Friday, October 7, 2016

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series - Cops heed warning.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  After coming to the aid of out-gunned police fighting drug dealers, Jack and Maggie split.  The two detectives in charge of the case want to find out who killed all the drug dealers but are warned off seeking out Jack and Maggie.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Long before that conversation ended, Wayne’s friend Hal called.  “I know you told me why you’re interested in the Littlefields, but I have a suggestion for you.  Forget it.  They are probably the ones who offed the bad guys, but you would be well advised to just move on.  I heard on the radio on my way in—the media in all their haste to get the story out—about the police having a major shoot out with a drug gang.  The report stated all the gang members were killed—as well as at least one police officer.  The inference being the police killed the drug gang members.  If there’s some way to keep it thus, I’d suggest you do so.”

“Why—what have you found out?”

“Your Margaret Doyle Littlefield is—are you ready for this—a British Secret Intelligence Service Agent on loan to the CIA.  On top of which, Jack Littlefield’s file has a notation of TAD, Classified.  The last time I ran into such a designation, the guy was also on loan to the CIA.  Best forget those two.”

“Holy crap!  I’ve got an APB out on them.”

“I’d get it ‘un’-out on them ASAP, if I were you.  Some poor cop approaches them, gun drawn…he’ll get himself killed.  Those MI6 people are lethal…nearly as bad as Mossad—maybe even worse.”

“So I’ve seen.  The twelve perps died of one shot each to the back of the head—well, one of them at the top of his neck—but you get the idea.  Okay—thanks, Hal.  I better get on the horn post haste to cancel my APB.”

Larry Kunz just looked at Wayne as he cancelled the APB.  Only then did Wayne explain what he’d just been told.  As he did, he reached into his pocket, took out his money clip, and peeled off a twenty.  He handed it to Larry.  “Good instincts, pal.”

“Instincts hell—I just wanted another load of the broad.  Now I think I’ll stay far away.  Piss her off, I might wind up dead, like those drug guys.”

Wayne laughed.  “Now the question is how to write this report up?  Guess we could just write it up as ‘person’ or ‘persons unknown’ did the shooting.  But I sure would like to verify they were actually the ones who did it.”

“Oh, hell, Wayne—we both know they were.”

As Larry spoke, Hector Garcia walked into the squad room.  Hector was a retired Marine Master Sergeant who had a massive Detective/Protection Agency in the Los Angeles area.  Hector had also been part of a team headed by Jim Scott doing off the book (black bag) jobs for the then-President of the United States, during the aftermath of the 9/11 Arab Islamist attacks on America.  The team was known as the Janitors—by those who knew of their existence—which, outside the team members, were a very few people.  He also knew all members of the Asps…in fact, had on a few occasions assisted in some of their operations.

Seeing Hector approaching, Wayne asked, “What are the rich and famous doing up this time of the morning, Hector?”

“Trying to keep a friend from causing a worse problem than the one he already faces, trying to clean up the mess of the drug gang shoot-out.  One of my men heard you had put out an APB on Jack and Maggie Littlefield.  You better damned well cancel it ASAP.”

“Already done.  You’re the second person in five minutes to give me the same piece of advice.  I take it you know them—or of them?”

“Know them well.  What’s your interest in them?”

Hector was well known and respected by a vast array of policemen in the Los Angeles area.  He knew Wayne very well, so Wayne explained the whole situation to Hector as briefly as he could, while still giving Hector the full story.  When he finished, Hector sighed.  “I can understand you wanting to know the details, but your idea to write it off as person (or persons) unknown is an excellent one.  Just between the three of us here, I’d bet dollars to tacos they were the ones who took care of the drugees.”


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