as they left the room, with Elmer pulling the door shut.  When he did, Ruth yelled, “Elmer, tell Red Grassi I’m telling his wife he wanted a free look at more than he could handle.”

Both men laughed again before Elmer pointed at Red’s phone.  “Call Julie, please.  Have her tell Horace and Jill it’s safe to come out and play again.”

“‘Play’ is hardly a word I want to use right now—Nicole might hear about it.”

Nicole walked up behind him.  “Just what does that mean?”

Elmer joked, “Your mouth got you into this…your mouth can get you out of it.”

Red sighed, “Nothing like being surrounded by friends.”

Just then, Maine, wearing a sheer robe that hid little of her naked body under it, walked up.  Elmer took one look at her.  “You’re gonna join us, young lady, you’re gonna have to have more on than you presently do.  We’ve already got a possible unfriendly marital conversation about to take place.”

Red just rolled his eyes, as Nicole turned and saw what Maine as wearing.  “I should say so.” She winked at Maine, who laughed and turned to head back to her room to put more on.

Ruth came out at that point, dressed in her robe.  She said to Maine’s back, “Hey, you…Maine—get dressed or go to bed…alone.”


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